I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 183 Ascension Period: 18

Chapter 183 Ascension Period: 18
Chen Ting of "Victor" really appreciated Zhou Yun before. If Chen Ting hadn't invited her, she would never have known Chen Fusi and Zheng Xiaowen, nor would she have become VX's brand ambassador.

Zhou Yun said, "Okay, no problem."

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly remembered something.

When Chen Fusi took her to see Chen Wenjun before, they mentioned that Chen Ting seemed to be resigning soon?
"Sister Lan, wait a minute, you can ask first, which month's issue is the cover of my shoot?" Zhou Yun said, "I heard that the editor-in-chief Chen Ting will be retiring soon, will Chen Ting be the editor-in-chief of my issue? "

After hearing this, Zhou Lan was a little surprised and asked, "Chen Ting is resigning? Who did you hear it from? I haven't heard the news."

Zhou Yun said: "This news should be more accurate. I heard it from Chen Wenjun."

"Chen Wenjun from Haichi?" Zhou Lan was a little surprised.


"The news should be somewhat reliable. I'll go and find out." Zhou Lan said, "This news is terrible. Chen Ting has been the editor-in-chief of "Victor" for more than [-] years, and she suddenly resigned. Who? We have to hurry up and make a good relationship."

What the fashion circle means to stars, especially female stars, is often regarded as their second life and career line.

Whether it is an actor or a singer, the fashion circle is the second stage for female stars.

The status of the fashion magazine "Victor" in the fashion circle is not low at all, and Chen Ting is even more popular.

The partnership between Zhou Yun with two big names was introduced by Chen Ting.

"Sister Lan, I'll call the editor-in-chief Chen Ting myself." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan thought for a while and said, "That's fine."

Generally, this kind of job invitation will still go from business to business first.

Zhou Yun chose to call Chen Ting directly, and he meant to express his gratitude.

"Aunt Chen, I'm Xiaoyun." Zhou Yun got through to Chen Ting, laughed, and said, "Is it convenient for you to talk?"

"It's convenient, Xiaoyun, why did you suddenly remember to call me?" Chen Ting asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Just now my manager told me that "Victor" wants to ask me to shoot a cover."

"Oh, "Victor", you should be the new editor-in-chief. I will be resigning soon, and "Victor" will announce the news after the Chinese New Year is over." Chen Ting said.

Zhou Yun: "Are you going to resign?"

"Yeah, I'm getting older, and I can't do what I want." Chen Ting smiled and said, "But your career is developing very well now, and it will get better and better in the future."

"I haven't thanked you yet. You introduced me to the cooperation of several brands before." Zhou Yun said, "I've been thinking that if I have the opportunity to go to Hong Kong, I must treat you to dinner and express my thanks."

Chen Ting: "No, it's okay. I like to recommend cooperation to young people who admire me. You are a very good boy."

"Aunt Chen, did you retire directly after you left office?" Zhou Yun asked.

Chen Ting was silent for a moment before saying, "Let's take a break first. After working for so long, all year round, I am indeed a little tired."

"Well, then I will visit you next time I come to Hong Kong." Zhou Yun said.

Chen Ting smiled and said, "OK."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun recalled the conversation with Chen Ting just now, feeling a little strange.

——Then after you resigned, did you just shirk it?
—Let’s rest for a while.

Means, Chen Ting has no plans to retire?
If she didn't intend to retire, why did she step down?

Zhou Yun vaguely sensed that there might be other secrets behind this incident.

Zhou Lan inquired about the news faster than Zhou Yun expected, and after only one day, Zhou Lan figured out the hidden story behind this incident.

"I heard that the reason why "Victor" wants to return the editor-in-chief is because the editor-in-chief Chen Ting has been suppressing several foreign stars that the group headquarters wants to use over the past few years, preventing them from appearing on the cover. The conflict between the editor-in-chief Chen Ting and the group headquarters It's getting worse and worse. At the end of last year, the headquarters asked editor-in-chief Chen Ting to step down on the grounds that the sales volume of "Victor" was declining year by year."

"The sales volume is low? Haha, is there any paper media whose sales volume is high now?" Zhou Yun understood immediately after hearing this. This is an excuse made by the headquarters of the "Victor" group to oust Chen Ting. She asked: " Why doesn't editor-in-chief Chen Ting want those foreign stars to appear on the cover?"

"For various reasons, the foreign stars rejected by Chen Ting's editor-in-chief have their own problems. Some support Hong Kong independence, some discriminate against people of yellow race, and some do not shoot non-September issues."

"It turned out to be like this?" Zhou Yun suddenly understood.

"That's right." Zhou Lan said, "I'm a little hesitant about the invitation to "Victor", although it's the cover of a big-name magazine, but..."

Zhou Yun understood what Zhou Lan didn't say.

"Sister Lan, let's decline it." Zhou Yun said, "We were able to appear on "Victor" before because of the appreciation of editor-in-chief Chen Ting. Now editor-in-chief Chen Ting has been driven away by them, and I don't have to pay back the favor. .”

Zhou Lan: "Refused and reluctant."

Zhou Yun: "I'm also reluctant, but... I have to support the editor-in-chief Chen Ting."

Zhou Lan sighed and said, "Actually, I also guessed that you would do this."

Zhou Yun said: "It's just the cover of a magazine, and Victor is not the only magazine in the world."

Zhou Lan: "That's the way it is said, forget it, forget it, you should be tougher, I know, I will go back to them."
The busy work is finally over, and it's the time of Chinese New Year.

After running the last announcement before the year, Zhou Yun booked a restaurant and invited Zhou Lan, Zheng Xiaoju and Xiao Cao to eat.

These three people are actually her team.

Zhou Yun prepared a big red envelope for each of the three of them, and each red envelope was filled with heavy cash, as thick as a brick.

"Everyone has worked hard this year!" Zhou Yun said.

Zheng Xiaoju received the red envelope and screamed, "Such a big red envelope! Sister Xiaoyun, I love you!"

Zhou Lan patted Zheng Xiaoju's shoulder with a smile, "Calm down!"

Zheng Xiaoju said excitedly: "I can't calm down, it's the first time I see so much money!"

Xiao Cao was also very excited, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he said, "Thank you!"

Zhou Yun said: "I made a lot of money this year, so the red envelope is bigger. If I don't earn more than this year, the red envelope next year may be smaller. Of course, if I earn more next year, the red envelope will be bigger. .”

Zheng Xiaoju immediately stated: "Come on! Sister Xiaoyun will definitely become more popular next year!"

After a few people chatted and laughed, Zhou Yun gave them a holiday and let them go home.

Knowing that Zhou Yun would not go back, Zhou Lan stayed in Shanghai alone.

"Would you like to go back with me?"

"Go back by yourself, I want to rest alone for a few days." Zhou Yun said, "I don't want to see you again."

Zhou Lan: "Okay, what's the matter, you call me."


The Spring Festival is here.

On the night of Chinese New Year's Eve, Zhou Yun lived alone in the apartment provided by the company, cooked a pot of hot hot pot for himself, and watched the Spring Festival Gala while eating the hot pot, which was regarded as a New Year's Eve dinner.

 That's it for today, no more
(End of this chapter)

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