I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 189 Ascension Period: 24

Chapter 189 Ascension Period: 24
In the evening, Gu Huaichun called Zhou Yun and apologized.

"Zhou Yun, I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon. Before I went, I didn't know Mr. Liu wanted me to fire you as a CP. Otherwise, I would definitely refuse. It's just that you are here, so I can't refuse in person."

Zhou Yun understood Gu Huaichun's choice.

To put it bluntly, she was just a partner, and her immediate boss was not Liu Pinran.

Liu Pinran is Gu Huaichun's immediate boss, how could Gu Huaichun be against Liu Pinran.

"It's okay." Zhou Yun asked, "Is he very angry?"

"A little bit." Gu Huaichun said.

"Well, today... I really don't mean to look down on you. I really don't want to fire CP with others. I'm angry because he said too much. Song Chi and I are not what he said."

"I know, I understand." Gu Huaichun said.

"Well, it's okay. We have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future." Zhou Yun said.

"En." Gu Huaichun responded.

The conversation between the two ended here, and there was really nothing to say.

Both have their own frustrations that cannot be resolved.After all, we can only comfort each other.

A few days later, Zhou Lan told Zhou Yun that the "Dark Sky" was over.Liu Pinran had already crossed Zhou Yun's name off the candidate list at the preparatory meeting, and made a statement in the internal meeting that he would never cooperate with an actress like Zhou Yun who is a big name when he becomes popular in the future.This news came from Zhou Lan's friends in Yuehai. I heard that Liu Pinran directly accused Zhou Yunhong of playing big names in an internal meeting and not cooperating with her work.Zhou Lan was very angry and helpless when he heard the news.

She can't go to Yue Hai's headquarters and tell everyone that Zhou Yun is being slandered for playing big names.

This is simply not realistic.

Dumb loss, can only swallow silently.

Fortunately, although "Dark Sky" closed the door again, Shen Yao's new film went smoothly, and the contract passed very quickly. From the remuneration to various detailed terms, Shen Yao's conditions were very generous.

Zhou Lan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "A blockbuster is a blockbuster, and I don't search for it at all."

In March, the movie "Warm Little Pony" was officially announced, starring Shen Yao, and the starring lineup also includes Yu Sitian and Zhou Yun, two popular young actresses.

For a while, heated discussions resumed.

Several film and television drama bloggers said that Zhou Yun's resources have skyrocketed. From "The Eighth Heartbeat" to "Question" to "Warm Little Pony", one drama has skipped grades, and the next drama is getting more and more. Bigger made.Of course, at times like this, there was also a voice that was bound to repeat the same old tune: the financial backer behind Zhou Yun was too powerful, making Zhou Yun famous as soon as he made his debut, relying on hype with Song Chi, and then his resources jumped to a higher level.

Seeing such arguments, Zhou Yun felt helpless.

Resource jump upgrade?How could she not feel this way.Zhou Yun thought to himself, he didn't have a patron, if he had to give someone the title of patron, then only Song Chi deserved it.All her changes in the past year came from that scandal with Song Chi.It was from that scandal that Zhou Yun entered the public's field of vision, and his career changed drastically.

Of course, as the old saying goes, gossip and gossip on the Internet, as long as it is not too violent, it is fine to ignore it.It was originally a place where weeds were overgrown, and if it was really taken care of, it would grow even crazier and more powerful.

No matter what is said on the Internet, successfully winning the movie "Warm Little Pony" is something to celebrate.

Zhou Yun happily opened a bottle of wine for himself.

"It's only noon, and you're already drinking?" Zhou Lan was shocked when he found out that Zhou Yun had opened a bottle of wine in the lounge, and asked in disbelief, "Do you remember the shooting in the afternoon? "

Zhou Yun raised his wine glass and said, "Drink half a glass and celebrate."

There was a childlike slyness in her eyes.

Zhou Lan couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "I thought you wouldn't have such a time to indulge yourself."

"I'm not an ascetic." Zhou Yun raised the corners of his mouth, and his eyes became brighter, as if they were covered with a layer of watery light.

Zhou Lan was taken aback by this scene again.

Even though she has known Zhou Yun for so long, she is still hit by a certain moment of Zhou Yun from time to time.

It felt like being shot by a sniper.

Zhou Lan knew that he liked Zhou Yun more and more, and believed more and more that one day, Zhou Yun would reach the highest position and become a legend.

Her faith was accumulated by one sudden hit after another.

"They have already sent the script. The movie will start shooting in October this year. They want you to have a [-]-day schedule." Zhou Lan said, "The filming can be finished in one month."

"How much is my play?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said, "A total of nine scenes."

Nine scenes, [-] days of filming.

Zhou Yun thought, what a luxury.

This is her first film.

There are still seven months until October.

Zhou Lan said again: "He Yong called me in the morning. The script of the play that the company customized for you is finished. I want to ask if you have any ideas about the male lead."

Zhou Yun was quite surprised, and asked: "Why, do I have an idea, and they plan to find it according to my idea?"

Zhou Lan said: "Maybe there is no such meaning. Before the movie "Days" was dirty, they were worried that you would not act in the company's movie."

The condition we negotiated with the company before was that the company would let her act in "Life", and she would kindly help the company film this workplace drama.

Zhou Yun said: "I haven't even read the script, how can I know who is more suitable."

As soon as Zhou Yun finished speaking, He Yong called in the evening, saying that the script had been sent to her mailbox, and she could take a look first, and if she had any thoughts about the male protagonist, she could also bring it up, and the company would definitely fully support it. Consider her advice.

"This is really beyond my expectation. I never imagined that one day he would be willing to hand over the right of choice to me. I thought he would always control this power in his own hands." The next day, Zhou Yun Smiling and talking about this to Zhou Lan, "What's wrong with He Yong? His step is a bit too big."

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "You are still sharp, I heard a piece of news."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "What news?"

Zhou Lan said: "The headquarters is not satisfied with the achievements of Chengqian Entertainment in the past two years, and wants Lu Yicheng to take over his business."

The core business of Chengqian Entertainment is artist brokerage, and other businesses revolve around artist brokerage.

Lu Yicheng is in charge of business affairs. In terms of qualifications and connections, he is indeed the most suitable person in the entire company to succeed He Yong.

"He Yong is going to be driven away?" Zhou Yun stared in surprise.

"This matter hasn't been decided yet, it's just rumors that he urgently needs a first-line actress to stabilize his position. In fact, he has already done so. If it weren't for the fact that you had some conflicts with him in the past, he was a little worried. , he will give you more autonomy." Zhou Lan said, "He is wooing you."

(End of this chapter)

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