I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 213 Ascension Period: 48

Chapter 213 Ascension Period: 48
Strictly speaking, the development tonight did not follow the script.

At least all the media's presuppositions for this night are the war between Liu Qingqing and Su Yan, not the war between Xu Siyao and Yu Sitian.

Xu Sitian intervened horizontally and disrupted the situation in advance.

Now Liu Qingqing suddenly officially announced her new boyfriend, grabbing all the attention at once.

With Su Yan's past style, she will not sit still.

The key depends on how Su Yan will make moves.

Zhou Yun gave Gu Huaichun a disgusted look, and said, "Why are you getting more and more gossip?"

Gu Huaichun said: "Anyway, idleness is idleness."

As expected by Gu Huaichun, Su Yan did not give up.

How could Su Yan let Liu Qingqing steal her limelight?

She walked onto the red carpet, just took two steps, staggered and fell on the red carpet.

There was an exclamation from the audience.

She stood up gracefully, showing a helpless but beautiful enough smile, and sighed.

The host interviewed her if she was injured when she fell down on the red carpet just now.

During the live broadcast, she said charmingly: "No, Qingqing and Xiaoyun are still smart, they brought their friends to the red carpet, if I knew I would bring my boyfriend here, I fell down, it's so embarrassing. "

The host widened his eyes and asked, "Su Yan, are you in love too?"

As if Su Yan had just realized it, she covered her mouth with her hands, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I, I don't. I was wrong just now. I don't have a boyfriend." As she spoke, she hurriedly left the interview area and trotted towards the infield as if she had a guilty conscience.

Zhou Yun and Gu Huaichun witnessed the whole process from the live broadcast on their mobile phones, dumbfounded and amazed.

Gu Huaichun: "Zhou Yun, learn a little bit."

Zhou Yun: "This is too extreme, I can't learn it."

She didn't need to go online to read those comments to know how many waves this night of new fashion would cause.
As expected, the pot exploded on the Internet.

One thing must be admitted, the public's attention to entertainment stars is unavoidable, and they always pay special attention to things that are annoying.

"Victor" has not received so much attention on the Internet in the past two years.

In a sense, this is also a good opportunity for "Victor" to gain popularity.It's just that Ren Sumin might not want such an opportunity.

What has happened has made everyone talk about it, and the enthusiasm for discussion continues to rise.

No one thought that the matter was not over yet.

On this red carpet, there are always people ready to go.

Xu Siyao, who caused the controversy of public opinion tonight, has not appeared for a long time, and everyone who eats melons almost thinks that she will never appear.

After all, it is well known that everyone is playing big names, and it would be embarrassing for someone else to appear on the stage.

who knows--

When everyone saw Xu Siyao getting out of the car with Li Ci with a bright smile on his face and waving to them, every media reporter and photographer present said in their hearts: This evening is too exciting!
Li Ci has made his debut for so many years, and he rarely walks the red carpet with female artists because he doesn't want to spread rumors.

He debuted as an idol, he is very controlling in his private life, he is basically a gossip insulator, the sun came out from the west today, or what happened?

The flashing points are like a twinkling starry sky, a piece of brilliance.

Xu Siyao was like a real princess, smiling gracefully and lively, walking beside Li Ci all the time.

They walked to the front of the media area and stood together for a photo.

After Xu Siyao took pictures for a while, she was ready to take the initiative to step aside so that friends from the media could take Li Ci's solo red carpet photos.

She took two steps forward, at this moment, Xu Siyao's high heels stepped on her skirt, she staggered forward and fell to the ground.

She raised her head, bit her lip, smiled awkwardly and helplessly at the cameras, and looked at Li Ci for help.

Li Ci stepped forward, stretched out a hand towards her, and pulled her up from the ground.

Xu Siyao said softly, "Thank you."

Li Ci smiled slightly and said, "Be careful."

The two of them acted like no one was around, as if they didn't notice the crazy flashing lights.
Ren Sumin's face was as dark as it could be.

The people next to her could feel the low air pressure emanating from her body.

This evening's red carpet wasn't anything but a bungee-jumping curve.

But Ren Sumin can't get angry at this time, because the activities in the infield are about to start, Ren Sumin, as the hostess of tonight, must end the dinner in a decent manner.

Although she has been working in the fashion industry before, has been a fashion editor for many years, and has dealt with domestic celebrities quite a few times, but it is such a concentrated and large-scale gathering of a group of very troublesome aunts and grandmas on a red carpet. If you don't have enough prestige to suppress these goblins who are making waves, you are destined to be snatched away by these goblins.

Ren Sumin could imagine that after tonight, the public impression score of "Victor" would be directly deducted.

An event planner can make a lot of troubles, and being tossed by these stars fully shows a signal: After all, she, the new editor-in-chief, can't hold back the scene.

Ren Sumin has already recorded a few names in his own little black list.It was impossible for her to completely cross these names immediately, but after this night, Ren Sumin had left a preliminary impression of the stars.

Especially Xu Siyao and Yu Stian.Ren Sumin decided that if there were no accidents, she would never invite them to participate in any "Victor" activities again.

Ren Sumin greeted and took photos with the guests who had already arrived in the arena, fully demonstrating her ability and enthusiasm as a hostess.

For a newcomer, no matter what her true mood is, the small talk needs the small talk, and the social needs the social.

Especially the big stars, Su Yan and Liu Qingqing, who made her very upset. No matter how upset she was, they were the first-line actresses. She had to entertain them warmly and take a group photo with a bright smile.

Looking back, the official Weibo will be published.

This is the case with any activity. Before it is done, you can already know what the result will be.Unless there is a force majeure factor, otherwise, there will be only joy and harmony, and there will be no second result.

"Xiaoyun!" Ren Sumin shouted affectionately when he was still one meter away, and opened his hands to give Zhou Yun a full hug.

"Thank you, my dear, you are really awesome today." Ren Sumin said.

Zhou Yun couldn't bear the stranger's enthusiasm for her, so he broke away from Ren Sumin's embrace calmly, and said, "The layout of this scene is too beautiful."

"As long as you like it, I supervised and arranged this venue." Ren Sumin said with a smile, "I have vision."


"Just call me Sister Min, let's not be so estranged." Ren Sumin said while holding Zhou Yun's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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