I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 202 Ascension Period: 37

Chapter 202 Ascension Period: 37
The bar was too crowded for the two of them.

Song Chi took Zhou Yun to a bar opened by a friend of his.Opened by a rich second generation, the location is remote, and it is mainly used to entertain some friends.Song Chi said hello, and when the two of them arrived at half past ten, they were the only ones in the bar.

"Is the venue reserved?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

Song Chi said, "This place usually closes after ten o'clock in the evening."

"The bar doesn't open after ten o'clock in the evening, how does it make money?" Zhou Yun was even more surprised.

Song Chi smiled: "It doesn't need to make money."

Zhou Yun shrugged helplessly and said, "Okay, the world of the rich."

The bar space is not big, but the interior decoration is very artistic. There are many medieval style swords and shields hanging on the walls, and there are also accessories during the period, such as necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc.The combination of these elements makes this space look like a sense of history, and because of the disordered rehearsal combination, it breaks a certain heaviness.

"The environment here is really good." Zhou Yun sighed.

"Do you like it?" Song Chi asked.

"Well, it's really good for the first time." Zhou Yun said, "It should be nice to take pictures here."

Song Chi smiled and said, "How about I help you take pictures?"

"There's no rush now, let's shoot when we're ready to leave."

Song Chi and Zhou Yun sat down.

"What do you drink?" Song Chi picked up the menu and asked.

Zhou Yun didn't want to look at the menu, she said, "Look at it and order for me."

Song Chi helped Zhou Yun order together.

After Song Chi handed over the menu to the waiter, the two suddenly looked at each other speechlessly.

Lines of sight crossed.

"It's been a while since I saw you," Song Chi said.

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded.

"I miss you a little bit," Song Chi said again.

"Me too." Zhou Yun also said.

Lines of sight crossed again.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and after a few seconds, they suddenly looked at each other and smiled again.

Zhou Yun scratched his hair and turned to look out the window.Outside the window is an empty and quiet street with dancing shadows of trees.

"Two, please take your time." The waiter brought over two glasses of wine.

Song Chi said to Zhou Yun, "Try it."

Zhou Yun picked up the wine glass and took a sip. It was salty with a hint of sweetness, which was her favorite taste.


"I guess you'll like this." Song Chi raised the corners of his mouth with a hint of a triumphant smile.

Some kind of emotion is surging in the undercurrent.

Suddenly there was a sound of opening the door.Who will come at this time?Isn't it already booked?

Song Chi and Zhou Yunxun turned their heads to look over, and saw a figure that surprised them, Liu Qingqing.She was wearing a long wine red dress, and because of the cold weather, she also wore a black, furry coat.Although she had just opened the door of the bar, she looked as if she had already drunk, and her expression seemed to be slightly drunk.With long hair falling down the left side of her head, she is still bright and moving.

"Why are you two here?" Liu Qingqing was also surprised when she saw them, raised a hand, pointed at the two of them, and asked.

What surprised them even more was that Liu Qingqing was still holding the hand of a young boy.It was a strange but handsome face.

The last time I saw Liu Qingqing, she was Chen Wenjun's girlfriend.

There was not much space in the bar, Liu Qingqing took the boy's hand and walked straight to them, suddenly smiled, looked at the two of them with interest, and asked, "Are you two secretly dating while hiding here?"

"No." Zhou Yun was the first to deny it, her eyes fell on the young boy behind Liu Qingqing, and asked, "Who is this?"

"Oh, my boyfriend, Li Qi." After Liu Qingqing introduced, she turned around and smiled at the young boy named Li Qi, smiling like a girl his age, "I don't need to introduce them to you. Right? Song Chi, Zhou Yun, are more popular than me."

Li Qi was a little cautious, and greeted Zhou Yun and Song Chi: "Hello."

Zhou Yun replied in surprise, "Hello."

Isn't Liu Qingqing in love with Chen Junsheng?Why did you change to such a young boyfriend?
"He is also an actor, just graduated, if you have any good opportunities, you can consider him." Liu Qingqing showed a sweet smile, she and Li Qi clasped their fingers tightly, with a warm and sweet look.

Zhou Yun noticed that Li Qi's face suddenly became a little embarrassed.Also, for a boy of this age, who would like to be offered a chance by his girlfriend in public?

Face hangs on the face, let alone put it on the ground and people will step on it, even if it moves down a little two inches, it will be ugly and show a double chin.

"Let's go to the other side." Li Qi whispered to Liu Qingqing.

Liu Qingqing looked at Zhou Yun, blinked her big eyes, and said, "Do you mind if we share a table?"

Zhou Yun thought, mind.She smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

She felt that such an attitude was obvious enough.Interested people should obediently leave.

Liu Qingqing didn't realize it, and sat down directly beside Zhou Yun.She was next to Zhou Yun, so Zhou Yun had to move a little to the side.Zhou Yun looked at Liu Qingqing in disbelief, and for a moment didn't know how to speak.

Song Chi looked at Liu Qingqing in surprise.

But Liu Qingqing turned a blind eye to the gazes of Zhou Yun and Song Chi. She looked up at her little boyfriend who was still standing by the table, and then showed that silly and sweet smile, and said, "You sit down too." ah."

Zhou Yun felt that this boy named Li Qi was almost so embarrassed that his hands were not hands and feet were not feet.He gave Song Chi an apologetic look, and sat down awkwardly.

Liu Qingqing looked at Zhou Yun and Song Chi curiously, and suddenly asked, "How long have you two been dating secretly like this?"

"We're not dating secretly. We're going out for a drink openly. Is this called sneaking?" Zhou Yun was a little annoyed, his tone was not very good, and he frowned and gave Liu Qingqing a look.

She didn't know what happened to Liu Qingqing tonight, it was as if her IQ had completely disappeared, she couldn't understand the situation, she couldn't understand people's words, and she made people angry again and again.

Liu Qingqing laughed out loud, as if something very interesting had happened.

"Zhou Yun, why are you so angry? I won't say it." Liu Qingqing suddenly lost interest and waved her hands, as if she was too lazy to say these things, "Forget it, since you don't want to admit it, you don't want to admit it."

Song Chi frowned slightly, looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "Let's go."

Zhou Yun nodded and got up.

Liu Qingqing burst out laughing suddenly, her tone full of sarcasm: "I thought the two of you could be a little different, and for a long time you just watched people order dishes, yes, I broke up with that bastard Chen Junsheng, you two Everyone despises me."

She chuckled and murmured, "What the hell!"

Zhou Yun looked at her with pity, and said: "I heard you talking to yourself from the beginning to the end. What happened to you and Chen Junsheng is none of our business."

"Heh." Liu Qingqing sneered.

"Let's go." Song Chi said.

The two left the bar and walked onto a secluded sidewalk.

Both wore masks.

The unhappiness that happened in the bar just now was like a bubble that popped up, and it disappeared with a pop.

"Liu Qingqing was dumped by Chen Junsheng, probably because she was in a bad mood. Don't let her make you feel bad." Song Chi said.

"No, but why was she dumped?" Zhou Yun was a little curious, "I met you not long ago, and the two of you are quite nice."

"Who knows, if they don't talk about this kind of thing, we don't know either."

"She recovered quite quickly, and she fell into a new relationship so quickly." Zhou Yun sneered, "It's just that her temper has become too bad."

"Let's vent your anger. I found a handsome young boy on purpose and showed it to Chen Junsheng." Song Chi had his own opinion.

"It's boring enough, what's the point of venting anger after breaking up, and you have to find another boyfriend to vent your anger." Zhou Yun stopped abruptly, and she shook her head, "Forget it, I can't talk about others behind their backs so meanly."

"Haha, suddenly morality bound yourself?"

"I simply don't want to be a gossip."

The wind suddenly picked up.

The leaves above the two of them rustled, like Lin Lang knocking.

"It's very windy." Song Chi said, "How about we find a place to sit?"

"Aren't you going to work tomorrow morning?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Yes." Song Chi said.

"Then why don't you hurry back and rest." Zhou Yun waved his hand, "It's over."

"Let's go for a while." Song Chi said.

"You're really... alright." Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief, "It would be fun if someone photographed it. Lonely men and widows trample the road in the middle of the night."

"It's only eleven o'clock in the evening, so it's midnight." Song Chi complained, "I was disturbed just now, so I can't just leave disappointed."

"When you go out at night holding candles, do you have to come back exhausted?" Zhou Yun complained.

Song Chi lowered his head and smiled, and suddenly spoke softly.

"The ancients walked around at night with candles, and there is a reason for it."

"What kind of ancient prose are you talking about? Song University intends to sing songs to express your feelings?" Zhou Yun teased with a chuckle.

"How about I try?" Song Chi raised his eyebrows.

"Try it, if it makes me a little sick, I'll spit it out for you on the spot." Zhou Yun walked to the front, turned around and gave Song Chi the middle finger, "It's easy for a handsome guy to overturn if he pretends to be aggressive."

Song Chi stared at Zhou Yun's eyes calmly, with a gaze-like smile on his lips and eyes.

There is an attraction about him.

Under this gaze, Zhou Yun's heartbeat suddenly became a little disordered.

He looked at Zhou Yun and said:

"Where is the spring river without moonlight?"

"But there are few idlers like the ears of the two of us."

Zhou Yun was stunned for a second, then came to his senses, and scolded with a smile: "Wang Ruoxu and Su Dongpo are so mad at you."

She didn't know that when she scolded Song Chi, she was actually smiling a bit with the ease and joy of not knowing the sorrows of the years in the world.

The mouth is not the heart.

Song Chi took two steps forward, walked up to Zhou Yun, and said, "Whether they will be mad at me, I don't know, but Su Shi said, let's go happily, and don't leave disappointed."

"Su Shi has to jump out of the book and beat you up. Not only will he embellish his article, but he will also continue his article." Zhou Yun said, his voice stopped abruptly.

Because Song Chi suddenly took her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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