I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 179 Ascension Period: 14

Chapter 179 Ascension Period: 14
The host expressed surprise: "Just because of such a trivial matter?"

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "That's right, because of such a trivial matter, I didn't even take it to heart. Who would have thought that the next morning, there would be a lot of messages saying that I was a meddler in the comment area of ​​my Weibo?" , Then something happened again, I was also surprised, confused, at a loss, and of course, very angry, any girl would be angry if she was insulted like this, I remember my hands and feet were numb with anger."

Having said that, it should actually stop.

What has to be answered has been answered.

The host was about to change the subject, when suddenly Xu Siyao spoke up and said, "But the relationship between Sister Xiaoyun and Brother Song Chi is really good, and it's inevitable that people will be misunderstood."

The host froze for a moment.

Several chat windows, everyone has a strange expression on their faces.

Zhou Yun's expression froze for a moment.

Xu Siyao seemed to have realized it only at this time, with a small expression on his face that he had realized that he had done something wrong, and asked cautiously: "Did I say something wrong?"

Zhou Yun laughed, kindly, but her eyes were a little cold, she said: "Yes, I have a good relationship with Song Chi, of course it's not just Song Chi, I don't have many friends in the entertainment industry, every relationship All are good, but the most popular ones are Song Chi, Xiao Gu, Xiao Yin, and Yu Chu who is not here today, please fight for yourselves and become popular quickly, so that they won't just focus on me and Song Chi's gossip Yes, I want to spread rumors with you too!"

She acted impromptu, and the awkward scene was rounded off by her.

Gu Huaichun laughed and said: "Wait, wait until your brother Chun becomes popular and take you flying."

Gu Huaichun was specifically answering the call to help Zhou Yun out of the siege.

In fact, those who are careful will find that just now Zhou Yun and Yu Chu, who did not participate in the live event, shouted specifically, but Xu Siyao, who participated in the event at the same time, was intentionally or unintentionally ignored by her.

The live event is over.

Zhou Yun took off his earphones and exited the live streaming software.

On the side, Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju were there, and they gave Zhou Yun a thumbs up at the same time.

Just now when Xu Siyao came suddenly, Zheng Xiaoju was stunned and worried about Zhou Yun. Who knew that Zhou Yun's reaction was so fast, and he could turn around the embarrassing situation with four or two strokes.

Zhou Lan sneered and typed a few words on the phone, not knowing who he sent the message to.

Seeing the sinister smile on Zhou Lan's face, Zhou Yun asked, "Sister Lan, who are you sending messages to? Are you smiling so coldly?"

Zhou Lan said: "That bitch Xu Siyao deliberately made troubles to embarrass you, so I will embarrass her too."

An hour later, Zhou Yun saw a blogger who was close to Zhou Lan post a Weibo with the subject "Watch a green tea whore's failed performance".

The blogger cut a video, which is the live recording of "The Eighth Heartbeat".

The blogger cut out the short tens of seconds just now, highlighting Xu Siyao's behavior.

At the beginning of the video, the blogger narrates the past with a dubbing voice, briefly summarizing Zhou Yun’s response to the rumor-making incident not long ago, focusing on the fact that someone believed that Zhou Yun was the Regarding the matter of the intervener, "the clarification is almost done, and the host is ready to change the subject."

Caption: Sudden!
"At this moment, a woman who came out of nowhere spoke."

In the video clip, Xu Siyao said, "But the relationship between Sister Xiaoyun and Brother Song Chi is really good, and it is inevitable that people will be misunderstood." The video of this sentence.

The dubbing continued: "When I heard this sentence, I was shocked, and it was inevitable that people would misunderstand it? Little girl, do you know what you are talking about? What are you doing?"

The scene ends.

The screen switched to the host, who had a bewildered expression, with three huge question marks above his head.

The screen switched to Gu Huaichun, Gu Huaichun's eyes widened, and the accompanying text: What does this woman want to do?
The screen switched to Yin Zhou, Yin Zhou frowned slightly, with a text next to it: What's going on?
The screen was black, and the blogger dubbed: "No one knows what she wants to do at this time? I don't know, Zhou Yun is also obviously stunned at this time."

The screen switched to Zhou Yun again, with the subtitle: Obviously stunned for a moment.

"But!" the blogger suddenly said excitedly, "Please pay attention, an epic performance warning is coming, please enjoy the next performance."

The screen switched to Xu Siyao, Xu Siyao bit her lips lightly, and asked timidly, "Did I say something wrong?"

The black question mark face suddenly popped out.

The blogger's dubbing came out: "I have never seen such a poor acting skill. The white lotus performance model ten years ago reappeared! If I met this kind of woman, I would really leave the table and leave! Can this be tolerated?"

The painting style suddenly changed, "Sister Zhou can! Not only can Sister Zhou, but also fight back invisible!"

The screen switches abruptly.

Zhou Yun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a cold expression. The blogger even wickedly drew a big red circle on the corner of Zhou Yun's mouth to remind the audience to pay attention to this place.

At this time, the soundtrack of the battle song with the drums beating suddenly sounded, and the momentum was magnificent.

In this soundtrack, Zhou Yun said in a tone of four or two: "Yeah, I really have a good relationship with Song Chi."

"Of course it's not just Song Chi. I don't have many friends in the entertainment industry, but everyone has a good relationship. It's just that Song Chi is the most popular."

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Yin, and Yu Chu, who is not here today, fight for your anger and become famous quickly, so that they won't just focus on me and Song Chi's gossip, I want to gossip with you too!"

The video stops abruptly here, as if stuck.

The blogger's dubbing came out: "Have you heard the point? It doesn't matter if you didn't hear it. Come on, let's review it again."

one two Three.

Suddenly reversed.

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Yin, and Yu Chu who is not here today, please fight for your strength."

The screen switched to Xu Siyao's innocent and cautious expression.

The blogger's voiceover: "How did Sister Zhou fight back? Did you see it? She clicked on the two actors who participated in the same live broadcast event, and the actress who did not participate in the live broadcast event, but did not mention this innocent Young lady."

The video repeats: "I don't have many friends in the entertainment circle, but every relationship is very good."

Blogger: "Everyone should understand Sister Zhou's subtext, right? A person who is not even considered a friend of Sister Zhou is insinuating that the personal relationship between Sister Zhou and Mr. Song Chi is not just friends. Let me see, someone is I want to be popular, I want to go crazy, I’m hungry, I’m panicking! It’s understandable for an artist to want to be popular, but using this method to be popular makes people look down on him. Anyway, I just want to say respect for Miss Zhou’s performance tonight !admire!"

(End of this chapter)

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