I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 181 Ascension Period: 16

Chapter 181 Ascension Period: 16
Since "Questioning the Heart" was finished, Zhou Yun has been working every day, one schedule after another, non-stop, and his condition has indeed deteriorated visibly to the naked eye.

Zhou Yun has always wanted to have a vacation, and finally, the vacation appeared in front of him.

She spread her hands and collapsed on the bed.

"I'm going back to my room. I won't have breakfast with you tomorrow. I have an early morning flight." Zhou Lan said, "Be careful yourself, no matter what happens, don't be impulsive."

Zhou Yun nodded sullenly, "Are you emphasizing it with me every day?"

"You must have a deep-rooted impression on you." Zhou Lan raised the corner of his mouth, "Next time you do it again, I will confiscate your Weibo."

Zhou Yun: "Then I'll play the trumpet."

"I'd rather you play a trumpet." Zhou Lan waved his hand, "Let's go, Xiaoyu, will you go?"

Zheng Xiaoju was checking Weibo with his mobile phone, when he heard this, he suddenly raised his head, "Let's go!"


Meanwhile, in another city, in another hotel, in another, bigger, more luxurious suite.

The overhead chandelier casts a well-lit, bright yellow light.Wei Ruxue was sitting on a sofa, with two long and straight legs resting on the footstool. She was a [-]-year-old popular actress, and the four words of being popular and nourishing people were fully reflected in her.Tight skin, flawless face and facial features after fine-tuning, a pair of eyes with a layer of watery luster than ordinary people, it seems that no matter from which angle you look at it, it is impeccably beautiful.

If Zhou Yun is a dark horse that emerged last year, she is the queen who successfully defended her territory.

There is also a difference between the front line and the first line. Wei Ruxue is the top group in the front line, no matter in terms of status or resources.

At her position, popularity and statistics are no longer so important.

The producer believes in her, the brand believes in her, the audience believes in her, and the management believes in her.

This is the real star, not the traffic piled up by data.

But for such a person, his complexion is not very good tonight.

"Sister Xue, talk to me, or I will be ruined!" On the phone, Xu Siyao's voice was filled with aggrieved crying, "Many people ran to my Weibo to scold me."

Wei Ruxue asked coldly: "Then why don't you think about it, if I help you talk, won't I be scolded?"

Xu Siyao said aggrievedly: "Sister Xue, I only said that in today's live broadcast after following your instructions. You can't just watch me being boycotted by netizens, can you?"

"Xu Siyao, you can eat indiscriminately, but don't talk indiscriminately. When did I instruct you to say those words? Are you going to beat me up and pour dirty water on me?" Wei Ruxue's eyes flashed a cold light, and her voice It was a few degrees cold.

Xu Siyao: "No, no, Sister Xue, I said the wrong thing, but I am really wronged, Zhou Yun's fans are too crazy, they are all like those who came out of a mental hospital, what if my address is also discovered , They came to settle accounts with me, what should I do?"

Wei Ruxue's expression was still indifferent, but her tone was a little softer, she said: "Don't worry, this may not be a bad thing for you, at least your popularity has increased a lot overnight, you just need to Biting myself to death didn't mean that much, it was because I didn't think clearly and said something wrong, it wasn't a real black spot, Chengqian Entertainment can help you clear it up."

Xu Siyao felt aggrieved and asked, "Really?"

Wei Ruxue: "Think about it for yourself, among the popular stars now, who doesn't have a few black spots on their bodies? As long as they can be popular, as long as they are not real black spots, it's not a problem. I will tell He Yong and find someone later. When the time is right, it will help you change the direction of public opinion. At this time, you might as well be hacked first. Being hacked shows that you are paid attention to. Many partners would rather use an artist with a controversial image than an artist who has no Famous entertainer, this is a good thing for you."

Xu Siyao: "Okay."

"This time you have also seen how powerful Zhou Yun is. If you don't prepare properly, you will overturn like today. In the future, you should be smarter, be more careful, and don't be as reckless as today." Wei Ruxue said.

Xu Siyao: "Understood, Sister Xue."

Wei Ruxue: "I've already recommended you to Director Liang's play. You should perform well and seize the opportunity."

Xu Siyao's tone suddenly became excited, "Thank you, sister Xue!"


Two days later, Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun met at an event.

It is an event of a beauty brand.

Gu Huaichun has not broadcast any of his works yet, but his appearance and figure are comparable to male models, and the fashion circle likes his type of actor very much.

When we met backstage, Gu Huaichun said, "The show is going to air soon, are you nervous?"

Zhou Yun smiled helplessly and said, "I hope there will be less scolding."

"You act very seriously, and the audience won't scold you even if they want to scold you." Gu Huaichun said, "Many of your fans are now boycotting this show, just because of what happened to Xu Siyao before, and they are clamoring for the film crew to take it out. Xu Siyao was deleted."

Zhou Yun: "This matter has nothing to do with me."

"I know, you wouldn't do such a thing, but isn't Xu Siyao your fellow apprentice? Your company doesn't care about her?" Gu Huaichun asked curiously, "In our Yuehai, the artists of the same company are Stepping on each other is absolutely prohibited."

Zhou Yun: "She is going to go crazy, who can control it."

"Producer Huang is so anxious that his mouth is frothing. I'm afraid that Xu Siyao will be scolded too much and affect the results of the second part." Gu Huaichun said with a smile, "Yin Zhou has been notified that the second part will be filmed by Xu Siyao. All of the interstitial advertisements have to be filmed by him, and the advertisers don't want to get involved with Xu Siyao, for fear of being affected."

Zhou Yun twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "You will reap the consequences."

After the event started, the two went to the photo zone first before taking their seats.

Gu Huaichun sat in the second row, Zhou Yun sat in the first row.

There is also a seniority ranking in the entertainment industry, the first row is either the top of the brand or the popular star.

As soon as he sat down, someone came to greet Zhou Yun suddenly. Zhou Yun had no choice but to get up and greet the other party. Unexpectedly, the greetings could not stop at the beginning, and they exchanged greetings and took photos one after another.

After finally finishing his work, Zhou Yun secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and when he turned around, he saw another person sitting in his seat.

She was stunned.

After a closer look, it turned out to be a somewhat familiar face. Zhou Yun knew her. An actress named Liu Zhen had made her debut for several years. The drama hit the street one after another, the attention plummeted, and there was almost no such person.

Liu Zhen was sitting on Zhou Yun's seat, joking with the people next to her. A photographer was squatting in front of them, with the camera facing them.

Zhou Yun also hesitated for a moment and stood where he was.

Do you want to go forward and drive people away?
(End of this chapter)

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