I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 210 Ascension Period: 45

Chapter 210 Ascension Period: 45
After hearing this, Zhou Yun looked at the tall and thin young boy.

"Okay, no problem, anyway, I was only by myself, and now I happen to have a male companion." Zhou Yun smiled slightly.

"Thank you." Wen Xi put his right hand on Zhou Yun's shoulder, "I'll thank you later, but now I'm running out of time, so I have to leave quickly, and he will leave it to you later."

Wen Xi hurriedly left with her team.

Zhou Yun walked up to the boy, smiled, and said, "Hi, I'm Zhou Yun."

This tall and thin boy was a little shy, nodded and said, "My name is Jin Su."

"Come with me later, let's walk the red carpet together, did sister Wen Xi explain to you?" Zhou Yun asked.

Jin Su nodded, pursed his lips, and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Zhou Yun laughed, "But you are so tall, I have to wear the tallest high heels, and you have to support me later, I don't want to fall on the red carpet. "

Jin Su hummed.

Zhou Lan, who heard the conversation, blinked in confusion, "Walking on the red carpet together? What's going on?"
New fashion night, red carpet area.

In the media photo zone, dozens of media outlets are ready, and the official live broadcast has also begun.

The host began to warm up.

The person in charge of the red carpet process is holding a walkie-talkie to make the final confirmation.

The first guest to walk on the red carpet has arrived at the waiting area by car.

Regardless, there's no denying that it was a star-studded night.

When the first guest walked on the red carpet, there was a burst of enthusiastic screams from the audience area.
Zhou Yun and Jin Su had already boarded the car and drove to the event location.

Zhou Lan was sitting in the passenger seat, and she was watching the official live broadcast.

When he was about to reach the event location, Zhou Lan suddenly let out a "wow" sound.

Zhou Yun asked: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. There was suddenly no one on the red carpet. It seems that the next person who was scheduled to leave never came." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun: "Are you late?"

"Late? It shouldn't be that simple. Let me ask, what's going on."

The car drove to the waiting area.The organizer has prepared lounges for the celebrity guests.

"Let's go to the lounge first." Zhou Lan said, "It's time to change their car to the red carpet."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun got out of the car and walked into the rest area.

The rest area was in chaos, and almost every staff member with a work card seemed to be on hot wheels.

A little girl wearing black-rimmed glasses hurriedly came to Zhou Yun and said, "Hi, Miss Zhou Yun. I'm Monica. I'll take you to the lounge."

Zhou Lan immediately came forward.

"Monica, right? May I ask, what's the situation on the red carpet? Why did I watch the live broadcast, and there was a gap for several minutes, and no one came up?"

Monica glanced at them without hiding anything, and said, "The Xu Siyao road that I was supposed to go on was stuck in traffic, so I couldn't make it."

"Then why wait?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Where are the people behind?"

Monica hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't know the specific situation."

She led everyone into the lounge.

"Let's take a rest first. I will come early and take Miss Zhou over when you are approaching." After Monica finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

Zhou Yun sat down on the small sofa.

Jinsu is a bit cramped, neither sitting nor standing.

Seeing this, Zhou Yun laughed and said, "Isn't there a stool over there? Sit down."

Zhou Lan said, "Sit down first, I'll go out and have a look."

Zhou Yun: "I knew you would not be able to sit down."

"It's never a bad thing to ask for more information." Zhou Lan said, "I'm afraid Xu Siyao is willing to go on the red carpet because she wants to wait until later."

Zhou Yun asked in surprise: "Can it still be like this?"

"It's so fresh, some moths happen every year." Zhou Lan said, "The little girl is not satisfied with her going too far."

Zhou Yun said: "Will this not offend "Victor"?"

"As long as you don't go too far, what kind of offense can you do?" Zhou Lan said, "As long as you are popular enough and valuable to others, whether you offend or not is not a particularly important thing."

Zhou Lan went outside to find out the news.

The phone vibrated suddenly.

Yu Chu sent her a message: Are you attending the "Victor" New Style Night?
Zhou Yun: Well, we are waiting.

Yu Chu: There is a lot of buzz on the Internet, saying that some people use big names and refuse to walk the red carpet in the original order.

Zhou Yun: It seems that there is such a thing. I heard just now that Xu Siyao's car was stuck in the road, and the people behind refused to get on in advance.

Yu Chu: Xu Siyao?She is so awesome that she even dared to play big names on the red carpet of "Victor".

Zhou Yun said: She contacted me before and wanted to walk the red carpet with me.

Yu Chu: This is trying to get in the way of your order of appearance. When are you going to leave?I started to watch the live broadcast after seeing the news, and now the red carpet is very embarrassing, the host is warming up the stage alone, and no one has walked the red carpet for almost ten minutes.

Zhou Yun: I originally planned to be the seventh from the bottom.

Yu Chu: It may take a while, I think today's event may be delayed.

Zhou Yun: I hope it will end soon.
"No, Xu Siyao didn't even leave, why should I leave?" Yu Sitian sat in her lounge with an annoyed face, refusing to move.

The staff of "Victor" stood by helplessly and persuaded her for a while, but Yu Sitian refused to leave no matter what.

Even her agent started to persuade her.

At this time, there were two "dong dong", someone knocked on the door, and a woman walked in.

When the staff of "Victor" saw her, they respectfully called out "editor-in-chief".

The person who came was the newly appointed editor-in-chief of "Victor", Ren Su Min.

"Sitian, I'm Ren Sumin." She introduced herself.

Yu Sitian looked at her in surprise.

In front of the editor-in-chief, Yu Sitian still didn't dare to continue to play tricks, she stood up and said, "Editor-in-chief Ren, are you also here to persuade me to go on the red carpet first?"

Ren Sumin said: "I know, I'm asking you to leave now, which makes you feel a bit disadvantaged. I promise, I will make it up to you in the future."

"But I don't want to make up for it. Xu Siyao obviously wants to drag her to the back. If I go up at this time, will you stop Xu Siyao from walking on the red carpet tonight? If you promise me not to let Xu Siyao go, I will go up now " said Yu Sitian.

Ren Sumin: "Sitian, Xu Siyao said that they were stuck in traffic and didn't mean to be late."

"I don't believe it, editor-in-chief, would you believe such a low-level lie?" Yu Sitian pouted.

Ren Sumin took a deep breath and said, "Sitian, please do me a favor this time. We can't leave the red carpet empty all the time. There will be a live broadcast tonight."

Yu Sitian: "I am not the one who caused this accident."

Ren Sumin's jaw clenched.

(End of this chapter)

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