I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 190 Ascension Period: 25

Chapter 190 Ascension Period: 25
When Lu Yicheng's call came, Zhou Yun had already expected it, so she was not surprised when she saw Lu Yicheng's name appear in the caller column of the caller ID, but had a feeling of "finally here".

Take a breath.

Since He Yong wanted to win her over, Lu Yicheng would definitely not remain indifferent.

However, thank God, Lu Yicheng didn't mention anything related to her on the phone. He just congratulated her for winning "The Gentle Pony", and then asked her if she was free recently, and if she had time to have a light meal together.

The words are so particular, light meals, not a serious lunch or dinner, so there is nothing serious to talk about, no pressure, no burden.

Just in time, two days later, Zhou Yun was going to Beijing for an announcement, and Lu Yicheng was also going to Beijing on a business trip. The two made an appointment to meet at a private roast duck restaurant.

It's really a light meal and roast duck.

Lu Yicheng said: "When I was young, I often heard people talking about Peking duck. You should know that every time after winter and summer vacations, when you return to class, a few classmates will tell stories about traveling with their parents during the vacation. You may be different. , when I was young, there were not so many families with money to travel, so it was very novel to hear other people’s travel stories. At that time, Beijing was the most heard, and when Beijing was mentioned, they would definitely mention it Roast Duck."

Zhou Yun laughed, nodded, and said, "That's right."

Lu Yicheng: "So, after growing up and working, every time I come to Beijing for business trips, I will eat roast duck. It's actually very strange. I don't really like to eat this food, but I will eat it every time I come."

Zhou Yun said: "President Lu, is this trying to make up for childhood regrets?"

"Look, I've said it before, you're a very smart girl, you really understand what I'm talking about." Lu Yicheng laughed, as if he had found a new confidant, "I probably came to Beijing for a business trip three or four times. After the second time, I realized that the fact that I come to eat roast duck again and again is actually because I heard my classmates talk about roast duck too many times when I was a child. If you envy something for a long time, it becomes an obsession that you must want to get when you grow up."

Zhou Yun didn't know why Lu Yicheng told her these things.

She said: "No matter what kind of obsession Mr. Lu had when he was a child, he should be able to realize it now."

Lu Yicheng smiled slightly.

"Xiaoyun, I know that you are a smart girl. If you were not smart, you would not have achieved what you are today in such a short period of time. Many people say that you are lucky, because you have Song Chi in your arms." thigh, but I know, it is far from that simple." Lu Yicheng suddenly made his gaze become sincere, and there was an inexplicable persuasive force in that sincerity, which made Zhou Yun whisper in his heart. Sighing, these leaders are really capable. She heard Lu Yicheng say to her, "You will not only become a big hit in the future, you will become a legend. I can see that you have such potential."

Zhou Yun quickly shook his head and said, "There are no legends in this era."

The current show business circle has already lost the soil for breeding legends.

Lu Yicheng: "Then put it another way, Xiao Yun, as long as you are willing, I will do my best to send you to Qingyun."
"It's not surprising that Lu Yicheng wants to pull you into his camp, but the methods he uses are better than He Yong's, and he will even talk to you about childhood regrets."

"This is a different way to remind you, don't forget how He Yong treated you before."

"All kinds of news are undercurrents at the headquarters. At this time, I suggest that you should not rely on either side and be alone."

Zhou Lan's voice messages came one after another.

Won Zhou Yun's heart.

Zhou Yun's opinion is the same as Zhou Lan's.

Zhou Yun sent a voice message to Zhou Lan: "I think so too."

If Zhou Yun was supported by the company's resources, she might have to seriously weigh the situation in front of her now.But unfortunately, one of the key reasons why He Yong backed down in front of Zhou Yun is that many popular stars cannot do without the company, because once they lose the company's resources and support, their popularity will be like Waterloo Sliding down, Zhou Yun is different from them.

It was this difference that made He Yong lose control of Zhou Yun. He had nothing to control Zhou Yun, so he could only beg her.

Zhou Lan added: "However, if you are on the right side, your right to speak in the company will increase in the future. This is what Lu Yicheng told you. He can provide what He Yong has not provided to you now."

"Who knows how much he can deliver."

Zhou Lan: "He Yong should know about the meeting between you and Lu Yicheng in Beijing. Has he contacted you?"

"No." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "He didn't contact me either, it's not his style to keep quiet."

"He may not know that I met Lu Yicheng." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "No, I'll go out specially to get through the wind, and someone will tell him."

Zhou Yun was surprised and said, "Sister Lan, did you do it on purpose?"

"Well, He Yong has to know Lu Yicheng's actions so that he can feel a sense of crisis."

"His sense of crisis is strong enough. There is such a person eagerly waiting to take his place." Zhou Yun teased.

Think about it, at this time last year, He Yong's status and power in Chengqian Entertainment was still impregnable, and no one could shake him
What an irony.

Changing the sky is also a matter of an instant.

Zhou Lan said: "Then no matter who comes to you, just don't nod your head and just stay neutral. As long as you can stay neutral, it's enough. With your current energy, if you fall to one side, you can increase your leverage too much. It will make the situation between the two of them unbalanced, and the other party may find a way to discredit you, destroy you, and reduce your value." Zhou Yun hummed.

She still had work the next day, so Zhou Yun stayed in Beijing the night after meeting Lu Yicheng.

Yu Chu also happened to have a job in Beijing, so the two of them made an appointment to have dinner at the restaurant of Zhou Yun's hotel.

"Congratulations, you are going to act with Shen Yao!" Yu Chu happily hugged Zhou Yun as soon as they met, "That's great!"

"It's better to have a friend like you who can share the joy together." Zhou Yun smiled brightly, raised his chin lightly, and said, "Don't be too jealous of me, I know Shen Yao is your male god, come back to visit the set."

Yu Chu asked in surprise, "Can I come to visit the class?"

"Yes, I asked."

Yu Chu blinked in surprise, and said, "Then when are you going to film?"


"Ah? October?" Yu Chu frowned immediately, "Is it such a coincidence?"

"what happened?"

"The company took over a film for me. The filming will start in September and will be filmed until December." Yu Chu said, "What a coincidence."

Zhou Yun quickly said: "It's okay, there will definitely be opportunities in the future, maybe you will be able to film with Shen Yao yourself in the future."

"I still don't want to have this dream, forget it." Yu Chu's expression changed suddenly, "By the way, Xiao Yun, how did I hear that Mr. He from your company is going to be kicked out?"

"Huh? You've heard about this?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised, "The news spread so far?"

Yu Chu: "My agent said that it seems that this matter has already spread in the industry, and some things have been spread, even the fact that you were suppressed by him before was spread."

The chopsticks in Zhou Yun's hand stopped.


Yu Chu said, "If it wasn't for Song Chi's presence, you would have quit the entertainment circle long ago because of his suppression."

Zhou Yun frowned.

He Yong really didn't like her very much in the past and didn't give her good resources, but he didn't suppress her.

She was just an unknown person at the time, so it was not worth He Yong's special efforts to suppress her, but the company's resources would not be inclined to her, and many projects were brought back by Zhou Lan one by one.

If it weren't for this, Zhou Yun wouldn't have been in the company for a year, only filming a character role, and no other scenes.

Zhou Yun's intuition was not simple when such rumors came out at this moment.

This is pushing He Yong to an unfavorable position.

The core concept to be conveyed by this wind is actually only one layer——

With Wei Ruxue already determined not to renew her contract, it is not an exaggeration for the most popular female artist Zhou Yun of Chengqian Entertainment to be called the new first sister, but He Yong once suppressed Zhou Yun, the new first sister. It shows that the relationship between the two must be very bad.

If this is the case, then the one who gets the benefits is naturally Lu Yicheng.

If you look at it this way, the person who made such rumors should be Lu Yicheng, or someone from Lu's first floor.

Zhou Yun pondered for a moment, then smiled at Yu Chu, and said, "I did hear that the headquarters seems to want Lu Yicheng and Mr. He to exchange work and business with Mr. He, and I have never heard of the news that He Yong is going to be kicked out. , and this news sounds too fake, who will drive He Yong away? He is so capable, he will not become a strong opponent of Chengqian Entertainment wherever he goes. "

Yu Chu nodded, "Let me tell you."

"As for the matter between me and He Yong, it is a lie that he suppressed me. He is a boss who manages so many artists in the company. Before I became famous, I was a newcomer who just signed a contract. What do I do, this kind of rumor is too nonsense."

Zhou Yun pondered for a while, and said, "Xiao Chu, I want to ask you to do me a favor again."

"Say it straight." Yu Chu was very straightforward.

"I don't really want others to use me to fight for power and profit. If you can ask your agent to clarify for me, it will be of great help to me. It doesn't need to be said that I said it specifically, is that okay?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu rolled his eyes and immediately understood what Zhou Yun meant.

"Sure, it's such a big deal, I'll tell my manager later." Yu Chu smiled, "My manager also told me that it would give me a chance to match and let you get to know each other."

(End of this chapter)

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