I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 195 Ascension Period: 30

Chapter 195 Ascension Period: 30
At night, Zhou Yun met Su Yan in the corridor.

She remembered that when she was preparing to record "Geological Tan" last time, she also ran into Su Yan in the corridor, and there was a conflict between them.

At that time, who would have thought that the two of them would collaborate in a play not long after.

Su Yan's expression was naturally not very good when he saw her. To be precise, his face immediately smelled bad, without any concealment.

Zhou Yun was going to say hello to her out of face and etiquette, but Su Yan passed her by without saying a word.

They didn't mean to say hello to her.

Su Yan seemed to regard her as air.

Zheng Xiaoju complained indignantly: "It's really unqualified. When I greeted her, she still pretended that she didn't see it. How did this kind of person get angry?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "Don't worry about how people got angry."

Zheng Xiaoju: "Su Yan's assistant told many people in the program group that you are very difficult to deal with, that you have a lot of things, and that you have an arrogant temper. When someone came to ask me if it was true, I knew it. Sister Xiaoyun, she did a good job. This is too much, don't we fight back?"

Zhou Yun asked, "How do we fight back?"

Zheng Xiaoju spoke bluntly: "Swear back."

"Isn't that a shrew cursing?" Zhou Yun raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, "Little sentence, what I dislike the most is cursing like a shrew."


"Since she asked her assistant to spread the news that I am difficult and arrogant in the program group, let's let everyone see who is more difficult." Zhou Yun said, "Anyway, the difficult person is not me. .”

Zheng Xiaoju's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Sister Xiaoyun, do you mean that you want me to tell the story about Su Yan not filming because of illness in the "Question Heart" drama?" Zheng Xiaoju asked.

"That's not what I meant." Zhou Yun couldn't laugh or cry, "Forget it, Xiaoju, don't do anything, it's unnecessary, anyway, we're only recording four episodes, and we'll leave after recording."

Zheng Xiaoju was actually a little disappointed.

The next day, the show officially started recording.

As popular stars and female guests, Zhou Yun and Su Yan were naturally pushed to the C position by others.

The two stood side by side, and Su Yan moved aside very deliberately, as if she didn't want to have any physical contact with Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun was a little speechless.

At least when the crew of "Questioning the Heart" was filming, Su Yan would not deliberately act displeased with her in front of others.

Does she think it doesn't matter if she does this in the program "Geological Tan"?
Is there no one she needs to worry about?

Or, no matter how she raises her, she is sure to stay in this place, and her actions will not be exposed?

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Zhou Yun's mind.

As soon as the recording of the program starts, according to the procedure, everyone will start to check in at every place that the program group has stepped on in advance.

This is a program with the theme of urban exploration. Sometimes character scripts are designed, and sometimes outdoor games are set up, but this episode is very simple. There are a total of eight celebrity guests. The draw is divided into four groups. Whoever completes the task first in the competition , run through all check-in points.

Draw lots.

Everyone giggled and started talking about who they want to form a team with in front of the camera.

Zhou Yun looked around, and among the other seven celebrity guests, she only had contact with Su Yan.

The others are people who have heard the name but don't know it at all.

But it doesn't matter, the lottery itself has long been arranged.The person who will be partnering with Zhou Yun in this episode is called Liu Haiyu. He has filmed many TV series, but due to various reasons in the past few years, he has not filmed much and has been in various variety shows.

Liu Haiyu is also a resident guest of Geological Tan.

According to the original line design, Su Yan should first express that he wants to form a team with Liu Haiyu, then Liu Haiyu expressed his dislike for Su Yan, and then expressed his desire to form a team with Zhou Yun, and finally got his wish in the lottery.

But Su Yan has been chatting with Wei Chen, who she was supposed to form a team with, and seems to have completely forgotten about this link.

Behind the camera, the assistant director looked worried and asked Gan Bida: "Director, Su Yan seems to have forgotten the script, and she has not followed the script, what should I do?"

Gan Bida slapped his face, sighed, and said: "She has forgotten the script, she is not willing to carry the sedan chair for Zhou Yun."

Generally speaking, in a variety show, the resident guests are the hosts, and the flying guests are the guests. In order to highlight the flying guests, or to express the importance of the flying guests, the resident guests will be arranged to act as green leaves to set off the flying guests.

When confronting the script with Su Yan before, Su Yan did not raise any objection to this paragraph.

Who knows, even though Su Cigarette didn't raise any objections on the cigarette holder, he refused to cooperate in the actual shooting.

Gan Bida patted himself on the forehead with a headache, hesitating whether he should remind Su Yan or not.

Shooting a variety show is different from filming a movie, and there is no such thing as non-stop. Anyway, the camera does not turn off, and keeps shooting, sending all the materials to the computer room, and then selecting the content suitable for the feature film.

It's not difficult to remind Su Yan, but the more troublesome thing is that Ganbida doesn't know how Su Yan will react after he speaks.

Just pretend you didn't hear it?

Su Yan is a popular star, if she really wanted to put his face down like this at the recording site, there was nothing he could do.

After all, he is also a rookie who just took over.

After so much hesitation, Gan Bida suddenly heard Su Yan's happy voice and asked, "Didn't you say that we want to draw lots? Let's draw lots!"

Gambida had already missed the best time to speak, so he had to temporarily skip this paragraph in the script and arrange for eight celebrity guests to draw lots.

The eight celebrity guests already knew who they would team up with before recording, and they still had to pretend in front of the camera.

"Ah!" Su Yan let out a cry of surprise, and said, "Wei Chen, I also won number 3, and I got you!"

Wei Chen was full of surprise, and asked, "Is it true?"

"Of course it's true!" Su Yan said, "It's great!"

Two people who draw the same number form a team.

Zhou Yun went to draw lots.

"I'm number 4!" She raised the note she had drawn, and opened it for the camera to see.

Not surprisingly, after a while, Liu Haiyu also drew number 4.

After recording the lottery session, the real task began.

The four groups still draw lots to get the first clue.

Zhou Yun went to draw lots, and the clues he got had the words "Bright Moon by the Sea" written on it.

She took it to discuss with Liu Haiyu.

"Where does this refer to?" Zhou Yun asked.

Liu Haiyu said: "According to the habits of the program group, this should refer to the more famous places in City C."

Zhou Yun immediately took out his mobile phone and searched for keywords "C city" and "bright moon by the sea".

"Director, Zhou Yun cheated!" Su Yan's voice suddenly resounded.

(End of this chapter)

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