I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 162 Scandal Begins: 161

Chapter 162 Scandal Begins: 161
"I like the style of his film." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "When I saw this short film, I was a little surprised. Maybe it's not that good of a movie, but it's very well shot, so I went to find out what the director is doing now. I didn't expect to know that he was preparing for a short film. movie."

"What's the name of this director?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Wen Bing." Zhou Lan said, "A young man."

It is indeed an unfamiliar name.

"Then which company is making his new film?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said, "New Shield."

Zhou Yun checked the information and found that Xindun is a quite powerful production company in the industry with rich production experience and has produced many blockbuster films, but the disadvantage is that the company’s previous productions were mainly commercial films, basically no production Films with serious themes or literary direction.

She knew it.

Zhou Lan said: "This film is a new director, and it is also a literary film. A-line female stars will not be interested. Your advantage is your popularity, but your disadvantage is that you have never acted in a movie, and you don't even have a representative work."

"Let me read the script first. If we like the script, we will fight for it." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "Don't worry, we are going to act in this play, but there is still one problem to be solved."

"what is the problem?"

"This is a literary film, and the pay is definitely not high."

"It's okay." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, I'm not short of money now."

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "The salary is not only related to you, the company wants to take a share. If the salary is too low, the company may not be willing to let you take it."

Zhou Yun frowned, "Didn't I already have the autonomy to take on the show?"

"You just have the right of veto. It doesn't mean that you will definitely be able to take any movie you want. The company also has the right of veto." Zhou Lan said, "Do you know why many big stars seldom act in literary films? In fact, most of the time It’s not that they don’t want to act, it’s that the pay is too low and the company won’t allow it. If they can earn tens of millions more by accepting a TV series in the same schedule, the company will of course choose tens of millions.”

Zhou Yun: "Then what should we do?"

Zhou Lan: "Anyway, let's talk to the company first, it's impossible to bypass them and take this drama privately."


"Let's see their attitude first."

"it is good."

Zhou Lan reported the proposal to the company.

Now Zhou Yun is Chengqian Entertainment's most profitable female artist, and also the most popular female artist. Regarding her work, the company's senior management is most concerned about it.

When they found out that the proposal was a literary film, they called Zhou Lan in disbelief.

Zhou Lan didn't say anything else, only that this movie could help Zhou Yun open up the movie market.

But... what about the movie market?Acting in a movie is no more profitable than acting in a TV series.

As Zhou Lan expected, the company's first reaction was to disagree with Zhou Yun's acceptance of the play.

He Yong also specially called Zhou Lan, asking Zhou Lan to do Zhou Yun's work, appease Zhou Yun, and promised to give Zhou Yun a blockbuster movie in the future.

Zhou Yun scoffed along with Zhou Lan.

"As expected, the company does not agree with you to act in this play."

Zhou Yun said, "Do you need me to do anything?"

"It's okay, just take a good look at "Questing the Heart", and I will take care of the rest." Zhou Lan patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder, "However, I may keep you busy for a while, and I will help you more Let’s talk about some business, and then talk to the company.”

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "As long as the time can be coordinated, you can decide."

Zhou Lan laughed, "I'm relieved when you say that. I heard that Luo Yuhu brought a newcomer. The newcomer's heart is higher than the sky. He only wants to act, and he doesn't want to accept business. He thinks the price is low, and Luo Yuhu is very angry."

"Why do you feel that the newcomers brought by Luo Yuhu are not very obedient?"

"It deserves it. Now he is trying hard to get a second Song Chi. Is the second Song Chi so good?"

"The second Song Chi? What is he thinking?" Zhou Yun was surprised. "In the entire entertainment circle, Song Chi is unique. If it was so easy to copy, other companies would have copied it long ago."

"Isn't it because in the circle of our agents, there are rumors behind his back that he relied on Song Chi to get to where he is today. He is high-spirited and insists on proving himself, so before looking for new people everywhere, he even contacted some A not-so-famous actor just wants to make another top-line player, you should know, right? Song Chi kicked Luo Yuhu, now Luo Yuhu is not Song Chi's manager."

"That's right, the cooperation model between Song Chi and Zuo Jing has changed."

"In the past few years, under the name of Song Chi's manager, Luo Yuhu has gained a lot of benefits outside. Not to mention, he has a big temper and offended many people. If it wasn't for Song Chi's toughness and reliable behavior, sooner or later He was tricked."

Zhou Yun said: "Now Song Chi is no longer Zuo Jing's artist, and finally he doesn't have to be dragged down by him."

"Song Chi will take this step sooner or later. Zuo Jing can no longer meet his requirements. An actor like Song Chi will definitely go further in the future. He has this strength and momentum, and his acting skills , and the current popularity, maybe he is the future Tony Leung."

"Don't flatter him." Zhou Yun quickly shook his head.

Zhou Lan suddenly gasped, and his eyes rolled around Zhou Yun's face.

"Is your situation wrong? Are you secretly with him?"

Zhou Yun sighed speechlessly, "Sister Lan, why are you talking about this again! I have no relationship with him! I promise, if I really fall in love with someone, I will report to you as soon as possible!"

When Zhou Lan heard it, his interest faded, "It's boring."

"Why do you want me to fall in love so much?"

"How great it is to fall in love. Falling in love is the best way for artists to maintain their popularity. What's more...that's Song Chi." Zhou Lan patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder, "You don't have to worry about being so reserved all the time. Was he taken away by someone else?"

Zhou Yun shook his head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head?"

"If one day he really falls in love with someone, that person must be me." Zhou Yun said very confidently.

Zhou Lan didn't say a word for a long time.

half an hour.

"So sure?"

"Well, sure, he likes me, there is no doubt about it."

Zhou Lan: "Then what's going on with the two of you now? Pretending to be ignorant, pretending to be ambiguous?"

Zhou Yun said: "No, just friends, good friends."

Now we can't be lovers, we can only be friends.

"If you two are willing to deceive yourself like this, that's fine."

Zhou Yun just smiled and said nothing.

Are you kidding yourself?It's okay if you want to say so.

It would be great if I could use four words to summarize a specious state, which is difficult to explain in itself and cannot be explained.

Between men and women, every relationship is different from person to person, and there are so many differences that it is impossible to communicate with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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