I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 180 Ascension Period: 15

Chapter 180 Ascension Period: 15
Watching this video, Zhou Yun was overjoyed and laughed out loud.

"Sister Lan, your friend is too hurtful, isn't this just putting Xu Siyao's face in front of the netizens?"

"She deserves it!" Zhou Lan sneered, holding his hands on his chest, "A live broadcast event, why doesn't she think about what she said will affect you if one of them is not handled properly?"

Zhou Yun said: "How do I have a premonition that this video will be a hot search?"

Zhou Lan said: "It's better to be on the hot search, so that everyone can see her ugly face."

Zhou Yun said: "Mr. He probably doesn't want such a thing to happen to Xu Siyao, he is still the little flower in Mr. He's hands."

Zhou Lan: "Huan Xiaohua, it's her business that she is praised, but she absolutely shouldn't come to your misfortune, do this kind of thing, don't give her a severe lesson, she will dare to do this in the future .”

After the words fell, Zhou Lan's cell phone rang.

Zhou Lan sneered, connected the phone, and started the public release.

"Mr. He, you are looking for me."

He Yong's annoyed voice came from the phone: "Zhou Lan, did you ask someone to make that video on the Internet?"

Zhou Lan admitted generously, "Yes."

"Why did you do this? Xu Siyao is also an artist of the company, aren't you trying to discredit the company?" He Yong accused.

"Mr. He, please make it clear that she deliberately pointed the finger at Zhou Yun first. Why don't you ask her if she was hit on the head by something or was eaten by some beast? Can she say that kind of thing?" If so, who is to blame?"

Zhou Lan was also full of anger.

Before, Zhou Lan had never confronted He Yong head-on.

He Yong was also stunned.

Zhou Lan's reaction was bigger than he imagined, which made He Yong not know what kind of attitude to use for a while.

He Yong is not really angry, he also knows that this video is Xu Siyao's own fault, but He Yong still wants to stop Xu Siyao's loss as much as possible, anyway, Xu Siyao is also an artist he is optimistic about, and he doesn't want her to be destroyed just like that, so, He Yong Originally, I wanted to preemptively find Zhou Lan's problem, and forced Zhou Lan to delete this video.

Who knew that Zhou Lan's reaction was so strong that He Yong didn't dare to fight head-on again.

Ever since he saw Zhou Lan scolding Zhou Yun, He Yong realized that Zhou Lan was no longer the little employee he manipulated before.

"No, Zhou Lan, if this video is broadcast like this, Xu Siyao's career will be ruined. She is young and she did something wrong. She should be punished, but don't break the way of other little girls." He Yong's tone changed. She became a little gentler, "Think about it, Xu Siyao is still the second female lead of "The Eighth Heartbeat". If the negative news affects her too much, the current film and television policy environment may even affect the broadcast."

Zhou Lan: "That's great. I really don't want the drama "The Eighth Heartbeat" to be aired. It's better to let it be stillborn and never see the sun again."

"You!" He Yong was stunned by Zhou Lan for a moment, speechless for a long time, and after a long while, he said: "Don't talk angry, how can it affect the broadcast of "The Eighth Heartbeat", don't you?" Do you want Zhou Yun to be called an actor who can't be aired in the first play? This has become a label on Zhou Yun, which is not a good thing, and many producers in the circle are superstitious."

Zhou Lan: "Mr. He, I won't play around with you anymore. My friend also took time and effort to make this video. He just put it up after he worked so hard, but you let someone delete it. Isn't this a waste of work? What's more, the impact of this video against Xu Siyao is not as serious as you said, isn't black and red now also red? Look, this night, Xu Siyao's increase in fans is definitely more than her previous six months combined."

Zhou Yun sat on the sidelines and listened to Zhou Lan talking sharply with He Yong.

The two parties entangled for a long time, and finally, He Yong agreed to spend [-] yuan in labor fees to Zhou Lan's friend, on the condition that the video must be taken off the shelves before eleven o'clock tonight.

Zhou Lan agreed.

"This [-] yuan... from the company?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Zhou Lan sneered, "You think well, the money will definitely be recorded in Xu Siyao's account and let her spit it out."

"Xu Siyao is probably going to cry tonight."

"None of my business." Zhou Lan snorted coldly, "I don't like this little girl's self-righteousness the most, and she thinks her methods are clever."

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly.

Zhou Lan: "In the future, I will resolutely stay away from this kind of person, and never have any interaction with her again."

Zhou Yun: "This is what I hope."

"Xiaoyun, I still have to vaccinate you. "The Eighth Heartbeat" clearly won't have a good reputation. Maybe many people will scold you for acting badly. You have to be mentally prepared."

Zhou Yun didn't expect Zhou Lanhui to say this suddenly.

"I'm already mentally prepared." She smiled.

Zhou Lan: "We didn't have such conditions before, and we won't let you take this kind of drama in the future."

"What about the workplace romance drama that the company arranged for me?" Zhou Yun smiled wryly.

"One thing to say, that play is much better than "The Eighth Heartbeat" both in terms of script and director." Zhou Lan said, "Your requirements should not be too high, it's just that the subject matter is not so serious. The drama still needs to be staged, after all, as long as the production is good, the performance of the broadcast will not be bad."

"Who knows?"

Zhou Lan suddenly smiled and said, "I have good news for you."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked, "What good news?"

"The male lead of this drama should invite a first-line male star." Zhou Lan said.

"Really?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, she thought this was another production similar to "The Eighth Heartbeat".

Zhou Lan said: "You are the most popular actress in the company right now. Of course, the company will improve your configuration. Besides, the company still hopes that this drama will be a star, so it needs an actor who is favored by the TV station to support you." place."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then who is the leading actor?"

"Not yet, the company is in contact with several actors, but the exact one has not been decided yet."

Zhou Yun yawned and said, "I'm sleepy."

"Don't be sleepy. Tomorrow there will be the premiere of the Lunar New Year movie starring Shen Yao. You want to attend. I will leave early tomorrow morning. You can only participate by yourself. Don't forget to take the initiative with others when you go back to the party for dinner." Say a few words, who will participate in his new film, he has a great say." Zhou Lan was talking about Shen Yao's new film that is in preparation.

Zhou Yun nodded, "Understood, I will try my best to promote myself."

Zhou Lan laughed, touched Zhou Yun's cheek, and said: "Persist for a few more days, and the Chinese New Year will be soon. There is no work arrangement for you during the Chinese New Year. You just need to post some on Weibo with a few cooperative brands. Weibo is fine, except for these, the rest of the time is yours, you can take a good rest."

 At six o'clock today, my fingers seemed to be knocked out.

(End of this chapter)

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