I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 172 Ascension Period: 07

Chapter 172 Ascension Period: 07
On the way back to the car, Zhou Yun was thinking that he should not have promised Chen Fusi to accompany him to drink this glass of wine. Chance.

That feeling of meeting people with a purpose makes me restless.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt that she was too anxious, because the two projects "Luo Yan" and "Days" suffered frequent setbacks, which made her anxious.

"Questioning the Heart" has been completed, but the follow-up drama has not been picked up.

The workplace romance drama arranged by the company is a big problem, Zhou Yun doesn't want to continue to circle around in this boring and highly homogeneous drama.

There is an "Eighth Heartbeat" that is already a big thunder in life.

Zhou Yun didn't even dare to watch his performance in "The Eighth Heartbeat", he always felt that a thunderbolt would strike him, making him dizzy.

Back at the apartment, Zhou Yun changed his clothes and went into the bathroom to take a bath.

Just about to lie down, the phone rang suddenly.

It's Zhou Kan.

Zhou Yun opened the public release, lay down in the bathtub, and let out a sigh of relief.

Zhou Lan called to ask her how her meal was at night, and whether Chen Fusi had any purpose in asking her for dinner.

Zhou Yun lazily told her what happened at night.

"It doesn't have any purpose. They just want to have a meal with me. Unfortunately, I really don't know how to come. I can't lift my butt when I sit on it. My mouth is not sweet, and my brother doesn't know how to shout. I want to meet a big boss." , We met and drank a glass of wine, and I didn’t even have the nerve to ask for WeChat.”

Zhou Yun scolded himself, but felt comfortable from top to bottom.

"Sister Lan, what kind of eyes do you see? You've taken a liking to a dull person like me."

"Everyone has their own way. If you want to do something like this, what do you want me to do as a manager." Zhou Lan said with a smile, and he was in a good mood. "I contacted Mr. Tong from Xindun later. Isn’t it that “Days” can’t be filmed? I heard that he still has a movie in preparation. It’s a comedy movie. What he means is that the actors haven’t been decided yet. If we are interested, there are a few You can choose a role."

"What comedy movie?" Zhou Yun asked.

"A comedy movie starring Shen Yao." Zhou Lan said.

"What?" Zhou Yun exclaimed and sat up directly from the bathtub.

Zhou Lan: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, although I was as excited as you when I heard him say that this comedy movie is starring Shen Yao."

Anyone who knows who Shen Yao is will understand why Zhou Yun is so excited.

If you look at the thirty years before and after, the name Shen Yao may not be very high in the film industry.

But if you look at the past five years, Shen Yao is definitely an unavoidable name in the film industry.

In the box office rankings for the past five years, Shen Yao alone dominated the first and second place in the box office rankings.

His comedies are guaranteed hits.

It is conceivable that if such a film is to be filmed, how many actors will be eyeing this piece of fat.

Zhou Yun asked: "Then do we have high hopes? Many actresses want to act in Shen Yao's movie, right?"

According to the configuration of Shen Yao's recent two starring movies, even if it's the third female and the fourth female, they are all played by very famous actors.

Zhou Lan said: "Whether you can compete or not depends on your own ability. Our biggest advantage is actually your popularity and popularity."

"Shen Yao's movie also needs my popularity and enthusiasm?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

It's not that she underestimates herself, but that Shen Yao is the movie's biggest signature, and everyone else is just icing on the cake.

Zhou Lan: "Shen Yao is not omnipotent, and besides, do you think that Shen Yao's movies don't need popularity and popularity? Besides, your acting skills are so good and you are beautiful, except for your lack of experience in acting, how can you A little worse than others.”

Zhou Yun lay down in the water again, and said, "The competition should be very difficult."

"Big, it is indeed big, but don't worry, there is no chance. I heard that this time the script has three main characters who are all young girls. Besides, you are not without other advantages. Compared with other first-line actresses Come on, you are much cheaper than them."

"Kind of a hit."

"Don't be hit, Mr. He will have dinner with people from Xindun tomorrow, and he will help you fight for it," Zhou Lan said.

"Ah? Still eating? Didn't everyone say they're going to postpone the dinner?"

"You told me to tell Mr. He to reject it, but I didn't say it. It's just right. I can't talk about "Days". You can talk about Shen Yao's new film. If you can go and plate it with gold, yes There are too many benefits for you to accept movies in the future, not to mention anything else, you can get a lot of money at the box office."

"Who doesn't know that the box office is mainly due to Shen Yao?"

"You are stupid, Jackie Chan's movie box office depends entirely on Jackie Chan, why are there so many stars going to act? The movie will bless you." Zhou Lan said, "Do you think that if you participate in this movie? The movie, with so many viewers watching it, will there be no splash? If one tenth of it becomes your fans and will buy tickets to watch your fans in the cinema, it will be worth it!"

Zhou Yun: "Sister Lan, don't be so excited, calm down, it's up to you whether you can participate in the show, relax your mind."

Zhou Lan: "I won't tell you anymore, you can't understand my mood."

Zhou Lan hung up after finishing speaking.

Zhou Yun: "..."

She was a little dumbfounded.

In fact, how could she not understand Zhou Lan's mood.

I was just afraid of being disappointed, so I said something first to cushion my surging mood.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

Zhou Yun reminded himself so that he would not have too much hope, but in the next few days, he would think of this from time to time.

Busy with work, he came out of the crew and resumed his rushing rhythm.

Every day is about removing makeup, putting on makeup, styling, changing clothes, and putting on a smile.

This is her job.

With her exposure, fans on her Weibo became active.

Basically, it is because of the fans accumulated by the reality show "After We Spread the Gossip".

The weather is getting colder and colder.

In mid-December, Zhou Yunfei went to Beijing to shoot a set of magazine covers. When he got off the plane, it happened that snow was falling.

It was snowing on a winter night, and Zhou Yun sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel to watch the snow. He was very interested. He even opened a bottle of champagne and drank it by himself.

She took a photo of a wine glass with the night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows as the background, and posted on Weibo with the text: It's snowing, what about you?
Fans enthusiastically left messages.

Zhou Yun looked through everyone's messages with great interest.

Suddenly, Song Chi called.

The two have not been in touch for a long time.

But Zhou Yun didn't feel strange at all, when he answered the phone, he spoke in a familiar tone: "Call work so early today?"

(End of this chapter)

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