I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 199 Ascension Period: 34

Chapter 199 Ascension Period: 34
"How is the recording of the program? Didn't you conflict with Su Yan?"

After returning to the room, Zhou Yun received a call from Zhou Lan and was routinely interrogated by Zhou Lan.

Zhou Yun turned on the public speaker, put the phone on the table, turned around and opened the notebook, and turned it on.

"I don't know if there was a conflict, um, it shouldn't be considered a conflict, I endured it." Zhou Yun turned on the desk lamp, "Su Yan is always finding fault, I can't help it, I don't understand the program in the morning According to the rules, she took out her mobile phone to check for clues, but she pointed it out in public, which is very embarrassing."

"Didn't your screenwriter tell you?"

"No, she probably forgot." Zhou Lan reminded Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun said: "I regret accepting this program now."

"Just because of the conflict with Su Yan? Isn't this what was agreed before? As long as you don't fight with her, everything is still under control." Zhou Lan said, "Honey, you need to keep exposure. This show is perfect for you."

Zhou Yun sighed and said, "It's not Su Yan's business, I found that we might have waded into muddy water."

"How to say?"

"It's not just Su Yan, I found out that some of the old permanent residents have objections to the new Gambida. Have you heard any news?"

"No, but it's normal for Gan Bida to take Zhao Qin's seat. They have opinions. Zhao Qin is very good at getting along with people. He has a good relationship with the regular guests of the show."

"But the problem is, Zhao Qin wasn't squeezed away by Gan Bida." Zhou Yun opened the browser and searched for the word "Wei Chen", "Another incident happened in the afternoon. The clues of the group repeated the clues given to us, which caused my group to have to re-record. Su Yan and the others had great opinions, and they were unwilling to wait for us to re-record. At first, I thought it was Su Yan. She didn’t want to wait for me because she wanted to embarrass me deliberately, but I gradually realized that it was actually because the old permanent residents were dissatisfied with Gambida, so they didn’t want to cooperate with him.”

On the web page, Wei Chen's information popped up.

Zhou Yun read it line by line.

Zhou Lan said: "I understand, there is a big conflict between them, but it doesn't have much to do with you, does it? Anyway, you are not going to be a resident guest, and there will be no conflict of interest with them, will you? ?”

Zhou Yun: "Sister Lan, Su Yan doesn't like me. Whenever there is an opportunity, she will step on me. You said that there is such a ready-made opportunity here, will she not take advantage of it? Other old permanent residents may She has no opinion on me, but she will use this opportunity to make other people have opinions on me, because I am the guest invited by Gambida after she becomes the director."

"I'll come over tomorrow." Zhou Lan said, "Don't be tricked."

"Well, I also think it's better for you to come here." Zhou Yun paused for holding the hand of the mouse, and she frowned.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun carefully looked at the line of information on the screen: "Fist of Hope", directed by Gan Bida, starring Wei Chen.

Gambida also worked as a film director?

Zhou Yun was a little surprised.Because generally speaking, film directors and variety show directors have completely different paths, and there will be no cross-professional situations.But these two people had an intersection so early.Zhou Yun re-entered the keyword to search, this time adding the word "Ganbida" to the keyword.

The movie "Fist of Hope" turned out to be made ten years ago, and it hasn't even been shown in theaters.The score is very low, only 3.8 points, and the evaluation is very poor.

At that time, Wei Chen was still an actor who had just debuted, and his appearance was full of justice.

Zhou Yun kept flipping through the pages, and when he turned to the seventh page, a news preview of "The director of "Fist of Hope" and Wei Chen had a big fight on the set" appeared.

She wanted to click in to see what was going on, but the webpage could no longer be opened.

Zhou Yun couldn't help frowning.

Did the two have conflicts and conflicts in the past? -
On the second day, Zhou Yun continued to participate in the filming of the program according to the scheduled plan. This time, the group was drawn again, but this time he did not go to various places to check in, but mainly played outdoor games.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that he would draw Wei Chen and be in the same group as Wei Chen.

Judging from Wei Chen's reaction, he was also very surprised, he didn't expect to be drawn into a group with Zhou Yun.

"Brother Chen." No matter what, Zhou Yun greeted Wei Chen politely.

Wei Chen smiled back politely.

Zhou Yun could feel the alienation from Wei Chen's smile very directly.

So, after recording the opening part, and preparing for the waiting time for the game, Zhou Yun came to Wei Chen's side.

"Brother Chen, don't you like me?" She asked straight to the point.

Wei Chen glanced at Zhou Yun in surprise, he was even flustered.Probably because of Zhou Yun's straight-to-the-point question.

"No, no, how could it be." Wei Chen's polite alienation was defeated, and he said, "I have no problem with you."

That last sentence sounds like it's emphasizing something.

I have no problem with you.

Where is the focus?The end or the beginning?
Zhou Yun said: "I thought Brother Chen had some opinions on me. I hope my relationship with Sister Su Yan won't affect your opinion of me."

Wei Chen was once again defeated by Zhou Yun's direct attitude.

"You...you are so straightforward." Wei Chen said.

Zhou Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't want me to talk, or you not to talk, and somehow we will end up in trouble. If there are fewer misunderstandings, then there will be more friends."

Wei Chen laughed.

"I don't care about the matter between you and Su Yan, but you are quite interesting."

"I know, my friends say so." Zhou Yun said, "But I'm so glad, you can find me interesting, which is very encouraging to me."

"Encourage you?" Wei Chen asked in surprise, "Then should I ask, how do you say this?"

Zhou Yun seemed to be amused, but also pursed the corners of his mouth in embarrassment.

"You are my idol. When I was in college, I watched a movie of yours. You acted as a policeman who got shot. He went home to recuperate. He happened to encounter a thief in a neighbor's house, so he started catching the thief with everyone. Do you remember?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Chen nodded in surprise, and said, "I remember, I remember, that was a play five years ago, right?"

"Well, I went to watch it with my roommate. At the movie theater, I thought, this man is too powerful. I didn't expect that one day I could record a show with him."

Wei Chen shook his head and sighed, "I was only twenty-seven years old when I filmed that movie."

"What are you two talking about?" Su Yan came over with her sense of crisis, looked at Zhou Yun vigilantly, and deliberately put on a relaxed posture, looking at Wei Chen, "You are too happy to chat .”

When Wei Chen saw Su Yan, his expression changed slightly.

Zhou Yun pretended he didn't see it, smiled slightly, and said, "I didn't have a chance to have a good chat with Brother Chen yesterday, but today we got a group, so we chatted a little more. I didn't expect to have such a happy chat."

(End of this chapter)

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