I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 209 Ascension Period: 44

Chapter 209 Ascension Period: 44
"We broke up a while ago?" Wei Ruxue was a little surprised, "When did it happen? Why haven't you heard anything about it?"

"The news has been suppressed and hasn't come out. Otherwise, Xu Siyao has been ostentatious outside, and everyone hasn't noticed the sign yet."

Wei Ruxue was silent for a few seconds, then smiled lightly.

"The little girl is very powerful, pulling her teeth out of her mouth."

"That's right. After all, he dared to confront Zhou Yun when he first joined the company. He's quite courageous."

"Every one of them is quite ambitious." Wei Ruxue sighed softly, and looked at herself in the mirror again.
"Yaoyao, the people from "Victor" won't adjust your order of appearance. There is no way, these are all already set, or we should go according to the predetermined order."

Xu Siyao sat on the chair without raising his eyes.

"It's okay to let me walk in front of Zhou Yun, why can Yu Sitian walk behind me? Isn't she just debuted a little longer than me? Is she popular now like me?"

Xu Siyao frowned, "Why can't you help me with this matter?"

Yu Jiangxing was very angry, but he couldn't turn back.

Because of the popularity of "The Eighth Heartbeat", even the broadcast data of the second part is also good. Although Xu Siyao's popularity with the passers-by was poor because of the green tea live broadcast before, she still attracted a group of fans and helped her enter the famous TV series. Ranks of female stars with surnames.

Furthermore, now that Xu Siyao hooked up with Chen Wenjun from Haichi Film and Television, He Yong privately told him that Xu Siyao must be taken care of.

"Grandma, Yu Sitian is an actor in movies. Although he is not as popular as you, he has a high status in the industry, even Zhou Yun can't compare to him." Yu Jiangxing said.

"Hmph, pretending to be noble." Xu Siyao said, "Go and tell the people in "Victor", if they don't adjust the order of appearance for me, I won't leave today."

When Yu Jiangxing heard this, his eyes went dark, and his whole body was dying.

"Let's stop being angry, okay? Victor is a big-name magazine, and we are not qualified to challenge them. If you really offend them and block you directly in the fashion industry, what will you do in the future? You are a female star Ah." He persuaded earnestly, "Look, how many female celebrities came to join us today, not to mention all the first-line supermodels, Ning Yao, Wei Ruxue, Liu Qingqing, Su Yan and the others all came, How many times can you see them on the same stage in a year? Do you think they are here for charity?"

Xu Siyao snorted coldly: "Then you can't just leave me alone, right? I'm no better than Yu Sitian? She has acted in so many movies but she hasn't acted in a single flower!"

"Let's not care about her like that, shall we?"


Xu Siyao rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you go talk to Mr. He and arrange for me to appear on stage with Zhou Yun, and the two of us will walk the red carpet together, so that the people in "Victor" will have nothing to say."

Yu Jiangxing's face was dull.
"She's going to walk the red carpet with Zhou Yun?" Zhou Lan yelled, "Who does she think she is? She's out of her mind, and you are also out of her mind? Why do you call me for this kind of thing? What do you think about this call?" Need to call me? Do you think I'll say yes?"

Zhou Lan's scolding sound was as clear as Lin Lang's percussion, and Zhou Yun couldn't help but wonder what happened to make Zhou Lan so angry.

After a while, Zhou Lan hung up the phone, walked over, and sat down.

Zhou Yun held back his laughter and asked, "Sister Lan, what's the matter? What made you so angry?"

"You better stop listening. You're probably as angry as I am. I've already scolded you back."

"What's the matter? I'm even more curious when you say that."

Zhou Lan seemed to be trying hard to control his temper, but in the end he couldn't control it and rolled his eyes.

"Can you believe it? Xu Siyao actually proposed to walk the red carpet with you!" Zhou Lan scolded, "Isn't there something wrong in her heart? She must be mentally ill."

Zhou Yun was startled.

She never thought that Xu Siyao would do this.

"She'll be there tonight, too?"

"Yes." Zhou Lan scolded, "The ghost lingers."

"Forget it, it's okay, ignore her." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "God knows if her dog skin plaster will stick to you."

"After the last live broadcast, everyone knew that I broke up with her. She wanted to cling to me. I didn't have any scruples, so I just slapped her in the face."

"Don't let yourself go, how many eyes are staring at you today, just make some articles is news."

Zhou Yun sighed.

This is the bad thing about being a celebrity. You always have to be scruples about this and that, and you can't do many things happily.

"We should be ready to go there." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan: "It's okay, wait a minute, our order of appearance is relatively late, and we can go out after half an hour."

"Is the red carpet session so long?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

"That's right, hundreds of celebrities have been invited today, and it's almost time for an awards ceremony." Zhou Lan tsk-tsk, "The new editor-in-chief is trying his best to keep the scene going. The outside world is changing the coach of "Victor" It is true that the attitude is not clear, Chen Ting has been the editor-in-chief for more than ten years, and everyone still recognizes Chen as the editor-in-chief to make such a small magazine into the ranks of first-line big publications."

"Oh." Zhou Yun sighed softly.

Suddenly, at this time, Zhou Yun's cell phone rang.

When she saw the name of the caller, she was a little surprised.


Why did this big supermodel who hadn't seen her for a long time call her suddenly?
She answered the phone immediately, "Sister Wen Xi, why do you still have time to call me at this time? Aren't you going to walk the red carpet?"

There was a smile in her voice.

Wen Xi said, "Xiaoyun, I need your help with something, I don't know if it's convenient for you."
Zhou Yun and Wen Xi got acquainted at the big VX show. Later, she filmed "After We Had a Gossip" and needed to invite good friends to the show. She didn't have many friends in the circle, so she tried to invite Wen Xi, and Wen Xi readily I agreed.

After that, she and Wen Xi exchanged wechat friends and contacted them from time to time.

This was the first time Wen Xi contacted Zhou Yun and asked her for help.

In fact, Wen Xi is the top of the pyramid in the ranks of domestic supermodels, and is called the "national model" by the public. One can imagine her ability and status.

She needs Zhou Yun to help her with something, Zhou Yun really can't think of it.

Twenty minutes later, Wen Xi brought a tall and thin young boy to her place.

Wen Xi dragged Zhou Yun to a corner and whispered.

"I want to ask you to help me take him down the red carpet." Wen Xi cut to the chase, "He is my younger brother, and I was supposed to take him along, but something happened to me and I had to be alone , He just debuted, if he left alone, it would be difficult to communicate with "Victor", and I don't want to owe a favor to "Victor" for this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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