I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 185 Ascension Period: 20

Chapter 185 Ascension Period: 20
The second day of the new year, an important day.

On this day, the web drama "The Eighth Heartbeat" started broadcasting.

Zhou Yun posted on Weibo to cooperate with the crew's publicity, feeling a little excited but also a little uneasy.

She didn't see the finished film, and she didn't know what the final result of the film would be.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the feature film went online.

Zhou Yun opened Yuehai.com silently, and saw the carousel recommendation of this drama on the homepage.

She clicked in, buffered for a while, and the theme song began to play.


A young and youthful girl appeared in the picture.

It's Zhou Yun.

She walked through the crowd.

A voice sounded from the side: "My name is Lin Xiaosu. I just graduated. You may think this is another vulgar beginning, because soon, I will meet a man who will haunt me for the rest of my life."

Zhou Yun's facial features distorted involuntarily.

That narration still makes her skin crawl, it's so embarrassing.

This is the result of her efforts to modify it. Before the modification, this sentence was even more embarrassing.


Suddenly a message came from the phone.

Gu Huaichun asked her: Have you started watching it?

Zhou Yun: ...I'm watching, my toes are picking up.

Gu Huaichun: I am the same as you, I am worse than you.

Zhou Yun: Why?
Gu Huaichun: My mother called all my relatives over to watch the premiere together, and even set up a projector at home for this. Can you imagine that there are more than [-] people in my family watching this show together?

Zhou Yun gasped: Like your mother.

Gu Huaichun: I want to die.

Zhou Yun: Bah, bah, what do you say about the New Year, it's unlucky.

Gu Huaichun: What you said to my mother is exactly the same, absolutely.

Zhou Yun continued to look down.

Soon, the first scene that she and Gu Huaichun filmed together was broadcast, encountering and colliding.

The rhythm of the editing is still very fast, but when the two people collide, there is a close-up of the expressions of the two people.

One's facial features flew around, and the other's pupils trembled.

"..." Zhou Yun wished he could cover his eyes and stop watching.

The camera suddenly produced a slow motion effect.

The camera rotated, Zhou Yun was hugged by Song Chi's waist, and the two looked at each other in such a posture.

It is a scene in almost every romantic drama.

Nothing new, no surprises.


Launched today with two episodes premiere.

Zhou Yun finished watching two episodes with his feet scratched, only to feel that his head was about to burn a hole.

She didn't even dare to read everyone's comments on Weibo.She has given up any hope, no miracle will happen, and this drama will definitely be scolded.

At noon, Zhou Yun cooked noodles for herself. In the afternoon, she hid in the bedroom alone and read a book, and her mobile phone was muted.

In the evening, the doorbell suddenly rang faintly.

Zhou Yun thought it was his own illusion, how could someone ring the doorbell of the apartment at this time.

This apartment is rented by the company to artists, and the administrators have all gone back for the New Year.

But the doorbell kept ringing, and Zhou Yun realized that it was not an illusion.

She went to the door in surprise, looked through the cat's eyes, and was surprised to find that Zhou Lan was standing at the door.

"Sister Lan, why are you back?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Zhou Lan glared at her angrily, and said, "Do you know how many times I called you this afternoon? You didn't answer any of them! You didn't reply to any messages!"

Zhou Yun: "...my phone is muted."

"Why?" Zhou Lan still carried her suitcase in his hand, and asked as he entered the room, as if inspecting work. After entering, his eyes searched around the room first, and saw that he could still see people, so he didn't say much , nodded in satisfaction, "Are you staying in this room alone these few days?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "That's right, I'll be alone, what's wrong?"

"The broadcast data of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is very beautiful. People from Yuehai.com contacted me and said that they will hold another live broadcast event to promote this drama." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun was full of disbelief, and asked, "Is it true? The broadcast data is beautiful?"

"The main reason is this new play today. You have been very popular these days. The new news I just got is that the number of viewers of this play has exceeded [-] million." Zhou Lan said.

Domestic online dramas are generally measured by the number of broadcasts and popularity of a drama, but there are often other statistical data inside the video website.

For example, the number of actual clicks and views, and the number of new members.

These data are often only counted internally and will not be made public.

Zhou Lan said: "Before I expected that the broadcast data of this drama would be very beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be so beautiful. The senior management of Yuehai.com didn't expect that Liu Pinran personally gave me a phone call to congratulate me."

Zhou Yun had an incredulous expression on his face, and said, "I'm too embarrassed to watch it."

"You are not the audience of this drama." Zhou Lan said, "I have told you a long time ago why the results of sweet pet dramas are generally not bad. There are too many young girls who yearn for beautiful love, and this This drama has a handsome male lead and a beautiful female lead, and the script is okay, at least not low-minded. The two of you acted very well, plus the schedule bonus, and the blessing of you, a popular female star, the performance of this drama is not bad. Quite a surprise."

Zhou Yun said: "Then how do you rate it?"

"What else can I do? Those who like it praise the sky, and those who don't like it call it stupid. Ninety-nine percent of sweet pet dramas have this kind of evaluation." Zhou Lan said, "Don't worry about the evaluation when making this kind of film. It just needs to be seen whether the audience likes this topic, from the current point of view, they are paying the bill, Gu Huaichun has been on the trending search all afternoon."

Zhou Yun was even more surprised.

"Be prepared for the live broadcast tonight. By the way, I asked them to send me the flow of the live broadcast in advance. Why haven't they sent it yet?" Zhou Lan frowned, and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Zhou Yun suddenly asked: "Wait a minute, Miss Lan, there is another live broadcast tonight, and Xu Siyao will also participate?"

Zhou Lan rolled his eyelids and said, "She thinks beautifully. In the future promotion of this drama, you and she will not be together again. Without her tonight, only you and Gu Huaichun."

Zhou Yun immediately kissed Zhou Lanfei.

Zhou Yun was quietly relieved by the good news brought by Zhou Lan.In any case, she finished filming this film seriously, spending a lot of thought and brain cells. Although it is not perfect in all aspects, the cooperation with Gu Huaichun is very good. happy.

Zhou Yun finally dared to post on Weibo.

She scrolled through the homepage, most of them were discussing the movies in the Spring Festival, and there was almost no content about "The Eighth Heartbeat".

Zhou Yun felt puzzled, and then opened the hot search list, but saw Gu Huaichun and the eighth time heartbeat two hot search spots.

After clicking in, Zhou Yun finally saw everyone's discussion about this drama.

After a cursory scan, I found that the word-of-mouth evaluation of this drama was far less optimistic than what Zhou Lan said just now.

Many people are criticizing this play as another clichéd drama with a clichéd plot and hypocrisy.

All the praise is focused on the appearance of the actors.

——This drama is so shoddy that the naked eye can see it. If it weren't for the good-looking male and female protagonists, I wouldn't be able to watch it at all.

——One thing to say, the one who supports me to watch is the male lead, the little handsome guy is really handsome.

——Why did Zhou Yun act in this play?Isn't she Song Chi's good friend?The annual bad show is scheduled.

——I don’t think it’s as ugly as you make it out to be. I just watched and swiped my phone for half an hour.

——I hope that the handsome guy will stop wasting his appearance in this kind of bad movie.

——Please, Zhou Yun, don't rubbish my brother Chi's popularity anymore, this kind of big bad movies are all done, and the feathers that my brother Chi has cherished for so long will be polluted by her.


Zhou Yun took a deep breath.

Over there, Zhou Lan had finished his phone call, walked over and said, "The live broadcast will start at eight o'clock tonight."

Zhou Yun put down his phone and sighed.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun said: "Everyone on the Internet is criticizing this drama."

Seeing that Zhou Yun was really frustrated, Zhou Lan sat down and was silent for a while before saying, "Xiaoyun, I know you are a person who has high demands on yourself, otherwise you would not be admitted to B University, but I want to be with you." You said, you are just an actor, you had no choice when you accepted the film, you could only choose to perform well in the film you want to act, the current comments have already explained everything, you must know, this kind of film is usually scolded by everyone What gets the most attention is actually the exaggerated performances of the actors, but you see, basically no one scolds you for not acting well."

Zhou Yun smiled bitterly and said, "Sister Lan, do you mean that this situation is worth my joy?"

"Of course it's worth it." Zhou Lan held Zhou Yun's hand, "As long as the broadcast data of this drama is good, it is a success. We didn't expect this drama to gain a good reputation from the beginning, did we?"

Zhou Yun sighed.

Zhou Lan: "We caught such a deck of cards."

"Cheer up, as long as this show is popular, no matter how many scoldings there are, it's your real broadcast performance." Zhou Lan said, "If your show's broadcast data is good, it proves that you can handle the show, understand? In the future, we will If you have more choices, you can choose better dramas. A done deal, don’t complain about the status quo that cannot be changed, use the status quo to change the future.”

"Sister Lan, you can go to the chicken soup master class for the soul." Zhou Yun smiled.
The show was really hot.

Maybe everyone is on vacation and has more free time.

Maybe it's winter, and everyone doesn't want to go out, so they are willing to lie in bed and watch dramas.

Although the word-of-mouth of "The Eighth Heartbeat" has not been very good, more and more people are watching and discussing it.

The number of people who scolded the poor filming of this movie has not decreased, but more girls are starting to worry about the progress of Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun.

On Zhou Yun's Weibo, people began to call her by the character's name in the play: Xiao Su.

In order to cooperate with the show's publicity, Zhou Yun posted a Weibo almost every day to publicize Lin Xiaosu's progress in real time.

More and more fans call her Xiaosu.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the crew of "Ask the Heart" wrapped up.

When Zhou Yun was sweeping the building with Gu Huaichun, he received a message from Song Chi: Congratulations.

Zhou Yun raised the corners of his mouth and said: Best wishes.

(End of this chapter)

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