I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 201 Ascension Period: 36

Chapter 201 Ascension Period: 36
In the evening, Zhou Yun originally planned to find a nearby restaurant for dinner with Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju.After eating, we will go to the airport together.But Zhou Lan said that she promised Zhang Yan and Gan Bida to have dinner with them in the evening.

"Is there anything you want to talk about?" Zhou Yun asked.

"They want you to stay permanently," Zhou Lan said.

Sure enough.

"I've already turned them down, but let's have a meal together." Zhou Lan said, "It's okay to participate in a few more recording sessions when there is time."

Zhou Yun: "Okay, listen to you."

At the dinner table, both Zhang Yan and Gan Bida hoped that Zhou Yun could be a resident guest, even if he couldn't be a resident guest, they would record a few more episodes.

"Zhou Yun's variety shows are really good. Generally, pretty female stars can't let go of them, especially when playing games, they are afraid of acting ugly, but Zhou Yun is really good, completely disregarding his own image, When it airs, the audience will definitely be very pleasantly surprised." Gambida took the initiative to praise.

Zhou Yun: "Don't say that, I don't know what the effect will be when it is finally broadcast, after all, I am new here."

Zhang Yan laughed and said, "Xiaoyun, you should know that we very much welcome you to participate more in our program."

"The main reason is that Xiaoyun has already signed two plays, and there is really no time to wait for her to join the group," Zhou Lan said.

"It doesn't matter, we can sign on a regular basis. It doesn't have to be a resident, we can cooperate flexibly." Zhang Yan came prepared, "How about this, let's sign for one year first, including the four phases that have already been signed. , we sign ten installments a year, what do you think?"

Zhou Yun looked at Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang is so sincere, I must think about it carefully, and we will talk about it later."

"No problem, let's talk in detail, don't worry, we will definitely pay the market price for the remuneration." Zhang Yan waved his hand, "Absolutely not procrastinating."
After dinner, head to the airport.

Zhou Lan looked back at Zhou Yun and said, "Sure enough, they really need to pull you in to stabilize the morale of the army at this transitional stage. With you joining, those advertisers will be stabilized."

"Anyway, don't let them say that I'm permanent." Zhou Yun said, "The conflict between Su Yan and Wei Chen, the old permanent residents, and Gambita has not been resolved. I think there will be a fight in the future."

"so serious?"

"Wei Chen and Gan Bida have had a relationship before, and they have a new and old hatred."

"I actually went to inquire about this. Two people used to be jealous over a woman."

"Ah?" Zhou Yun raised his eyebrows in astonishment, "So bloody?"

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "The more bloody ones are behind. Guess who that woman is."

"Who?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Wei Ruxue." Zhou Lan said a name that Zhou Yun had heard countless times.

"Who?!" Zhou Yun widened his eyes in shock, "Really?"

"Anyway, the news I heard is like this, it's awesome." Zhou Lan said, "Wei Ruxue had a relationship with Gan Bida before, but this news has not been exposed, so don't tell it to the outside world. When Gan Bida and Wei Chen were filming , found that Wei Chen and Wei Ruxue were a little unclear, and impulsively attacked Wei Chen. The two fought fiercely, and the matter was very noisy. It was suppressed."

Zhou Yun was very surprised and said, "I never thought that this matter has something to do with Wei Ruxue."

"Who would have thought of that." Zhou Lan smiled, "I think this is a good opportunity for you."


"He Yong very much needs to promote more newcomers to the top. To promote newcomers needs to provide opportunities for newcomers to be exposed. Zhang Yan needs you to stabilize the advertisers of "Geological Tan". Then we can also take this opportunity to get some flying guests For newcomers, even if they only pay [-] yuan for labor fees, or even pay back money, "Geological Tan" is worth it. It has a large audience base and has a great blessing effect on newcomers." Zhou Lan Say.

"Isn't this making wedding dresses for others?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment, and she said, "Xiaoyun, there is something I just want to tell you."

"What?" Zhou Yun asked.

"He Yong told me that he is willing to hand over some artists to me." Zhou Lan said, "If I want, I can get promoted."

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun with nervous and expectant eyes.

Zhou Yun laughed in surprise, "Really? That's great, congratulations."

"It's all because of...you." Zhou Lan said, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity. He urgently needs to stabilize you in his camp."

"Then you are still my manager?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Of course, of course, I guarantee that no matter what position I get in the future, one of my most important jobs will be to be your agent." Zhou Lan heaved a sigh of relief and laughed.

Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, I hope you will get better and better."

Zhou Lan suddenly hugged Zhou Yun, let go for a second, turned his head away, smiled, and looked back at Zhou Yun again.

"Me too."

"Then what will be your position in the future?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said, "There is no specific position, but I have been given more authority and a salary increase. I will have the right to make decisions about your work in the future, and I don't need to ask the company for everything."

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up, and he said, "This is a good thing! It's great!"

"Yeah, before when I went out to help you talk about work, I was always in a hurry, and I will feel much more comfortable in the future."

"Sister Lan, please do me a favor." Zhou Yun said, "I know that Yu Chu is not an artist of our company, but she is my friend. Can you help me to contact her and let her go online?" How many issues of "Geological Tan"?"

Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment, and said, "Xiao Yun, of course I can help, but are you sure you want to help? I'm not saying that friendships in the entertainment industry are too fragile, but not everyone wants help from others. I have also seen someone in here who is more sensitive, you may want to help her, but in the end, the relationship will be divided."

Zhou Yun said: "I know what you mean, but... Sister Lan, don't let her know about this, let Zhang Yan invite Yu Chu to participate in the program in the name of the program group."

"Okay, I see, I'll take care of it." Zhou Lan smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Miss Lan."

The two returned to Shanghai late at night, braving the slanting wind and drizzle all the way home.

Song Chi sent a message saying that he came to Shanghai and asked if she was there.

Zhou Yun, who had just entered the door, saw the news and was about to change his shoes.She leaned against the wall cabinet and called Song Chi.

Song Chi answered in seconds.

"I saw the news so soon. I'm still at the airport."

"I just got home from the airport."

"It's such an unfortunate coincidence. If I had known earlier, I would have told you earlier that we could still leave from the airport together." Song Chi's voice was a little teasing, "Have a drink together?"

(End of this chapter)

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