I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 198 Ascension Period: 33

Chapter 198 Ascension Period: 33
The recording of the program cannot be dragged on indefinitely. If it continues, the original recording time will be exceeded.

Zhang Yan had no choice but to pull Su Yan aside, and asked in a low voice, "Su Yan, what exactly do you want?"

Su Yan: "What should I do? Zhou Yun's re-recording is her business, we are too lazy to wait for her."

"She wants to re-record because someone from the props team made a mistake. It has nothing to do with her. I am already thankful that she is willing to re-record. You are our resident guest! Can you please understand us!" Zhang Yan couldn't bear the tone Live a little heavier.

"Have you ever considered me? You know that I hate her, but you still insist on inviting her to be the guest of the fourth episode, and want me to be a supporting role, and let me entrust her? Please, Zhang Yan, I am the one in "Geological Tan" "Is the heroine of this show okay?" The more Su Yan spoke, the more excited she became.

The surrounding crowd looked at them curiously.

Zhang Yan was afraid of the curious eyes of the onlookers, so he could only lower his voice, and at the same time signaled Su Yan to lower his voice.

"Of course you are the heroine, she only recorded four episodes! It's only four episodes, can't you bear it a little bit?" Zhang Yan stared into Su Yan's eyes, his voice was low but full of oppression, "Because Zhao Qin, do you know how many episodes there are? Advertising sponsors are going to be withdrawn? I need to keep this show alive, I have to hire the hottest stars to secure those advertising sponsors, do you understand?"

"Oh, the hottest star, she is the hottest star." Su Yan sneered.

"You have to admit that in the eyes of advertising sponsors, she is more valuable than you!" Zhang Yan almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence, as if he followed up with "You insist that I speak clearly Do you understand so well?", Zhang Yan's gaze and Su Yan's gaze seemed to become real, sparking electric sparks as they looked at each other angrily.

Su Yan put away the sneer on her face, she didn't even want to put a sneer on her face anymore.She took a deep breath, then became quiet and calm.

"Okay, you are the producer, you have the final say." Su Yan shrugged, and the corners of her mouth were drawn away like water lines, "Anyway, I'm just a little star."
Zhou Yun didn't know if it was an illusion. In the end, the four groups of celebrity guests came together. When recording the end of this issue, the star guests of other groups looked at her in a very unfriendly way.

Neither her group nor Su Yan's group won the first place in this episode.

Su Yan stood in her fixed C position, the smile on her face and the rhythm of her applause revealed a sense of disenchantment.

When Ganbida yelled the word shutdown, everyone started to pack things in an orderly manner. The team members came forward to deliver water, mobile phones, and coats. They hugged each other and left.

There is another recording day tomorrow.Four episodes, one city for each episode, two days for each city, broadcast in eight episodes.

Zheng Xiaoju put a coat on Zhou Yun.

It's only March, the temperature is still very low, and the wind is howling.Zhou Yun was about to go back to the hotel and say goodbye to Liu Haiyu, but felt that Liu Haiyu was about to say something.

After a day of contact, Zhou Yun has a good impression of this senior who debuted about ten years earlier than her.

What is he trying to say?
"Brother Haiyu?" Zhou Yun called to stop him.

Liu Haiyu shook his head and said, "It's okay, see you tomorrow."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

The two got into their cars, called it a day, and went back to the hotel.

Liu Haiyu got into the car, looked back at Zhou Yun's car, and let out a sigh.

"I sent you an address, go there."
Liu Haiyu pushed open the door and walked into the private room.

There were several familiar figures in the private room.

"Why is Brother Haiyu so slow?" Wei Chen got up and hugged Liu Haiyu, and said, "We've already had a round of drinking."

Liu Haiyu took the opportunity to sit down, "There was a car accident on the road and it was blocked."

"Car accident? That's unlucky enough." Wei Chen brought a glass of wine in front of Liu Haiyu, "Have a sip of wine, and get rid of the bad luck."

Liu Haiyu took the wine glass and touched Wei Chen.

"Brother Haiyu, you should know why we are sitting here today, right?" Su Yan who was sitting next to him suddenly leaned over and asked with a smile.

"Aren't you drinking?" Liu Haiyu turned around and gave Wei Chen a false look, "What's the matter, do you have other intentions today? Why are you fooling me, kid?"

"Oh, Brother Haiyu, how dare I fool you." Wei Chen winked at Su Yan.

"Brother Haiyu, don't blame him, I thought...you feel the same as us and know what Wei Chen and I are dissatisfied with." Su Yan said, sighing, "I dare not say this outside There are a lot of people, but Haiyu brother, you came here with this show just like us, you are the one who empathizes with us. Although Zhao Qin is a little extravagant and can't control himself, he is at the helm of " "Geological Tan" for so long, I have never seen any major troubles in this show, let alone today's low-level mistakes where both groups of guest clues are repeated."

Liu Haiyu waved his hands and said, "Ganbida took over in a hurry, so I can understand if something goes wrong."

Su Yan yelled, and smiled at Wei Chen, as if looking for some kind of approval, and said, "Brother Haiyu is kind and tolerant, unlike us, it seems like we are paying attention to pennies and pennies."

"That's not what I meant, Xiao Yan, don't put a high hat on me." Liu Haiyu said immediately.

Su Yan: "I know Brother Haiyu doesn't mean that, but Brother Haiyu, if you are willing to tolerate others, others may not necessarily be willing to tolerate you."

"What do you mean?" Liu Haiyu's expression became serious.

Su Yan leaned forward and whispered, "Gan Bida is suggesting to Zhang Yan that you should be replaced."

Liu Haiyu burst out laughing.

"Su Yan, there's no need to do this."

Su Yan said seriously: "Brother Haiyu, I won't use a lie to win you over."

Liu Haiyu's expression became serious.

"Ganbida doesn't like us old people who came along with "Geological Tan". He likes Zhou Yun and newcomers. He knows these directors. It doesn't matter whether he is making TV series, movies, or variety shows. As a director, he must hold all the power in his own hands, and he does not allow anyone to have more power than him." Su Yan said, "The first one is you, followed by me and Wei Chen. Brother Haiyu , Do you hope that the show that you have worked so hard for so long will be picked by others? How much work did we spend to make this show liked by so many people, why? Why let a newcomer call the shots and put Shall we get out?"

Liu Haiyu was silent for a long time, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Su Yan smiled and raised the corners of her mouth.

"Don't worry, as long as we unite the front, this program must listen to us."

(End of this chapter)

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