I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 173 Ascension Period: 08

Chapter 173 Ascension Period: 08
It's only nine o'clock at night.

"Questioning the Heart" has a lot of big night scenes, and work usually doesn't end so early at night.

Sure enough, Song Chi's gentle voice came: "No, I'm on the set, waiting for the scene."

Zhou Yun raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

"I saw your Weibo post, are you drinking alone in a hotel?"

"Well, when I got off the plane, I saw it was snowing, so I wanted to drink some wine, but unfortunately, no one would drink with me." Zhou Yun said, "It's better to be on the set, and I can drink with you."

Song Chi said, "Don't drink too much."

"Just one cup, it's okay." Zhou Yun sat on the sofa and looked at the falling snow outside the window. The night view of the city is gorgeous, unlike when he was on the set, the place was remote, and under the darkness of night, the lights of the set were like clusters of lights. The candle flickered.She held up her mobile phone, smiled slightly, imagined Song Chi sitting on the set waiting for the scene, and said, "When will you wrap up?"

"It will probably be after the new year." Song Chi said, "I hope it can be completed before the new year."

Zhou Yun said: "Chinese New Year, are you going home?"

"I don't know if I have time, how about you?"

"Me? I'm celebrating the New Year in Shanghai."

"Aren't you going home?"


"I heard you want to act in a movie?" Song Chi asked.

"How come your news is so well-informed? You have already heard about this matter?" Zhou Yun shook his head in surprise, "There really is no impenetrable wall in this entertainment industry."

Song Chi: "Mr. Tong of Xindun has known me for a long time. He called me and asked how you are and if you can use it."

It turned out to be the case.

"I hope you said something good, otherwise, hum." Zhou Yun said in a threatening tone, "I'll beat you up."

"If you're so irritable and savage, you won't be able to find a boyfriend in the future." Song Chi teased.

"It's none of your business." Zhou Yun pursed his lips.

Song Chi smiled, and said, "Shen Yao's new film has many people interested, and you have a lot of people to compete with. Don't use this temper to compete."

"No, I'm not stupid."

"It turns out that you have a bad temper with me."

"I have an opinion."

"I have no opinion, I dare not have an opinion." Song Chi said with a smile.

Perhaps he didn't realize that there was a little unconscious and quiet pampering in his voice.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt a tingling embarrassment.A little overwhelmed.Song Chi also stopped talking, but didn't make another sound.The sound of silent breathing shuttled back and forth, and the voices of the crew on the set in the background.

"I'm going to film." Suddenly, Song Chi said.

"Well, go quickly." Zhou Yun felt relieved.

Song Chi hung up the phone.

Zhou Yun felt his cheeks were hot, raised his right hand, and covered his cheeks.

"What are you doing? Why are you so shy? Don't make up your mind!" Zhou Yun said to himself.

But what I said was just deceiving myself after all, I couldn't help my thoughts, trusting the horse freely, Zhou Yun heard himself let out a silly, bubbling smirk.

She wanted to cover her face with the pillow.

Is this getting deeper and deeper? -
The end of the year is approaching, when stars and entertainers are running around, there are various awards ceremonies, year-end parties, various business celebrations, and offline meetings.Zhou Yun, as a popular female star this year, is a fixed name on every invitation list.As a newly popular artist, many invitations are not only a question of whether to accept or not, but also consider the follow-up cooperation and the impact of rejection.

Just like what every popular artist has to go through, Zhou Yun had to squeeze out every little bit of his time, trying to cram one more event into the day as much as possible, the ones that couldn’t be accommodated, those who could shoot videos Take a video, if you don’t need a video, help out on Weibo, try your best to deal with the invitations with backgrounds, if it’s really impossible, call to explain in person, and try to leave a good impression.

Too red is an annoyance, especially for newcomers who have no roots.

Your refusal will be remembered by others, and they may not be the first to contact you when there is a suitable opportunity in the future.

You are just popular, but you are not a big name.

Red and big are two different things.

Many celebrities and entertainers can't figure this out, so in the end there was a scandal of playing big names.

At this time, Zhou Lan's professionalism and ability were fully demonstrated.

With Zhou Yun's popularity and Zheng Xiaoju's maturity, Zhou Lan doesn't follow Zhou Yun most of the time. Most of the time, she is either in the company, planning Zhou Yun's many affairs with the company, or flying all over the country. Producers, meet the boss of the film and television company, meet the director, meet business partners, meet possible partners, and manage various interpersonal relationships.

Zhou Yun didn't have the time, and it was impossible for him to do this in person.

Only to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan arranges everything in an orderly manner. If it is really impossible to arrange and there is a conflict in the schedule, Zhou Lan will even buy a gift in person, fly to the city where the other party is located, and explain to the other party face to face.

A lot of things, do a little more, do the best you can, and leave a good relationship. No one knows what kind of flowers this good relationship will bloom in the future.

On the night of New Year's Eve, Zhou Yun appeared at Hongcheng Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party.

All the New Year's Eve parties have invited Zhou Yun. For the pre-recorded New Year's Eve party, Zhou Yun accepted Yuehai.com's live broadcast, and Hongcheng Satellite TV's family.

The reason why Hongcheng Satellite TV was chosen was also because the previous project of "Book with the King" failed, but Zhou Lan established contact with the director team of Wei Zhili of Hongcheng Satellite TV. Wei Zhili personally called Zhou Lan and invited Zhou Yunlai To participate in the New Year's Eve party, Zhou Lan chose Hongcheng Satellite TV among all the invitations.

Hongcheng Satellite TV is very good at coming. After the New Year's Eve party, they arranged a banquet and invited the artists and friends who came to the party to participate.

The entertainers who didn't fly away that night all attended the banquet.

After all, the leaders of Hongcheng Satellite TV will also participate.

As a first-line satellite TV, Hongcheng Satellite TV is a big platform that many artists want to make friends with.

This year's New Year's Eve party is directed by Wei Zhili's team, and the real-time ratings have always been the first in the country.

Zhou Yun sang a song, which was the theme song of "The Eighth Heartbeat". It not only promoted the show, but also sang it for the first time, full of topics.

Hongcheng Satellite TV bought her a trending search, and it was not unexpected to be caught in the trending searches of many New Year's Eve party stars.

After returning to the hotel and changing a set of clothes, Zhou Yun, accompanied by Zhou Lan, went to the dinner held by Hongcheng Satellite TV.

It was early morning, but everyone was as energetic as if it was daytime.

Starlight, Zhou Yun has been busy meeting people and adding WeChat friends to each other along the way.

By the end of this year, Zhou Yun had hundreds of friends on WeChat.

Really popular...a lot of friends.

(End of this chapter)

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