I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 197 Ascension Period: 32

Chapter 197 Ascension Period: 32
"This is slander!" roared Gambida angrily. "What proof does she have? She's talking nonsense!"

Zhang Yan quickly comforted him: "Bida, calm down, I believe in you, I know what kind of person you are, you would never do this, I know."

Ganbida slammed his fist on the table angrily, making a bang.

Zhang Yan patted Gan Bida's shoulder and said soothingly, "Don't take it too seriously. Su Yan didn't mean it for you when she said that. She meant it for Zhou Yun. You know that the two of them are not Come on, it’s not surprising that this happens, let’s not talk about it, I guess in the next few episodes of recording, there will be many collisions between these two people.”

Gan Bida: "Zhang Yan, do you really think that Su Yan is here for me? They are a few old permanent residents who have always regarded me as a newcomer. Whether it is the program creativity or the link setting, they find fault everywhere. This link is boring, and after a while, I think the process I set up is too complicated, they don’t understand, they just have a problem with me! Damn, these fucking stars!”

Zhang Yan: "Bida, you really need to calm down."

He pressed his hands on Gambida's shoulders and told him in a calm and calm voice: "Don't forget, without them, there would be no show."

Gambida turned his head angrily and looked to the other side.

"Zhao Qin had an accident and had to leave. They have been with Zhao Qin for so long, and they have a little affection, and they can't bear him. This is also normal."

"That's their business!"

Zhang Yan sighed, "Be patient, I promise, the situation will gradually get better. You are the most suitable person for this position, and they will know."
"I found it!" Zhou Yun found a clue hidden by the program team on the bookshelf. It was an envelope with the program team's logo on it. She turned her head and smiled brightly at Liu Haiyu, raised the envelope, and said, "Hai Brother Yu, I found a clue!"

Liu Haiyu came over immediately, "Look, what's written on it."

Zhou Yun opened the envelope.

Inside the envelope was a small key and a card.

The words "Between Red and White" are written on the card.

Liu Haiyu said: "This key should be waiting for us to find the next place, to find something that needs to be unlocked, and there is the next clue in it."

Zhou Yun pondered: "What does it mean between red and white?"

Liu Haiyu said: "My first reaction was the hospital."

"The program team probably wouldn't set the recording location in a hospital."

"You are right." Liu Haiyu nodded.

The two discussed for a while, but still had no clue.

Zhou Yun flipped through the city travel brochure prepared for them by the program group.Here are the best places to visit in the city.Generally speaking, the clues set by this program can be found in this travel guidebook, it just depends on whether the guests can find them.After all, a travel brochure is also very thick, with various introductions.

"Between red and white, wait, I get it!" Zhou Yun's eyes suddenly lit up. She raised her hand and pointed to a small cart selling ice cream in front. The tarpaulin of the small cart was pink, "Pink ! Where is the most famous pink building here?"

Liu Haiyu: "Ice Cream Alley!"
"Why are you here?" Su Yan frowned suspiciously, and looked at Zhou Yun with a hostile expression.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that she would meet Su Yan and Wei Chen at the entrance of the ice cream alley.

"The clue I got refers to this." Zhou Yun looked at Su Yan suspiciously, "You too?"

Su Yan scolded, "What the hell?", then turned her head and said to Wei Chen, "Is this really where we're coming?"

"Between red and white, it should refer to this place." Wei Chen shrugged his shoulders, expressing that he did not expect to meet Zhou Yun and Liu Haiyu here.

His expression was innocent.

"How could this be? In the past, if we acted in groups, wouldn't the lines of action not cross?" Su Yan stared at Zhou Yun unkindly, "Either we made a mistake or you made a mistake. What you got in the last round What's the clue?"

Zhou Yun and Liu Haiyu looked at each other and said, "The clues we got are the same as yours, between red and white."

The two sides looked at each other suspiciously for a while, and then looked at their screenwriter almost at the same time.

"What's going on?" The two said in unison.

Five minutes later, both groups got word that the props group had made a mistake, and one group's clues had been placed twice.

"Then what should we do now?" Su Yan asked angrily, "Why did such a low-level mistake occur?"

Zhou Yun didn't complain like Su Yan did, but she stood aside and realized that this matter might not end easily.

Liu Haiyu had already taken a cigarette from his assistant, lit one, and stood in the corner to smoke.Apparently, he had the same premonition.

Ice Cream Alley itself is a popular place for young people, especially students.The alleys here are painted pink, and it is an Internet celebrity place where girls are keen to take pictures and check in.

Zhou Yun and Su Yan, two popular stars, stood at the corner of the alley, and they were quickly recognized.

The recording was communicated in advance, and security personnel had already been arranged. They protected Zhou Yun, Su Yan and others in an open space, preventing others from approaching.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Yan and Gan Bida arrived here by car.

Gambida got out of the car and apologized to the four people first. Such a mistake should not have been made during the recording of the program.His attitude was very sincere, but both Su Yan and Wei Chen remained expressionless and didn't react at all.It was a bit embarrassing for a while.

"What should we do now?" Zhou Yun asked, "What do we need to do?"

Gambida glanced at her gratefully and said: "Your group needs to re-record the last round of clues. To be fair, the recording of all groups has been suspended now. We will rearrange a new clue and wait for you to solve it." Afterwards, rush to the corresponding location, and all groups will resume operations together.”

Zhou Yun looked at Liu Haiyu.

Liu Haiyu nodded.

Zhou Yun said: "No problem, then we can go back to the bookstore just now, right?"

Gambida nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yun was more talkative than he expected.

"Wait!" Su Yan said suddenly.

Hearing Su Yan's voice, Gan Bida raised the tone he had just let loose.

Ganbida took a deep breath and looked at Su Yan.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Su Yan folded her hands on her chest and said, "They recorded their group, why should we stop and wait for them? Are we wasting everyone's time?"

Zhang Yan had no choice but to stand up and speak. He said, "Su Yan, we must ensure that this process is fair. Moreover, it won't take much time. It can be done in half an hour."

Su Yan turned to look at Wei Chen: "Do you think this is fair?"

Wei Chen shrugged and didn't speak, his attitude was already evident, he was on Su Yan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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