I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 163 Scandal Begins: 162

Chapter 163 Scandal Begins: 162
If it is said that admitting to liking a person will be difficult to express because of face, then expressing disgust is often the same as choosing to swallow because you don't want to make things big.

Zhou Yun and Su Yan maintained such a relationship.

In fact, Su Yan came to "show goodwill" a few times, and she repeatedly emphasized that the past between her and Zhou Yun was not an irresolvable hatred, and it was good for both of them to shake hands.

Even, Su Yan said: "We can help each other."

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes in his heart and said, "Fuck you for helping each other." With a slight smile on his face, he said kindly, "No."

She also felt sorry that the longer she knew a person, the less she could say that word directly.

Not because it's vulgar, but because there's so much to think about.

You can't face it all, so how can you film together in the future?

And because Song Chi is the producer of this drama, Zhou Yun doesn't want to cause trouble for Song Chi.

But this place, like any place in the world, can never have continuous peace.

If Zhou Yun doesn't come to make trouble, there will be other people who will come to make trouble.

For example, Luo Zhiqiu.

Speaking of which, Luo Zhiqiu, as Zuo Jing's boss, is the producer and investor of this drama, so logically speaking, she has a lot of power to speak.

It's just that Luo Zhiqiu doesn't usually show up because Jiang Xin and Song Chi are two great gods in the crew.

But as the filming of the scene in this one place was about to finish, when he was about to transfer to another place for filming, Luo Zhiqiu suddenly appeared and began to criticize many arrangements of the crew.

Luo Zhiqiu's picky things were fragmentary. For a while, the overall arrangement was very chaotic, which idled a lot of actors' time. For a while, the props group had too much consumables, which increased the cost of prop production, and so on.

These pickiness fall in the eyes of the rest of the crew, which is a signal. In a word, Luo Zhiqiu thinks that the crew is spending too much money and wasting too much. Thinking about it in a deeper level, it derives more meaning .

Is Luo Zhiqiu dissatisfied with Jiang Xin's filming speed?

If you use other crews as a reference, there is no doubt that Jiang Xin's filming speed is indeed much slower.

In the current TV drama crew, there are very few scenes like Jiang Xin who have been grinding one scene after another.

The spirit of excellence always conflicts with cost control and progress.

If it wasn't for Song Chi, Luo Zhiqiu wouldn't be doing "Questioning the Heart".The cost is too high, the risk is too great, and although the rate of return is not low from the current point of view, everything is still unknown before the payment is returned.Luo Zhiqiu is a relatively unadventurous businessman, she hopes to make money so that she can feel a little more secure.

The change in attitude was because Song Chi's relationship with her had changed.

The cooperation mode has changed, and Luo Zhiqiu no longer has to accommodate him.

Zhou Yun felt that if Luo Zhiqiu hadn't whimsically proposed to add a character to the script and give it to another actor in her company to play, Song Chi would definitely not have confronted Luo Zhiqiu head-on because of this matter.

Song Chi will choose to be patient but finish the play smoothly.

"Anyway, it's just adding a character, and it doesn't affect the main line of the plot. Why not?" Luo Zhiqiu folded his hands and looked at Song Chi helplessly, as if she was facing an unreasonable child.

Zhou Yun knew very well that she knew that her posture would make Song Chi even more angry.

Song Chi said with a straight face, "Boss Luo, are you joking?"

Luo Zhiqiu: "It's not like you don't know the high cost of this drama."

"Could it be a loss?" Song Chi asked back.

Luo Zhiqiu said: "Who knows."

Song Chi laughed angrily, shook his head, and said, "Boss Luo, you know I won't agree."

"Xiao Chi, you know, I can suffer, but I can't always suffer." Luo Zhiqiu shrugged his shoulders, "You have set up such a big plate, and even hired Director Jiang, if you are still an artist of my left mirror , With such a big investment, I will treat our first brother to be happy, but now you are no longer an artist of my Zuo Jing, so it is not an exaggeration for me to make a supporting role to support our company's actors, right?"

Song Chi said with a sullen face, "Boss Luo, my studio still has shares you have invested in, so you have to divide it up with me now, right?"

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that. It's just that I'm the one who can't suffer. I took the biggest risk for such a big production. If I lose money, will you pay me the money?" Luo Zhiqiu asked.

Song Chi clenched his fists.

"Don't be angry, one size fits all. If you want to do this drama, I agree. If you want to hire Director Jiang, I agree. If you want Zhou Yun to play the second female lead, I still agree. Song Chi, ask yourself, even if I have some thoughts of my own, am I enough for you? Which company is so obedient to their actors? "

"So I didn't cooperate with other companies. Do you think that no other company wants to take a stake in my studio?" Song Chi said with a straight face, "Mr. Luo, you know how much I attach importance to this drama. If you want to make money, you must Other projects can make money, and you need to control the risk. I can take as many games as you want. I can’t agree to changing the script, and you know that I can’t agree to it. What do you want? Tell me. .”

Luo Zhiqiu said: "Give me Zuo Jing another movie."

This is Luo Zhiqiu's true purpose.

"I don't know how to act in bad movies." Song Chi said straightly.

Luo Zhiqiu: "It's an urban romance drama, not a bad movie. I personally manage it."

"Yes, but I want to invest."

"Only 20% is for you." Luo Zhiqiu smiled slightly.

"The remuneration is based on the market price, no discount."


"Who to use, I have the final say."

"As long as these people don't cause trouble for me." Song Chi said, "Also, it's still the old rules, no hype, no marketing."

"The publicity campaign has to cooperate."

"Normal promotional activities, you can write it into the contract, and I have always cooperated."

With a few words, the two of them killed a trouble in the cradle.

One is justifiably threatened, and the other can only be threatened, in order to take care of the overall situation.

Otherwise, if Luo Zhiqiu really wanted to change the script, and Jiang Xin and Song Chi disagreed, she could form another filming crew and force other actors to add scenes.

The final editing rights are not in the hands of Jiang Xin.

Zuo Jing is the producer of Asking the Heart.

The trouble was solved, but when Song Chi wasn't filming, he was frowning more and more.

Originally, Zhou Yun was still trying to comfort Song Chi, but she soon faced her own troubles.

For some reason, news of the drama "Luo Yan" spread on the Internet. It involved Zhou Yun and Liu Qingqing, two popular female stars, and the topic of public opinion fermented rapidly.

Especially Zhou Yun's fans, after knowing that Zhou Yun had been robbed of a play by Liu Qingqing, they were no different from other fans and started attacking Liu Qingqing.

(End of this chapter)

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