I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 156 Scandal Begins: 155

Chapter 156 Scandal Begins: 155
He Yong thought for a while and asked directly: "Can I ask what she told you?"

Zhou Yun said directly: "It's not like you don't know what she said to me."

What a fool.

If you don't know, what are you doing so hard to come here?
Zhou Yun's attitude towards He Yong is becoming more and more direct now, and he is also less and less concealed.

In fact, Zhou Yun had also thought in his heart that if He Yong could really have a frank and honest talk with her, explaining everything inside and out, those things before might not be written off.

The world is as black as crows, but He Yong's blackness is the blackness that Zhou Yun has seen before, so he is more or less familiar with it.

But He Yong was always chattering, not saying what should be said bluntly, pretending to be confused, this attitude made Zhou Yun more and more disappointed with He Yong.

Zhou Yun was even thinking, even Su Yan knew how to bow her head to Jiang Xin in time, just because she knew who was on the right side, why did He Yong coax her like a princess, and at the same time treat her like a beggar unwillingly?
He Yong smiled awkwardly and said, "She wants to poach you to the left mirror?"

"Yes, yes." Zhou Yun nodded.

He Yong's expression immediately became flustered.

Zhou Yun admitted without any concealment, could it be——

"You agreed?" He Yong asked anxiously.

Zhou Yun glanced at He Yong and said, "Mr. He wants me to agree?"

"Of course I don't want you to agree!" He Yong said immediately. After saying this, he suddenly realized, smiled, and the nervous expression on his face eased a little, "You haven't agreed yet."

"Mr. He, do you know how many companies like Luo Zhiqiu come to me and want to poach me?" Zhou Yun asked.

He Yong nodded and said, "Of course I know, I'm here today—"

"Then Mr. He, if you don't know about Luo Zhiqiu's coming to see me, when do you plan to come to me?" Zhou Yun interrupted He Yong forcefully.

He Yong was taken aback.

"If any artist were replaced by me, in another company, the contract should have been changed by this time, right?" Zhou Yun stared fiercely into He Yong's eyes, and his aura suddenly increased so much that He Yong was suddenly caught by Zhou Yun's body. Startled by the explosive momentum, Zhou Yun continued, "Am I not making enough money for the company, or is it that the company doesn't care about my value?"

In just a few months, Zhou Yun changed from inside to outside with lightning speed.

If one only watched this scene, who would have guessed that Zhou Yun was still a character who had to follow his instructions and be obedient half a year ago?

He Yong was furious, but he could only smile flatteringly on his face.

"Xiaoyun, calm down, I have already put the matter of preparing a new contract for you on the agenda, but you happen to be filming in "Questioning the Heart", and it is not a sentence or two to prepare a new contract for you. It can be settled, so I delayed until now. Look, I am not here now? I came here today to negotiate a new contract with you, and I helped you get a 5:5 share."

5:5 split.

This share ratio is very sincere.

Zhou Yun's face turned pale.

But she still didn't speak.

He Yong only thought that Zhou Yun was dissatisfied with this percentage, and said, "Xiaoyun, this percentage is already very good. Believe me, [-]% of the artists in the circle can't get such a percentage. After all, you I’m still a newcomer now, and I don’t have any works, so to be able to get this ratio under such circumstances, I really spent an indescribable amount of lip service, and my lips are worn out, and it’s hard to convince them.”

Zhou Yun: "That's really hard work, Mr. He, such a share ratio still requires you to use your words to convince them."

He Yong: "..."

He didn't believe that Zhou Yun didn't know that according to the common standard in the industry, the 5:5 share ratio is already a very generous share ratio for a newcomer like Zhou Yun who is still on the rise. Zhou Yun made it clear that he was deliberately mocking him. .

He Yong: "Xiaoyun, I thought we had already talked about the past."

"Mr. He, what does this have to do with what happened before? Our Chengqian Entertainment is not the only brokerage company. "Cold Cold" is about to finish, so what about me? I don't even want the movie "The Eighth Heartbeat" What does it help me, as long as it doesn't ruin my career as an actor, I will be thankful. I was contacted by Song Chi for the play "Questioning the Heart". When will the company plan to help me with a good play? Or, help me make a good show?" Zhou Yun asked.

He Yong said: "Didn't I give some scripts to Zhou Lan not long ago? They are all prepared by our film and television department."

"Mr. He, don't tell me that as long as I open my mouth to play those scripts, they will definitely belong to me?" Zhou Yun asked back.

He Yong was taken aback.

Of course he couldn't nod and say yes.

Speaking of it, the brokerage company and the film and television company are separated. Although they both belong to the Chengqian Group, they are not in collusion, and often even have a competitive relationship.

Those projects are sent to Zhou Yun, the most important thing is the meaning of the headquarters.

For your own plays, you have to let your own artists choose first.

Zhou Yun had a play he wanted to act in, so the company had a reason to "overcome all difficulties" and hand over the play to Zhou Yun.

Partnerships are never easy. Even if I already have my heart set on you, I still have to hold it in my hands for a while, and finally let you ask for it yourself.

In the final analysis, Zhou Yun's right to take over the job was won by her, which made the headquarters not very happy.

A newcomer, where did he get the capital to disobey the company's arrangement?
If it weren't for the fact that Zhou Yun's popularity had nothing to do with the company, if it wasn't for the fact that Zhou Yun was popular right now, and Chengqian Entertainment happened to have no other female artists who could make it, how could the company allow this to happen.

But the most urgent thing is to stabilize Zhou Yun first.

He definitely wouldn't let him go, but because this incident would affect the future cooperation between Zhou Yun and the company, the benefit of the loss was too great, and He Yong was unwilling to bear it.

It is best to resolve it peacefully and eliminate the conflict in the cradle.

Zhou Yun got into the commercial vehicle arranged for her by the crew, and said to He Yong, "Mr. He, I'm going back to the hotel to rest. Let's talk about what's going on tomorrow."

He Yong was a little annoyed when he was left hanging on the set.

Yet he couldn't get angry.

What happened tonight made He Yong embarrassed and helpless. Zhou Yun dared to be arrogant because the reason for her anger had nothing to do with the company.

She is not dependent on the company.

Also because of this, He Yong has no reliance at all and can only lower his posture.

No matter what, Zhou Yun must be stabilized, otherwise, his position in Chengqian Entertainment will be unstable.

——These scripts are not particularly good, but this "Luo Yan" is a little better, Zhou Yun is a little interested, but now there happens to be another fairy drama "Book of Yujun" looking for Zhou Yun, "Yu Jun" "Book" was broadcast on Hongcheng Satellite TV, and Zhou Yun was more inclined to "Book with the King".

This is what his secretary heard.

He Yong looked at the night ahead, took out his mobile phone, and called Liang Haiyuan.

"Hello? Producer Liang, I, He Yong..."

(End of this chapter)

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