I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 200 Ascension Period: 35

Chapter 200 Ascension Period: 35
The subtext in Su Yan's heart: This vixen!

Looking at this story from Su Yan's point of view, it is undoubtedly Zhou Yun, a vixen, who is seducing Wei Chen.

Zhou Yun is best at this kind of tricks. He stunned Song Chi and He Yong, played the two men around, and now he has his eyes on Wei Chen.

Of course Wei Chen is a man worthy of Zhou Yun's strategy.He was the leading actor when he debuted, and after becoming popular, his position has been stable, and he is also the core position in "Geological Tan".

When Su Yan saw Zhou Yun and Wei Chen chatting happily, it was as if a thorn had been stuck in her eye, which made her unable to bear it any longer.

She shook her hair with a smile, and said to Zhou Yun meaningfully: "You really have the ability to have a good conversation with every man."

Zhou Yun: "Sister Su Yan pays so much attention to me."

"I don't pay attention, but this place is so big, you can always hear some gossip."

"My mother told me when I was a child that I must not chew people's tongues behind their backs, and I must not participate in those gossips. Sister Su Yan doesn't shy away from it?"

"I want to avoid taboo, but the people who say it one after another, I don't want to wear a sign on my chest, which says don't discuss Zhou Yun in front of me. It was rumored that the relationship between the two of us is not good, it's really bad The brand, it is estimated that some people will spread that the two of us will never see each other again."

"Then maybe this world can become a paradise instead."

"What?" Su Yan's faster and faster speech was suddenly interrupted.

Zhou Yun smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing."

At this time, the director began to greet all the guests to prepare to record a game.

Su Yan frowned and glared at Zhou Yun, as if she still didn't understand Zhou Yun's meaning, but she was already going to her partner's side.

Wei Chen raised the corners of his mouth cryptically, and asked softly, "Are you really that good at school?"


"Using allusions to swear at people." Wei Chen said with a smile, "I haven't heard anyone swear in this way since I graduated."

"Then everyone should review the textbook more, to be prepared." Zhou Yun said, "There are too many essences."

Wei Chen laughed out loud.

Su Yan heard Wei Chen's laughter and turned to look over.

Zhou Yun pretended he didn't see it, and staggered her gaze.
At noon, everyone had lunch and had a break.

Wei Chen was blocked by Su Yan at the bathroom door.

Su Yan's eyes were full of condemnation, as if she was looking at a traitor.

Wei Chen spread his hands and asked innocently, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You still ask me? Ask yourself, what have you done?" Su Yan gritted her teeth, "I thought we were an unbreakable alliance!"

"Yes, of course." Wei Chen said, "What did you misunderstand?"

"You don't even know that when you stood in front of Zhou Yun, your eyes were almost glued to her!" Su Yan condemned.

"I just had a good chat with her. Are you serious?" Wei Chen denied, "When did my eyes stick to her? Don't talk nonsense, I'm a married man."

Su Yan sneered, "So you still know that you are married, so why don't you want to think what your wife would think if she knew that you were so close to Zhou Yun, a vixen?"

"You have conflicts with her, so don't pour dirty water on me! I don't want to joke with her, why do you want to deliberately dump her face in front of so many people and ignore her? Su Yan, what do you have to do with her? Conflicts are your business, don't involve me. There are thousands of entertainment behind her, and I don't want to have an affair with her." Wei Chen said bluntly.

"You don't want to have an affair with her because you are afraid of Chengqian Entertainment? Come on less!"

"I don't want to offend a popular female star just because of you!" Wei Chen angrily warned Su Yan, "Let me stress this one last time, don't mix up your personal grievances! The matter between us and Gambita has nothing to do with her!"

"What if Ganbida makes her a resident guest?" Su Yan asked angrily, "If she comes to be a resident guest, we have to leave one of them."

Wei Chen smiled speechlessly.

"What does this have to do with me? Anyway, I won't be the one who walks." Wei Chen raised his leg and was about to leave when he remembered something, stopped, and added, "Also, Su Yan, Zhou Yun will really come to do regular work. Is it a resident guest? Her next schedule is full, and there are several dramas waiting for her to shoot, how could she waste her time on a variety show."

Su Yan's face turned green with anger.

"It took us several years to create this variety show!" Su Yan said.

"I know, it took us several years to make it, because we don't have so many scenes to shoot." Wei Chen waved his hand, "Don't deceive yourself anymore, when you were filming "Questing the Heart", I didn't see you hesitate to take it all at once. Ask "Geological Tan" for half a year's leave!"
"I heard that Wei Chen and Su Yan had a quarrel at noon, and someone saw them break up unhappy."

After Zhou Yun woke up from a short nap, Zheng Xiaoju whispered to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun smiled in surprise, "So fast?"

"Sister Xiaoyun, why did Su Yan quarrel with Wei Chen? Aren't the two of them on good terms? I saw them get in the same car yesterday." Zheng Xiaoju said doubtfully.

Zhou Yun: "Because... I'm sowing discord."

"Ah? Why?" Zheng Xiaoju asked in surprise.

Zhou Yun: "Because when we encounter danger, we must not sit still. Only by taking the initiative to attack can we turn the disadvantage into an advantage. Now that it's all right, they have to resolve their internal conflicts first."

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Sister Lan told me that she is here and is talking to Zhang Yan now."

"Well, aren't we going to fly back to Shanghai tonight? Ask Sister Lan if you want to go back with us." Zhou Yun said, "If she doesn't arrange it, let's find a place nearby for dinner at night and then go to the airport together .”

Zheng Xiaoju replied yes.

In the afternoon, the program continued to record.

It was fine when there was a camera, but once she rested, Su Yan's face would stink visibly to the naked eye, and everyone could tell that she was in a bad mood.

Zheng Xiaoju could hear the news about her quarrel with Wei Chen, and the rest of the program team had heard it long ago.

What happens within a three-meter radius of the bathroom can never be kept secret.

Zhou Yun originally wanted to ask a bitch, "Brother Chen, what happened to you and Sister Su Yan? Why are you arguing so well?", but the words got stuck in his throat, it was so disgusting that even he couldn't bear it, so hurry up Swallowed it back.

She happily finished recording the program with a smile, called it a day, and said goodbye to everyone.

Zhou Lan stood in front of her waiting for her and gave her a warm hug.

"Nice job," Zhou Lan said.

"That is." Zhou Yun smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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