I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 214 Ascension Period: 49

Chapter 214 Ascension Period: 49
When Xu Siyao entered the arena, the first picture he saw was Ren Sumin holding Zhou Yun's hand affectionately, the two of them were talking affectionately, and there were many people beside them holding up mobile phones or cameras to take pictures, as if the two of them What important meeting is going on.

A strong jealousy welled up from the bottom of my heart.

Xu Siyao has never really convinced Zhou Yun.

In Xu Siyao's eyes, everything Zhou Yun owns is just because of good luck.She is no worse than Zhou Yun.Besides, Zhou Yun only made his debut a year earlier than her, and he is not a first-line actress like Su Yan and Liu Qingqing who has debuted for a long time and has a stable position.Xu Siyao has been plotting to take away the position of "Sister Chengqian" from Zhou Yun.She believes she can do it.

Too many accidents happened tonight.

Xu Siyao didn't think too much at the beginning. Although she was very ambitious, she didn't want to pull out her teeth and steal exposure from the presence of such big stars as Wei Ruxue, Liu Qingqing, Su Yan, and Li Ci.

But Zhou Yun's rescue and the speed of her refusal to walk the red carpet on the Internet made her realize one thing, if she didn't fight tonight, it would become another black history of her.

Therefore, Xu Siyao managed Li Ci through He Yong and Chen Wenjun, and finally justified the order of appearance.

She is proud of her scenery, her posture is decent, and she is very scheming.

What is falling?
The key is Li Ci's hand stretched out to him in front of so many media.

The key is the gratitude and excitement in her eyes the moment she put her hand over Li Ci's.

Her popularity and popularity can't compete with those people, but Li Ci can.

When Xu Siyao walked towards the infield, his heart was surging, and he was extremely proud of tonight's "turning against the wind".

But the editor-in-chief of "Victor" held Zhou Yun's hand so affectionately, talking and laughing with her.

Xu Siyao suddenly realized a reality that she subconsciously left behind: her actions tonight offended "Victor".

She collected her thoughts and took the initiative to walk towards Ren Sumin and Zhou Yun.

"Sister Xiaoyun, editor-in-chief." Xu Siyao had an apologetic and pitiful smile on his face, and said, "I'm very sorry, I'm late, and the road is too congested. Fortunately, I caught up with the red carpet. Trouble."

Zhou Yun glanced at her thoughtfully, but said nothing.

When Ren Sumin saw Xu Siyao, what else could he say.

She didn't want to say a word.

This was Xu Siyao's unexpected silence.

This silence reminded Xu Siyao that the impact of what happened tonight was more serious than she expected.

In any case, she is now a female star in a popular drama, no matter how dissatisfied Ren Sumin feels, she shouldn't put her face down like this.

As soon as Xu Siyao was cruel, she suddenly took a step forward and hugged Ren Sumin as if there was no one else present, regardless of the other party's attitude.

"Editor Ren, thank you for inviting me to this evening's event."

A few seconds of astonishment appeared on Ren Sumin's face.

She really never thought that Xu Siyao would do such a thing.

People around are taking pictures.

Xu Siyao let go of her with a very sincere expression on his face.

Ren Sumin suddenly felt angry and didn't know where to send it.
When Zhou Yun approached Xu Siyao, she was already leaning back calmly.

After dealing with Xu Siyao before, Zhou Yun has fully seen Xu Siyao's thick skin and shamelessness.Therefore, she felt that the wisest choice for herself was to stay away from Xu Siyao so as not to be touched.

Facts have proved that Zhou Yun's approach is correct and wise.

The moment she saw Xu Siyao hugging Ren Sumin, she suddenly realized something.

One thing that made her not so happy.

For someone like Xu Siyao, she will definitely be very successful.

As the saying goes, the wicked will be rewarded with evil.Regardless of whether the logic that evil people are rewarded with evil is true or not, is Xu Siyao considered a wicked person?

Looking back carefully at the things she has done, Zhou Yun doesn't think she is a real villain, at most she is a disgusting person.

But for such a person, she can go all out, and she can think of various ways to achieve her goals.

To be honest, if such a person is not successful, who will succeed?

Someone like her waiting for the first person at home to come to her?
If she hadn't become popular by luck, she had a choice and capital. With her character, why should she pick others?

Zhou Yun realized that whether it was "Luo Yan" or "Words of Fallen Leaves", she thought she failed for various reasons. , She didn't realize a problem with herself.

She never really, relentlessly fought for any drama.

If you don't take the initiative, you will die.

Zhou Yun once believed in this sentence, but she gradually forgot it.

It seems that in a certain value, it is always a bad thing to take the initiative to fight for something, because it seems that you are very utilitarian, it seems that you are particularly incompetent, and you have to fight for it yourself, not others.

Standing at the scene of this magnificent dinner party, Zhou Yun felt his heart pierced by thousands of arrows and woke up instantly.
The infield activities were lackluster.

As soon as the event was over, Zhou Yun found Zhou Lan.

"Sister Lan, please help me contact Director Xue Qin and ask her to come out to meet me." Zhou Yun said, "Tell her that I really want to play "Words of Fallen Leaves". I know she has other choices, but she Don't know me well, I would be her best choice."

Zhou Lan was shocked and taken aback by Zhou Yun's sudden change of attitude.

"What stimulated you? Didn't you get lucky and lose your life before?"

Zhou Yun: "I was stimulated by Xu Siyao, how hard she worked, how about me? I also satirized her for trying so hard, and thinking about myself, I really regret that so many scenes I liked missed me, I really worked [-]% hard Have you, have you fought for it?"

Zhou Lan laughed out loud.

"Xu Siyao's stimulation to you is not small, I thought you would always be so Buddhist."

"As long as the Buddhist system continues, the Western Paradise will not be far away."

"Looks like I have to give Xu Siyao the Best Chicken Blood Award."

"She must be on the hot search tonight?" Zhou Yun asked.

"It's not just on the hot searches, the photos of her falling on the red carpet and being helped up by Li Ci have gone crazy." Zhou Lan said, "Tonight's hot search list is basically contracted by the few of you, congratulations, Your rescue was also on the hot search, and the hot search was bought by the company."

"He Yong was overjoyed."

"Of course, Xu Siyao fought beautifully tonight. Even if I don't like her style of doing things, I have to say that this little girl has big ambitions and won the bet."

(End of this chapter)

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