I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 196 Ascension Period: 31

Chapter 196 Ascension Period: 31
Zhou Yun froze, looked up at Su Yan at the side in bewilderment, and saw the pride of grabbing the bag shining on Su Yan's face.

Su Yan smiled contemptuously at her.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yun realized that something was wrong, turned to look at Ganbida, and asked, "What's wrong? Why do you say I cheated?"

Gambida came over and looked at her with a bit of embarrassment, hesitating to speak.

"Xiaoyun, we can't use mobile phones to look up information during the recording of our program." Gan Bida said, "Didn't your screenwriter tell you?"

The program team will arrange a follow-up screenwriter for each guest, and they will be responsible for the specific affairs of each guest.

Zhou Yun looked at her screenwriter suspiciously.Her screenwriter is a little girl named Xiaowan, with a ponytail, a plaid shirt, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses.Suddenly being named, the young girl's face was filled with nervousness, she stared at her deer-like eyes at a loss, and said hesitantly: "I, I told Miss Zhou about this rule, but , Ms. Zhou may have forgotten."

Zhou Yun's eyes fell on Xiao Wan, and he paused for half a second in silence.

Su Yan smiled, and suddenly took out a cigarette, lit the lighter, lit the cigarette, and said, "This is the first time Zhou Yun has come to record our program, so maybe he doesn't know the rules."

The surrounding noises gradually died down, and everyone seemed to have noticed something happened here.

All kinds of curious eyes looked at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun took a look at Xiao Wan, smiled slightly, turned to Gambita and said, "Director, I'm sorry, maybe I was distracted when she told me, I really didn't know there was such a rule before, what should I do now?" What to do? Draw another clue or what?”

Gambida shook his hand and said, "Just draw the clues again."

"How can it be forgotten?" Su Yan didn't intend to put it down lightly, she objected aloud, "Director, you can't give her a break just because Zhou Yun is very popular, if she can give her a break when she looks at her mobile phone, then Can we also look at the mobile phone? Or do you want to treat it differently, only Zhou Yun has such a privilege, if this is the case, then treat it as if I didn’t say it, since you are the director anyway, we have to listen to you.”

If Su Yan said such a thing in front of everyone, if Ganbida insisted on forgetting it, it would be true.

How could Gambida do this.Su Yan was forcing Zhou Yun to retrieve clues again, that is, to slap Zhou Yun in the face in front of everyone.

Gan Bida looked at Zhou Yun in embarrassment.

Zhou Yun smiled brilliantly, not being affected by this matter at all, nodded, and said, "Director, I'd better draw clues again, or else my group won in the end, and people in other groups would say that we I don't want to be told that victory is not martial arts, it's because I didn't know the rules before, so it doesn't matter if I draw the clues again."

Gan Bida nodded and signaled the staff in charge of the lottery to bring the clue box over again.

Fortunately, usually they will prepare a few more clues for backup.

Zhou Yun drew another clue, first showed it to the camera, then looked at the crowd, and said, "The one I got was Xiaoniaoyiren."

Su Yan snorted softly, then turned to her partner and said, "Let's go."

Zhou Yun didn't bother to pretend to be innocent, so he curled his lips, looked at Liu Haiyu, and said, "Brother Haiyu, I'm sorry to waste your time, let's go."

Liu Haiyu shook her hand, indicating that she was fine.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, Liu Haiyu must have blocked her in his heart.

Who would want a partner who has a lot to do and doesn't know the rules?


Zhou Yun turned to look at Xiaowan, her screenwriter.

After Xiaowan was hit by her gaze, he immediately showed a nervous and uneasy expression.

Zhou Yun didn't say anything.

But she remembered very clearly that this girl named Xiao Wan never told her that she was not allowed to use mobile phones during the recording of the program.

Zhou Yun was very sure about his memory.

What's not sure right now is that this girl named Xiao Wan didn't say anything on purpose, or did she forget to say it because she was afraid of being punished, so she didn't dare to admit it?
"What does Xiaoniaoyiren mean?" Zhou Yun smiled at Liu Haiyu and asked, "Brother Haiyu, do you have any clues?"
"Hahahahaha, what you did just now was really beautiful!" Wei Chen gave Su Yan a thumbs-up, "Did you pay attention to Zhou Yun's face just now? She was still pretending, as if it was no big deal, I'm the same as you, I hate a person who is obviously not innocent, but insists on pretending to be innocent and innocent, when I see such a person, I want to punch him in the face."

"Don't be so violent." Su Yan raised the corners of her mouth easily, "You know, I am very kind to the guests who come here. Although I always feel that it is unnecessary to do so, when I need to be a green leaf, I will absolutely Yes, but Zhou Yun can’t. Did Gan Bida think I would compromise? He didn’t even think about it. Zhou Yun and I didn’t get along. The whole circle knew it, but he even suggested to Zhang Yan that Zhou Yun should be a flying guest for a few episodes. He just doesn't care about me at all!"

Wei Chen reassured: "It's okay, he will understand sooner or later that this show is not something he can decide."

"Yeah, I know. Fortunately, you are by my side. God knows how much we have paid for this show. As long as I am not filming, I will not ask for leave. The same is true for you. You can understand me best. How many shows are out there? The higher price wanted us to go, but we all refused and insisted on recording this program, I miss Zhao Qin a little bit, although his personal character is not very good, but his ability is much better than this Gan Bida."

"He also suffered from a villain, so he got out of luck."

"Unfortunately, he contacted me a few days ago and wanted to have dinner with me."

"You won't agree, will you?" Wei Chen asked.

"Of course I can't agree. At this moment, if someone photographs me eating with him, what will they think of it?"

"Yeah, you still have to be careful at times like this." Wei Chen smiled, "Especially you, there are a lot of celebrities, so you must pay attention."

Wei Chen's exhortations and reminders seemed to be a conversation between real friends, full of consideration for each other.
After running around all morning, Zhou Yun and Liu Haiyu solved two clues and successfully checked in at two points.

At noon, they sat together in a coffee shop to rest.

This cafe was communicated by the program team in advance, so at noon, when the business was the best, they were able to sit down, with a camera following them, occupying a small half of the space in the cafe.

There are many guests watching.

Zhou Yun and Liu Haiyu are both well-known entertainers. If they usually walk on the road, they may not be recognized. However, in this huge shooting environment, they seem to have the word "star" written on the top of their heads, attracting attention. attracting everyone's attention.

Zhou Yun: "Brother Haiyu, I've always been curious about a question, and I want to ask you."

"Tell me." Liu Haiyu gave her a surprised look.

Zhou Yun said: "If the two of us have not solved the clue, what should we do?"

Liu Haiyu smiled and tore the croissant in two, and said, "If we haven't unwrapped it within a certain period of time, our screenwriter will tell us, so that we won't fall too far behind the schedule."

Zhou Yun suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the case.

"I don't know what the progress of other groups is like." Zhou Yun said.

Liu Haiyu looked at Zhou Yun curiously, and asked, "Do you want to take the first place?"

Zhou Yun nodded, not hiding his thoughts, "Think."

Liu Haiyu pondered for a moment, then said: "Then let's speed up, there should still be hope."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you Brother Haiyu."

The two drank coffee in the cafe, ate some bread, and simply dismissed their lunch.

Liu Haiyu said: "Let's go, continue to look for clues."
"Why is the sun so big today?" Su Yan raised her right hand to cover her head, covering part of the sun, "It's only March!"

She turned to look for her assistant, "Go and get my parasol and sunscreen spray!"

Wei Chen stood aside and waited for Su Yan, smiling kindly.

Su Yan looked resentful, and complained to him: "You don't even know how much my company wants me to quit this show, just because this show has too many exterior scenes, and it's easy to get tanned, and I even objected to a skin care endorsement , Is it such an exaggeration to say that I am a degree darker than before?"

"They're looking for faults. Where's your tan?" Wei Chen said, "You're very white. Don't listen to them. They might be deliberately picking things up and trying to lower the price."

Su Yan snorted softly, and said, "I also think that my eyes are not blind, and I can't tell if I'm black?"

She didn't know what came to her mind, she turned her head and asked her screenwriter: "Where did Su Yan's group check in?"

The screenwriter shook his head and said, "I don't know, the director didn't tell us."

"Then go ask Ganbida." Su Yan said, "It's impossible to let her take the first place today."

The screenwriter nodded and said yes.

Wei Chen: "Wow, today you're going to go all out."

Su Yan turned her head and glanced at him, and asked, "Do we still need to use full firepower to deal with her?"

Wei Chen immediately raised his hands, shook his head, and said, "I was wrong, of course you don't need to deal with a small character like her."

Su Yan sneered and said, "She is just a defeated under Liu Qingqing."

At this time, her screenwriter came back.

"Sister Su Yan, Zhou Yun's group has reached the second check-in point at the end."

Su Yan's face suddenly changed, she frowned, and asked, "How could she be so fast? Isn't it the first time she recorded this program?"

The screenwriter shook his head, "I don't know about that either."

"It couldn't be that Ganbida gave her clues in private." Su Yan frowned, "Ganbida's doing this is a bit too much!"

Wei Chen didn't speak.

Su Yan told her assistant: "Go and get my phone."

(End of this chapter)

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