I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 187 Ascension Period: 22

Chapter 187 Ascension Period: 22
Of course, Zhou Yun stopped in time and did not let any embarrassing things happen.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun went to see Shen Yao.

Shen Yao looked like an ordinary middle-aged man with a little fat.There is no starlight on his body, and he wears an ordinary black down jacket, and the blemishes on his face can be seen clearly.But when he laughed, the whole atmosphere changed completely.This is a familiar smiling face, which makes people subconsciously follow along and feel at ease.

"Brother Yao, hello, I'm Zhou Yun."

"Hello, Xiaoyun." Shen Yao waved his hand, "We don't need to address you respectfully, you, you, my scalp is numb, and I'm most afraid not to call me you."

Zhou Yun smiled embarrassedly.

The two of them, a man and a woman, naturally would not meet alone in private.

Shen Yao's manager and Zhou Lan were also present.

However, neither of them said much, acting as the background tacitly.

"I wanted to meet you a few years ago, but I've been doing publicity for a while, and it didn't get any better until these two days." Shen Yao said, "I've seen your show, and you're already pretty on camera. Yes, but you are more beautiful in real life than in the camera."

"Thank you Brother Yao." Zhou Yun smiled sheepishly.

Shen Yao said again: "Our movie is a modern comedy, and several female characters have to play ugly, you know that?"

In comedy movies, it is very common for actors to play ugly.

Many handsome actors and beautiful actresses are unwilling to play ugly and affect their image.

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Sure, I'm completely fine."

Her attitude was very natural, without any hesitation.Similar words, Shen Yao has told countless people, few people can say that there is no problem as straightforwardly and directly as Zhou Yun.Generally speaking, hesitation and hesitation are the norm, and it is fine to say that there is no problem and worry on the face.Shen Yao also knows that the current entertainment circle is different from the past. The image of an artist is not only related to their own ideas, but also takes into account the company's packaging route, the requirements of endorsement brand owners, the opinions of fans, etc. easy.

Zhou Yun's straightforwardness made Shen Yao a little surprised, did she not know that there were many things involved behind it?It's not as simple as whether she wants to or not.

Zhou Lan spoke at this moment.

"Xiao Yun likes your movie Brother Yao very much, so when she knew that she had the opportunity to participate in the film, she specifically proposed her idea to the company, and the company also agreed to fully support her participation in the film."

With that said, Shen Yao understood.

It turned out that it was really ready.

Shen Yao was a little more satisfied with Zhou Yun.

The two sides had a very happy meeting this time, and after adding WeChat friends to each other, they left with smiles.The impression of the initial contact is good, and the follow-up is the detailed negotiation, which is handed over to other people.

"It's almost the same, I think Shen Yao is very satisfied with you." Zhou Lan said happily.

"I hope everything goes well," Zhou Yun said.

What happened in "Luo Yan" and "Days", before signing the contract, Zhou Yun was not at ease.

"Liu Pinran wants to ask you to meet." Zhou Lan said, "I mentioned that play to you before, "Dark Sky", Yue Hai wants you to play with Gu Huaichun."

Zhou Yun said: "Why do you ask me to meet? Can't we just talk about it with you?"

Zhou Lan smiled and sighed, and said: "Miss, you are so popular now, "The Eighth Heartbeat" made them make a lot of money online in Yuehai, you are a great hero, of course they want to see you, and make friends with you A relationship is more useful than making a good relationship with me."

"What's the use of having a good relationship with me? Even if I want to act in this movie, if the company doesn't agree, I can't act."

"You can't say that. If you really want to act in this movie, how can the company disagree? This is not a literary film, and the salary is high. What's more, this is Yue Hai's initiative to invite you to act in this movie. You can plug people into the group, He Yong prevents you from acting in this drama, and other high-level executives may have opinions." Zhou Lan said, "The workplace drama that the company said before is going to be customized for you. If you accept both dramas , plus Shen Yao's movie, your schedule for this year is almost out."

"For "Darkness of the Sky", I will sign the contract after the script is fully released. I don't want to be cheated." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan nodded and said yes.

She laughed again and said, "I thought at first that you wouldn't want to take on this drama."


"Don't you think the drama "The Eighth Heartbeat" is too bad?" Zhou Lan said, "The first cooperation was so unpleasant, so the second cooperation will not be smooth."

"The badness of the movie "The Eighth Heartbeat" is a problem with the script and the director, not me and Gu Huaichun. Since the original work of "Dark Sky" is very good, I have hired someone like He Chen who has made a good movie. How could I not wait to see "Dark Sky" because of "The Eighth Heartbeat"?" Zhou Yun said, "And I am very interested in the theme of ancient detective dramas. I watched TVB's criminal investigation dramas when I was young. The policeman is so handsome, I can't play a policeman now, but I can play a policeman, and I can enjoy myself first."

Zhou Lan snorted softly and said, "I think you just want to cooperate with Gu Huaichun again."

Zhou Yun: "Gu Huaichun is indeed a very good actor, you can't deny that."

Zhou Lan: "Then why don't you act in another play with Song Chi? Song Chi is also a very good actor, no, to be precise, Song Chi is the best among young actors, isn't he?"

"Then he didn't look for me again. Besides, Sister Lan, Song Chi's play is not what I can win now. If it weren't for him, I would never be able to act in a play like "Questioning the Heart". I can't be shameless." Let him introduce a few more characters to me.”

"I know you have a thin face." Zhou Lan snorted softly.

Two days later, Zhou Yun finally went to meet Liu Pinran.No matter what people say, she is also the senior leader of Yue Hai, a dignified executive of a video website, closely related to her career.It is impossible for Zhou Yun not to give others face.

What Zhou Yun didn't expect was that Liu Pinran appeared with Gu Huaichun.

"Oh, look at our pair of golden boys and girls, who are both talented and beautiful. Standing together is a beautiful landscape." Liu Pinran sighed in an exaggerated tone, "It's so beautiful, our lucky general of Yuehai! "

Because of "The Eighth Heartbeat", Yue Hai's stock price went up, making a lot of money up and down.

Zhou Yun asked Gu Huaichun with his eyes what's going on right now.

Gu Huaichun responded with his eyes: Don't ask me, I don't know either.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to sit with Zhou Lan, but Liu Pinran suddenly asked Zhou Lan to sit beside him, so Zhou Yun had to sit with Gu Huaichun.

Liu Pinran's eyes were like those of a kind elder, looking at the pair of young people sitting opposite him lovingly.

(End of this chapter)

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