I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 166 Ascension Period: 01

Chapter 166 Ascension Period: 01
After wrapping up, Zhou Yun didn't have to rest.

"You haven't shown your face for a long time. I have to give you a little more exposure, so that you can fight for that movie. Your advantage lies in your popularity. Thank God, that director is not the type who hates female stars. If he is persistent If you want to choose a real actor, fame will become a burden."

Zhou Yun returned to the apartment.

The apartment has been specially cleaned by aunts. I haven't lived there for a long time, and I feel strange when I enter the door.

Zhou Lan followed Zhou Yun into the door.

"Tomorrow we will go to the company, the new contract needs to be signed, and there are still some things to communicate. I will go to Beijing the day after tomorrow, and I have invited you to a brand event. I will follow. VX will open a store in Nanjing on Friday, and you will be the VX brand ambassador. To attend, there is a live broadcast of Xiaochun Candy in the evening, and I have an appointment to go to the live broadcast room of a big anchor. Oh, yes, Xiaochun Candy proposed to renew the contract with us for another half year. Our endorsement contract was only signed for half a year before. I told them that if they want to renew the contract, it will start for one year, and the contract will not be signed for half a year."

"Well, you decide these things, just give me a schedule when the time comes." Zhou Yun sat down lazily on the sofa, "It's better to be comfortable at home."

Zhou Lan took advantage of the opportunity and sat down on the sofa beside him, "Don't sleep yet, I have something to discuss with you. Your exposure is relatively low now, which is not a good thing. You have no works now, and the fans are all newcomers." , If you don’t maintain a good exposure, the popularity will drop quickly, this is the disadvantage of not having a work, because I used to rely too much on the popularity of some topics.”

Zhou Yun asked: "Didn't "The Eighth Heartbeat" say it will be aired at the end of the year?"

Zhou Lan said: "They are waiting for the second part of "The Eighth Heartbeat" to finish. They hope that the second part can be broadcast seamlessly by then, and I will use your Dongfeng to bring the second part up."

Zhou Yun shrugged and said, "When will the filming be finished?"

"It's expected to take another month. I heard that they wrote [-] episodes for the second part." Zhou Lan said, "It's directly double that of the first part."

Zhou Yun couldn't believe it: "They want to make money, don't they want to be crazy? It's so water-filled, I'm speechless."

Zhou Lan: "Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. In short, "The Eighth Heartbeat" is expected to be broadcast at the beginning of next year when the students are on winter vacation. The audience of this drama is students and young women. Here Before, I planned to pick up a few flying guests of variety shows for you, variety shows are the best way to maintain exposure, and it takes less time."


"Don't just say yes, you can choose by yourself, which variety show you want to be on, I have received invitations to more than a dozen variety shows here." Zhou Lan said, "There are not many shows that come to you, but there are many variety shows. "After the Gossip" was broadcast, everyone recognized your performance in the reality show, and your topicality is also the favorite of those variety shows."

Zhou Yun took a stack of program introductions from Zhou Lan.

There are many familiar names in this stack of program introductions.

The host of one of the programs is Liu Yuan.

There is also Gu Huaichun among the resident guests of a program.

Zhou Lan saw the two pages that Zhou Yun took out and laughed.

"I guess you will take out these two."

Zhou Yun said: "At least there are people who are familiar with these two programs, and they are completely unfamiliar with other programs."

"Didn't Zhou Benyuan record "The Charm of Competition" with you this time?" Zhou Lan took out the introduction of another program.

Zhou Benyuan...

Of course Zhou Yun still remembered that extroverted boy, but the two of them only met once, so they didn't know each other very well.

"Sister Lan, what do you want me to pick up?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan took out a program called "Detective Itinerary" and said: "This program is new, and it has not been broadcast on the line. When you were not popular, this director gave you a chance to be on his Another show, he also called me this time, please let me let you go on the first episode of this show."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then this will be settled first. Do you want to accept the two programs of Liu Yuan and Gu Huaichun?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Yes, as long as the schedule does not conflict."

Zhou Lan said yes, "Then take these three first."

After talking about variety shows, Zhou Lan took out another brochure.

Zhou Yun was overwhelmed, feeling like he was preparing for an exam at the end of his studies.

"What is this?"

Zhou Lan said: "This is the brand endorsement and business contract on you now. Before you suddenly became popular, the company picked up a lot of miscellaneous things for you. Fortunately, at that time, many brands were not optimistic about your long-term popularity. The contract Usually they only signed for one quarter or half a year, and now many of them are coming to an end, we need to discuss which ones can be renewed and which ones can be ignored. Many brands have contacted us before and want to renew their contracts with us.”

Zhou Yun yawned and sat up straight.

This discussion lasted for nearly two hours.

"I'm hungry." Zhou Yun said.

"Order takeaway?" Zhou Lan asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"I don't want to eat takeaway, why don't we go out and eat delicious food." Zhou Yun suggested.

Zhou Lan smiled apologetically, and asked, "I've already made an appointment. Would you like Xiaoju to accompany you to eat?"

Zhou Yun said: "Xiaoju stayed with me on the set for so long, and finally came back today. She asked me for leave early in the morning, saying that she wanted to meet her little brother who came from the same place."

Zhou Lan was surprised and said, "Xiaoju is in love?"

"Probably not yet, I look like I'm in an ambiguous period." Zhou Yun said.

"You're so young." Zhou Lan said with a smile.

"Miss Lan, what about you?"

"What me?"

"When will you find a boyfriend?"

"Where do I have time to find a boyfriend now, it's time to work hard on my career."

The two smiled at each other.

After Zhou Lan left, Zhou Yun was bored alone in the apartment. After sleeping, he was bored, so he was fully armed and went to the nearby vegetable market to buy some vegetables, preparing to cook something for himself.One person worked in the kitchen for a long time, cooked two dishes and one soup, was satisfied, took pictures and kept them, and ate everything.

Coming out of the crew, Zhou Yun allowed himself to indulge.

Immediately, when tonight passes, and when the sun rises tomorrow, there will be a new battle.


phone vibration.

Zhou Yun took it over to take a look, but he didn't expect it to be a message from Chen Fusi, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time: Xiaoyun, I'm back in China, and I'm in Shanghai. Do you have time to meet tomorrow?
Zhou Yun was surprised.

She hesitated for a while, and then sent a message to Chen Fusi: Mr. Chen, I have to go to the company tomorrow. I have some things to discuss, and I don't know when it will end. When is it convenient for you?
(End of this chapter)

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