I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 186 Ascension Period: 21

Chapter 186 Ascension Period: 21
Gu Huaichun was really on fire.

When sweeping the building, there were far more voices calling Gu Huaichun than calling Zhou Yun.

Especially when Gu Huaichun waved to them, those screams would reach a peak, as if they could overturn the roof of the building at any time.

Zhou Yun couldn't help being a little jealous, and whispered, "This is too depressing, you are also the protagonist, why do more viewers like you than me?"

Gu Huaichun smiled contentedly, and said, "Because I'm handsome."

Since ancient times, same-sex repels each other and opposite-sex attracts, there is nothing wrong with what Gu Huaichun said.

Zhou Yun snorted softly.

"Have you heard?" Gu Huaichun suddenly asked in a low voice.

Zhou Yun asked, "What did you hear?"

"My agent told me that someone wanted us to have a second date and another play."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun said, "I haven't heard of it."

"The Eighth Heartbeat" has become more and more popular recently, and it is on the hot search almost every day, and the number of discussions about it on various social software is not low.

Gu Huaichun and Zhou Yun also suddenly became popular candidates on the list of major film and television companies preparing for film and television dramas.

According to Zhou Lan, people handed over notebooks every day these days, wanting to cooperate with Zhou Yun.Zhou Yun has been popular before, but it was because of the hot topic. This time Zhou Yun is really popular because of a drama, the concept is different.In the eyes of film and television companies, whether a person is popular or not is second, and whether he can carry the drama is the key.

Although the word-of-mouth of "The Eighth Heartbeat" is not very good, it is popular.

This shows that Zhou Yun can handle the show. Before the show was broadcast, she was the only famous actor in the show, and she deserved it.

In addition, Zhou Yun has a good image and good acting skills, and there are too many roles suitable for him.

After sweeping the building, Gu Huaichun had another job, and was taken away by the agent without stopping.

Zhou Yun had a little free time, she and Zhou Lan sat in the lounge drinking coffee.

The coffee was bought by Zheng Xiaoju from a nearby cafe.

"Yue Hai, Liu Pinran contacted me. There is a project that I want to find you and Gu Huaichun." Zhou Lan talked about what Gu Huaichun mentioned just now, "I saw the project, it is a costume detective drama , adapted from an IP of an online novel, the original book has a good reputation, and the physical book has a high score on Douban, the script hasn’t come out yet, but I’m looking for a senior screenwriter, so the quality should be good.”

Zhou Yun asked, "Where's the director?"

After experiencing Lu Yuan and Jiang Xin, Zhou Yun realized that the director is too important for a play.

"Contacting He Chen."

Zhou Yun had never heard of this director.

Zhou Lan said: "He has only directed one TV series before, but his reputation is very good, and his score on Douban has also broken eight, which is very good."

When Zhou Yun heard this, he was half relieved.

She was afraid of looking for Lu Yuan again.

Zhou Yun said: "But the script hasn't been written yet, it should take a long time before it can be started, right?"

Zhou Lan said: "The plan is to start the operation in the second half of this year. Liu Pinran wants to sign the contract with us first."

"Why are you in such a hurry to sign the contract?" Zhou Yun said, "Isn't it taking so long to start the machine?"

Zhou Lan said: "Sign the contract earlier and settle it sooner. As soon as the news about you and Gu Huaichun Er is released, it will be beneficial for you to attract investment for this drama by taking advantage of the current popularity of "The Eighth Heartbeat."

"Sure enough, everything is business." Zhou Yun shook his head with emotion.

"Don't be emotional, this time they are willing to double the salary." Zhou Lan said, "It's full of sincerity."

Zhou Yun smiled.

"Also, Shen Yao contacted me and wanted to meet up after the festival." Zhou Lan shook his eyebrows at Zhou Yun, "It seems that there is something going on in that movie."

"Really?" This news really surprised Zhou Yun, and he opened his mouth in surprise, "Didn't you have an audition yet?"

"Who made you popular recently?" Zhou Lan smiled triumphantly, "I heard that you went to the premiere of his new movie last time, and it was also on the trending searches, although even without your hot searches, other people's new movies must be It's very hot, but this is a good sign. Who doesn't want to make their own drama better, so it's normal for Shen Yao to ask to see you. I guess as long as you give him a good impression this time, there must be a character yours."
After the fifteenth day, the Lantern Festival is over, and the Spring Festival of this year is really over.

"The Eighth Heartbeat" is still on the air.

That night, Zhou Yun finished the announcement, got in the car, and went to Shen Yao's appointment.

Before going, Zhou Yun called Song Chi specifically to ask for advice.

"Do you know Shen Yao?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I know you, but I'm not familiar with them, and I haven't worked with them before. What's the matter?" Song Chi's "Ask the Heart" has just finished, and he is staying at home with his parents. He lives comfortably every day, and even his voice is a little lazy. Du, "Are you interested in his new film?"

"You know his new film? Of course I'm interested. Sister Lan said, this time his new film has three characters that suit my appearance and age. There is still hope for me to fight for it."

"He has a lot of projects in his hands. I don't know which one you are talking about. However, Shen Yao is very kind. You don't have to worry. He is easy to talk. It is similar to that in front of the camera. There is not much difference. Maybe the only difference is He is much less talkative than on camera, I saw him a few times, he didn't talk too much, and he wasn't funny all the time, anyway, you just talk to him normally." Song Chi said and punched He yawned, "I heard that he is a very talented person. Every film will give some roles to newcomers. It's very good. I met a group actor, so I realized that they have an unofficial actor in their hands. The list, the list is calculated by themselves, they are all big stars in the circle who are more talented and willing to give people a chance, Shen Yao is at the top of the list."

It was the first time Zhou Yun heard of such a list. She smiled narrowly and teased, "Big star, are you on this list?"

Song Chi: "Of course I'm here."

"Ho yo."

Zhou Yun curled his lips and said, "The drama "Questioning the Heart" is finished, do you have any plans for your next project?"

Song Chi: "I'm watching it now. I've already agreed to go out with two dramas. I'm sure I don't have time this year. You want to work with me again?"

"Hehe, Gu Huaichun and I are now the screen CPs that everyone is looking forward to, okay?" Zhou Yun said, "I'm not curious about what you will do in the next play after you have just finished such a good play as "Questing the Heart."

"The next movie has already been decided, a movie, will enter the group in May, suspense crime theme."

"It's amazing, bring back a film king." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Song Chi: "Then when will you come back with a queen?"

Zhou Yun: "Actor Queen? I don't have the ability."

Song Chi: "I think you have it, work hard, you can do it."

Zhou Yun opened his mouth and almost blurted out a sentence: "Are you a beauty in the eye of a beholder?"

(End of this chapter)

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