I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 188 Ascension Period: 23

Chapter 188 Ascension Period: 23
The look in Liu Pinran's eyes made Zhou Yun's heart shudder, and he always felt that he had bad intentions.

"Our drama has exploded. Sure enough, Xiaoyun's hot search physique is not based on it. Look, even Ning Yao's new drama is launched, and the popularity of our drama has been suppressed." He was obviously interested in this matter. I am very excited about this, "We have been the most popular for [-] consecutive days, and more than a dozen advertising sponsors have approached us, wanting to insert advertisements in the opening and middle of the film."

Zhou Yun smiled.

Liu Pinran: "Let me just say, such a beautiful beauty, what kind of drama is not popular."

Zhou Yun thought to himself: Can you be more exaggerated?Are you losing your memory?What was your attitude when you first met me?

"Xiao Yun is still single right now?" Liu Pinran asked suddenly.

Zhou Yun nodded in surprise, and asked, "Mr. Liu, don't you want to introduce someone to me? I'm only twenty-three years old, so I don't accept blind dates."

Liu Pinran laughed out loud, the frequency of the laughter was too exaggerated.

"Xiaoyun, why are you so humorous? You are developing so well now, so of course you can't fall in love. Falling in love will greatly affect your development." Liu Pinran finished speaking with a smile, and suddenly came to a deliberate pause, "However, Xiao Yun, I have a good idea."

As soon as Zhou Yun heard the word "good idea", a bad premonition suddenly arose in Zhou Yun's heart.

"Mr. Liu, what's a good idea?" Zhou Yun asked cautiously.

Liu Pinran said: "You and Xiaogu are everyone's favorite CP. I asked you out this time, and I also want to chat with you in person. Shall we cooperate further?"

"Cooperation?" A guess had already appeared in Zhou Yun's mind, but he instinctively didn't want to believe that her guess was right, "Mr. Liu, you don't mean you want me and Gu Huaichun to fry CP?"

Liu Pinran clapped his hands suddenly, very excited, raised his right hand and pointed at Zhou Yun, "Sure enough, heroes see the same thing!"

Zhou Yun raised his right hand in shock, and made a "wait a moment" gesture, "wait a minute, Mr. Liu, don't let the heroes see the same thing, we two fire CP, there is no need for that?"

"Why not? Do you know how many people want to see the two of you together?" Liu Pinran asked.

Zhou Yun looked at Gu Huaichun as if asking for help.

Gu Huaichun also had an expression of being struck by lightning.

"Mr. Liu, it's not surprising that any CP file of a popular drama will have CP fans after the broadcast." Zhou Lan hurriedly interrupted, and she said, "You also know that Xiaoyun and Xiaogu are both They are very young, and it is not necessarily a good thing for them to fire CP, and at this time, it is the time when they have the most boyfriend fans and girlfriend fans."

Liu Pinran said enthusiastically, "Of course I know, but I didn't want them to fall in love, nor to be a contracted couple. That would be too boring."

Hearing what Liu Pinran said, Zhou Yun was instantly relieved.

She really thought that Liu Pinran wanted her to fall in love with Gu Huaichun, so she was taken aback.

If this is the case, she will refuse without mercy.

Liu Pinran said: "The combination of CP is inherently more ambiguous and easier to tease fans' emotions. My idea is that we can do some marketing for the two of you on a regular basis, but from an official point of view, we absolutely do not admit that you two are together. Well, let the netizens guess and discuss. In this way, the heat between the two of you can be very effectively maintained. When netizens see one of you, they will think of the other person, and it can also satisfy your CP fans. wish."

Zhou Yun shook his head when he heard this.

Gu Huaichun looked embarrassed.He came with Liu Pinran, but before coming, he had no idea that Liu Pinran came to talk to them about this matter.Gu Huaichun's embarrassment was that Liu Pinran made such a move, as if he and he had reached a consensus on this matter before coming, and everything Liu Pinran said was tacitly and agreed by Gu Huaichun.

However, Gu Huaichun couldn't say on the spot that he didn't want to accept it.

Unlike Zhou Yun, even if Gu Huaichun became popular, Gu Huaichun was still Yue Hai's signed artist.Liu Pinran is Yue Hai's executive, who holds the power of life and death over his career development.It was impossible for Gu Huaichun to slap Liu Pinran in the face outside, so Gu Huaichun could only give Zhou Yun an apologetic look.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said to Liu Pinran: "Mr. Liu, I don't care about this matter. I have to go back and talk to the company."

"Then are you willing?" Liu Pinran asked, "This matter still requires the consent and willingness of the person concerned."

"I...I'm actually not very happy." Zhou Yun said honestly, "You still have a copy of "Dark Sky" in your hand. According to the plan, you also plan to let me and Gu Huaichun act together. If the two of us still play CP , in the eyes of many people, the two of us may really be a couple, I don't want to create such an illusion."

The smile on Liu Pinran's face faded.

"Miss Zhou is looking down on our little Gu?" Liu Pinran suddenly asked sharply.

Zhou Yun said helplessly: "Of course not, but I don't want to fire CP with others."

Liu Pinran sarcastically said, "Didn't Ms. Zhou and Song Chi have a lot of fun before?"

Zhou Yun's cheeks turned red instantly.A feeling of embarrassment turned into anger, Zhou Yun said angrily: "Mr. Liu, Song Chi and I have never fired any CP, so don't talk nonsense."

Zhou Lan saw that the atmosphere between the two was suddenly tense, so he had to quickly smooth things over.

"Mr. Liu, didn't you come to talk to Xiaoyun about "Dark Sky" today?"

Liu Pinran shook his head, smiled lightly, and said: "I came here with full sincerity, but I didn't want to be perfunctory. Miss Zhou is indeed popular. Forget it, our little Gu really can't afford it."

He got up suddenly and said to Gu Huaichun, "Xiao Gu, let's go."

Gu Huaichun was taken aback.

Zhou Lan was also stunned.

Gu Huaichun struggled for a moment with hesitation on his face, gave Zhou Yun a sorry look, then got up and left.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan were left.

Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't get up and chase after him.

She sighed softly, looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "Xiao Yun, why did you speak so sharply just now?"

Zhou Yun knew that he had screwed up just now.

Even if she didn't want to cooperate like this, she shouldn't be directly angry with Liu Pinran.

It's just that the moment she heard Liu Pinran's irony about her relationship with Song Chi just now, Zhou Yun couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, so he erupted.

"Sister Lan, so "Darkness of the Sky" is an obscenity, right?" Zhou Yun laughed at himself.

Zhou Lan patted Zhou Yun on the shoulder and said, "We're breaking up today. I'll meet Liu Pinran another day. Although we didn't have a good chat today, the benefits of you and Gu Huaichun are so obvious. He doesn't mind It’s going to be hard for money.”

(End of this chapter)

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