I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 182 Ascension Period: 17

Chapter 182 Ascension Period: 17
Gu Huaichun, who was sitting in the second row, spotted Zhou Yun standing alone, followed her gaze, and quickly understood what happened.

Zhou Yun, a popular female star, was standing in one place, and no one was talking to her, chatting or taking pictures with her, so she just stood alone, which felt a bit awkward and strange.

Those who noticed her looked over suspiciously, feeling strange.

Gu Huaichun stood up and walked towards Zhou Yun.

"What's the matter?" He smiled, put his hands in his trouser pockets, as if he came to chat with Zhou Yun, "Someone took your seat?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "She may know the person next to her, so sit by my side and chat with them."

"It's a big taboo to sit in someone else's seat. She's not a newcomer who just debuted. How could she not know? It must be on purpose."

Gu Huaichun asked: "Would you like to talk to the staff of the brand?"

Zhou Yun supported his left arm with his right hand, shook his head, and said, "Wait a minute, maybe he just sits at my place temporarily to chat with someone."

Gu Huaichun thought it was funny, and said: "Sister, look at her posture, there is a special photographer taking pictures of her, this is deliberately looking for someone to take a picture of her sitting in your position, probably because she wanted to post it later. Draft, I don’t want others to see that I’m only sitting in the second row.”

"It's okay just to take a photo." Zhou Yun suddenly remembered, and said, "I haven't had a photo with you yet."

Gu Huaichun smiled, "Yo, I thought you didn't want to take a photo with a guy like me."

"You're so small, hold up your phone, hurry up, take a better picture for me." Zhou Yun took out his phone, opened the selfie, and handed it to Gu Huaichun.

Gu Huaichun held up the phone at the upper corner, and Zhou Yun found a good angle with a sweet smile.

Gu Huaichun took two photos.

Zhou Yun took it in his hand and looked at it, his eyes turned black.

"What the hell! Why can't I half open my eyes?" Zhou Yun looked at the selfie that looked like a car accident scene, and said angrily, "Gu Huaichun, did you do it on purpose?"

Gu Huaichun was very innocent, and said: "I didn't do it on purpose, whoever asks you to let me take pictures, I'm not very good at taking pictures."

Zhou Yun snorted coldly, "I still have to do it myself."

Zhou Yun raised his phone and began to pose.

Gu Huaichun grows too tall to be picturesque.

Zhou Yun squinted and said, "Squat down."

Gu Huaichun had no choice but to squat down.

Zhou Yun took a few photos and checked the results, he was very satisfied.

Looking back, Liu Zhen finally got up from her seat, and returned to her seat talking and laughing.

Zhou Yun smiled at Gu Huaichun, and said, "Look, she just borrowed my seat to take a photo."

Gu Huaichun: "What if the doves occupy the magpie's nest and refuse to leave?"

Zhou Yun: "Then what else can I do? Let's drive away."

Gu Huaichun was surprised, and asked, "Run directly at the scene?"

Zhou Yun: "Otherwise."

"You are ruthless." Gu Huaichun cupped his hands in admiration, "Respect!"

Zhou Yun: "The event is about to start, hurry up and sit down."

The event scene was lackluster.

After the event, the brand prepared a buffet lunch for the guests present.

Zhou Yun originally didn't want to participate in this kind of buffet lunch. She has too many troubles on her body now, and she will attract people's speculative eyes wherever she goes, so she would rather stay alone when she is free.

But she is a close friend of this cosmetics brand, and Zhou Lan told her to try her best to build a good relationship with the top management of the brand, and try to get a title this year.

It just so happened that the senior executives of the brand came over to ask her if she would stay for lunch, and Zhou Yun agreed.

A buffet lunch is more free and intimate than an event.

There is no media, no cameras, and everyone is more casual.

After Zhou Yun walked into the restaurant, many people took the initiative to greet her and exchange pleasantries.

She sat at a table with two executives from the brand side, chatting while eating.Because of Zhou Lan's warning, Zhou Yun was no longer a Buddhist. He took the initiative to participate in the discussion topic, chatting and laughing with the two people.Make good friends with people without asking for a meal, but it is bound to leave a good impression.

There is one biggest difference between Zhou Yun's image and that of other artists in the industry. She came from a prestigious school, not an art major, not a special student.

It is often ridiculed that the stars in the entertainment circle are uneducated. In fact, most of the stars do not read much.

He Yong also mentioned that he would set up Zhou Yun as a person who graduated from a famous school, but Zhou Yun refused.Zhou Yun didn't want to use this as a gimmick to create a topic.However, this does not affect some brand partners to take a high look at her.Especially in the current environment where there are too many idiot artists packaged by the company, Zhou Yun's resume is extremely precious.

After lunch, Zhou Yun felt that he could also retire.

She said goodbye to several senior executives with a smile on her face, went to the bathroom, and was about to wash her hands before leaving.

When entering the bathroom, I bumped into Liu Zhen.

She was on the phone by the window in front of the bathroom.

The two made eye contact.

Zhou Yun nodded politely.

Liu Zhen nodded her head as well.

Zhou Yun went into the bathroom to wash his hands, and when he came out again, Liu Zhen was gone.

In fact, it's just a matter of time.

Zhou Yun thought, maybe Liu Zhen didn't want people to hear her call, so she left.She walked towards the door, passed a fire door, and heard Liu Zhen's voice from inside the door: "It costs [-] yuan to ask him to send me a set of photos? Why doesn't he go grab it?"

Zhou Yun paused.

Liu Zhen's voice sounded again: "Go and bargain with him again, one hundred thousand is too high, just send a group of photos."

Zhou Yun didn't listen much, and left quietly.

She was a little curious, and asked Zhou Lan after she went back, "What is she talking about?"

Zhou Lan understood as soon as she heard it, and said: "What else can I say, I should find someone to take photos of her activities, and I want to find a big V in the fashion circle to post them for her, to praise her, this kind of The activity photos still attract a lot of attention.”

"It's [-] yuan to post a set of photos?" Zhou Yun was shocked.

Zhou Lan: "It costs [-] yuan to post a set of photos. Posting photos is the second thing to do. The main thing is to praise her, to praise her for her fashion and good looks."

Zhou Yun understood.

"Sister Lan, you don't need to spend money to find someone to praise me, do you?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

"You don't have to. Chen Ting, editor-in-chief of "Victor", admires you very much. In addition, you are well-qualified and popular. You don't need us to come forward. Those big Vs and self-media will take the initiative to pay attention to you and make some adjustments to your travel outfits. Fan Dian, don't forget, they also need attention." Zhou Lan said, "Speaking of which, let me tell you something, "Victor" wants to ask you to shoot another cover, after the year, before The editor-in-chief Chen Ting appreciated you when you were not popular, and even introduced you to the opportunity, I think I should return the favor.”

(End of this chapter)

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