I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 220 Ascension Period: 55

Chapter 220 Ascension Period: 55
He Yong did not expect Zhou Yun's reaction to be so great.

He thought that he could handle this matter, that no matter how it was done, it was a done deal, and Zhou Yunding's more outbursts were no big deal.

But after Zhou Yun finished speaking, he got up and was about to leave.

He Yong panicked, and hurriedly said: "Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, don't be impulsive, just because of such a thing!"

"Not so?" Zhou Yun sneered, "He Yong, I thought that even if the two of us hadn't settled our suspicions, we should have a sense of cooperation, but you didn't take me seriously at all. My attitude doesn't matter at all. My mood is not important at all, the most important thing to you is Xu Siyao, you praise your Xu Siyao, do you like to use Li Resignation to cooperate with her hype or use some drama to promote her, that is your business, don't I don't owe you anything for fucking me."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yun ignored He Yong's apology and persuasion, and left with Zhou Lan without looking back.

Her face was as cold as ice.

All the way through the corridor, her expression caught everyone's eyes.

Everyone murmured in their hearts, wondering what happened.Could it be that Zhou Yun and He Yong fell apart?

Although everyone was surprised by this scene, they were not surprised.

In the eyes of many people, it will be a matter of time before Zhou Yun and He Yong fall apart.
After getting into the car, Zhou Yun changed his frosty expression and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Lan said, "The acting skills just now were not bad."

Zhou Yun: "It's also a little bit of real feelings."

Zhou Lan smiled.

"He Yong's doing this is really dishonest. We've been able to hang him for a while, and he will definitely come to you to apologize during this time." Zhou Lan said.

"Then let him come." Zhou Yun curled his lips, "He was going to give me an explanation about Xu Siyao."

Zhou Lan said: "This is indeed the case, but you have to think about it for yourself. No matter what, you have already stood by He Yong's side before, and it is impossible to turn around and stand by Lu Yicheng's side again."

Zhou Yun said: "Sister Lan, I've heard a saying since I was a child, a tiger doesn't show its power, treat me as a sick cat, there is a problem that I really didn't realize before, but now I realize it, so I have to change."

"what is the problem?"

"In the eyes of many people, I shouldn't stand on the same front as He Yong. Whether he ignored me or suppressed me, no matter what the reason is, they are all things he really did. In the eyes of others , it became me inexplicably clearing up my previous suspicions with him. Not only to others, but look at He Yong, why did he dare to let Xu Siyao play "The Storm" behind my back? It was because I nodded too easily before, and he didn't pay anything I won my forgiveness and cleared up my previous suspicions. I shouldn’t give people the illusion of nodding too easily. Others will not think you are a tolerant person, but a person who is easy to talk and fool. So , You see, He Yong thought he could fool me this time."

Zhou Lan said: "I really want to refute you, but I have to admit that what you said is right."

Zhou Yun said: "So, good people are deceived by others."

"Then what should we do next? The contract for "Ding Feng Bo" has already been signed, and it is impossible for us not to perform it." Zhou Lan said.

"Well, let's act then." Zhou Yun said.

"I can't help but get a headache when I think of the moths that Xu Siyao might make a fuss about." Zhou Lan put one hand on his forehead, "This woman is too capable of tossing around, she's a natural genius, how about I go tell the coordinator and let him Separate the scenes of the two of you, and try not to arrange them in the same scene?"

"Let's not bother the director and them. The same scene is split into two shots. They will be exhausted. The shooting time is not long." Zhou Yun said.

"It's okay, I'll just shoot my own part, and I won't say a word to her, but on the publicity side, sister Lan, you must help me keep an eye on it, and absolutely don't let them bind me and Xu Siyao."

"I will." Zhou Lan said, "One more thing, Xiaoyun, I have a crush on someone, and I want to take him with me."

Zhou Yun: "Who is it? Do I know him?"

"You don't know, the newcomers signed by the company have not officially debuted." Zhou Lan said, "Before, I was a trainee in another company and they sang very well."

"Are you going to take the singer route?"

"It's too extravagant to be a singer in this day and age, let him take care of both." Zhou Lan said, "I need your help."

"No problem." Zhou Yun nodded, "What do I need to do?"

"I want him to sing one of the theme song and ending song of "Ding Feng Bo," Zhou Lan said.
As they expected, that night, He Yong came to plead guilty.

He is the vice president of Chengqian Entertainment, so he naturally knows that Zhou Yun lives in the apartment provided by the company.

Zhou Yun saw He Yong through the cat's eyes, didn't open it, and asked through the door, "What are you doing here?"

He Yong said with an apologetic voice, "Xiao Yun, I'm here to apologize to you. I'm already here. Why don't you open the door and let me in?"

Zhou Yun: "Let's forget about it, this night, a lonely man and a widow, if anyone finds out, it won't be a good reputation."

He Yong: "Then I'll take you out, let's find a place to sit?"

"It's getting late, I'm going to bed, Mr. He, you'd better go back." Zhou Yun said, "We have nothing to talk about."

After speaking, Zhou Yun left the entrance and entered the bedroom.

He Yong knocked on the door a few more times, but he didn't get any response, so He Yong turned and left helplessly.

His cousin Yu Jiangxing was waiting for him in the car downstairs.

"Cousin, has Zhou Yun calmed down?"

"I'm still angry, I haven't seen you face to face." He Yong said angrily.

Yu Jiangxing smiled gloatingly, and said, "I told you earlier, women don't lose their temper so easily."

"Are you still laughing? If you hadn't come to be a lobbyist with Xu Siyao again and again, would I have to suffer?" He Yong glared at Yu Jiangxing.

Now, Yu Jiangxing acts as Xu Siyao's agent.

Yu Jiangxing raised his hands and said, "Cousin, don't blame me. That woman Xu Siyao is a devil. I can't stand it. She insists on forcing me to talk to you. What can I do? You weren't Said that you have persuaded her to give up the project of "Fixed Storm"? Why does she want to play this supporting role now?"

"Because Zhou Yun is the heroine." He Yong sneered, "This woman has a clear heart. Playing a supporting actress with Zhou Yun is much more splashy than being a heroine herself."

Yu Jiangxing clicked his tongue twice.

"They are not fuel-efficient lamps."

"What else can we do now? Both sides have to stabilize first." He Yong said, "In short, we must not let Lu Yicheng get in touch with Xu Siyao."

"Don't worry about that, I've taken care of the people around her, and I'll know what's going on." Yu Jiangxing vowed, "It's the conflict between the two of them, cousin, how do you plan to solve it? "

(End of this chapter)

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