I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 165 Scandal Begins: 164

Chapter 165 Scandal Begins: 164
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, can Su Yan not respond to Zhou Yun's words?
If she dares not to respond, new revelations will appear on the Internet in the next second: Su Yan tacitly agrees that she is behind the scenes!
Su Yan forced a smile and said, "Of course it's not me."

Zhou Yun smiled more and more intimately, "I'll just say it."

Su Yan could barely keep a smile on her face.

In the midst of all these troubles, the filming of their scene here is finally over.

Next, switch to another film and television base.

Zhou Yun's scenes were basically finished, except for the brothel part.

The coordinator simply concentrated all of Zhou Yun's plays into a few days, and Song Chi and Su Yan were able to have a vacation and leave the crew to deal with other work.

Song Chi didn't come back until five days later.

There are also several scenes of him in the brothel part.

Zhou Yun is about to wrap up, and he feels a little reluctant to part with the crew of "Questioning the Heart".She likes the atmosphere of filming here very much, and was led by Director Jiang Xin to pick up the scene bit by bit, injecting more details into the character of Liu Rufu bit by bit.

Tonight, the scene where Zhou Yun and Song Chi meet in the brothel is going to be filmed.

The play is not difficult, but there are a lot of group performances.

Director Jiang also has high requirements for group actors, as long as he appears in the camera, he can't be a wooden person.

NG many times, dragged on until eleven o'clock in the night, still haven't finished work.

The leader of the extras didn't know whether he was dissatisfied with Director Jiang's high demands or felt that the extras frequently had problems. He felt embarrassed and even got angry at the people under him.

While waiting for the play, Zhou Yun sat on a chair beside him and yawned.

Song Chi came over and asked, "Sleepy?"

"A little bit." Zhou Yun nodded.

In the past few days, I have been filming her scenes from morning to night, and I am more tired than before.

Song Chi said, "It's about to wrap up soon, what are your plans for the future?"

Zhou Yun said: "There is a movie, the one I told you about last time, that is being contacted, but the company is still hesitant and doesn't want me to take it."

Song Chi: "Have you reached an agreement with your company yet?"

"Sister Lan is almost done talking, but the company has a self-produced play that I want to act in, and the two schedules have collided." Zhou Yun shrugged, "But I don't want to act in that play, it feels very ordinary."

Song Chi: "Do you really want to act in that movie?"

"A bit."

"Then I will teach you a way."

"any solution?"

"Let your company postpone the self-produced drama later, as long as they let you act in the movie, you will act in that TV series after the movie is finished."

Zhou Yun looked surprised: "It's an exchange."

"They want you to act in the company's self-produced drama. Of course, you can take the opportunity to make your own request. This is a good opportunity in itself."

"Sister Lan is ready to agree to the two variety shows arranged by the company to change the company's nod." Zhou Yun said, "But if this can be used to change the company's nod, I would rather act in the company's self-made drama."

Song Chi smiled slightly.

Looking back, Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan about Song Chi's proposal.

Zhou Lan thought for a while and said, "You can try this first. If the company agrees, it will indeed be better than receiving two variety shows."

The two variety shows are not good choices for Zhou Yun at the current stage.As an actor, since his debut, [-]% of his current popularity comes from topics and reality shows.If Zhou Yun stops keeping a low profile, her public image will become a deeply rooted variety show star.The facts of the past few years have also proved that once such an impression is formed, it will seriously damage the actor's image.Even the actor who has won the best actor award cannot escape the negative influence.

The company's self-produced drama is another idol drama under the name of a workplace drama.

TV dramas with this kind of theme are relatively low in cost, easy to control, and easy to pass the review, and there is no risk in the theme.

At the same time, you can also insert a lot of advertisements to earn more.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan discussed it, and decided to press this matter first, and wait for "Questioning the Heart" to finish, and then seesaw with the company.

She is too proactive here, which is not conducive to negotiation.

As the filming approached, Zhou Yun took a group photo with many members of the crew.

On the day of filming, Zhou Yun only had the last two scenes. After filming, Director Jiang sent flowers.

Under the atmosphere, Zhou Yun's eyes turned red.

Jiang Xin hugged her and said, "We will cooperate again when we have a chance."

Zhou Yun said: "Director Jiang has a chance to miss me more."

She hugged Jiang Xin, "Thank you, Director Jiang, for your guidance during this period of time. I am so happy that I can learn acting from you."

Jiang Xin: "Don't think I'm strict."

"Never before." Zhou Yun lifted the corners of his mouth into a smile, "I've always believed in a saying, strict teachers make excellent students."

Jiang Xin smiled in surprise.

Zhou Yun said goodbye to the others one by one.I don't know where Su Yan went, and I didn't see her on the set.

Ever since Zhou Yun and Liu Qingqing joined forces, the relationship between Su Yan and Zhou Yun has completely broken down.

Zhou Yun didn't pay attention and bid farewell to everyone. In the end, Song Chi was left alone.

"I am leaving."

"Well, I still have to fight for a while."

The two walked to a quieter corner.

Zhou Yun looked up at Song Chi.

Song Chi said: "The day you joined the group, I thought you were here, and I was very happy. I didn't expect you to leave so soon."

"Yeah, I'm a bit reluctant."


The two looked at each other, and suddenly laughed in unison.

"Okay, stop talking, I'm leaving."

"come on."

"Come on, too."


Zhou Yun shook her hand, turned around and left, one step, two steps, suddenly, she turned around, ran back in two steps, and hugged Song Chi forcefully.

She whispered to Song Chi, "Don't be impatient with loneliness."

Song Chi's eyes widened in astonishment, "What did you say?"

Zhou Yun let go of Song Chi, faced him, stepped back, one step, two steps.

"You know what I'm talking about."

Zhou Yun had a sly smile and bright sunshine on his face.

Song Chi twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled.

He turned his head and looked to one side, as if he wanted to laugh, but then he was a little embarrassed to laugh.

Zhou Yun finally turned around and got into the nanny car with a smile on his face.

I'm finally leaving the crew of Asking the Heart.

Zheng Xiaoju asked with a look of surprise: "Sister Xiaoyun, others are very reluctant to finish, why are you so happy?"

Zhou Yun: "Who said that? I'm also very reluctant."

Zheng Xiaoju looked at the word "Brilliant" capitalized on Zhou Yun's face, hesitated for a moment, and silently swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Still don't say it.

So be it.

The phone suddenly vibrated.

Zhou Yun picked up his phone and looked at it. It was a message from Song Chi: Each other.

Zhou Yun was stunned for a few seconds before realizing what Song Chi meant by "each other".

The smile on her face grew wider.

Zheng Xiaoju, who was in front of her, saw the beautiful Xiao Yun in her mind from the rearview mirror, smirking from time to time, with an even weirder expression on her face.

Hesitant to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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