I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 221 Ascension Period: 56

Chapter 221 Ascension Period: 56
"Solution? This can't be solved." He Yong never had this idea at all, "You can only move the two bombs to different places as much as possible."

"Then they are going to shoot the same "Fixed Storm" soon?" Yu Jiangxing said.

He Yong: "Let the co-ordinator separate the scenes between the two of them, that's the only way to go first."

"If Zhou Yun keeps getting angry and doesn't forgive you, cousin, what are you going to do?" Yu Jiangxing asked.

He Yong glanced at Yu Jiangxing sideways, and asked, "Can't you wish me well?"

"How can it be? Didn't I just say in case?" Yu Jiangxing said, "We also have to make plans early, before she changes her mind and beats her up, we haven't even made preparations."

"It's impossible to change your mind. She is much smarter than you. Now that she has made a clear-cut attitude at the beginning, she will not do anything that turns her back on her. Lu Yicheng will not believe her." He Yong said with a sigh, " It’s just that it’s really a headache to talk about, if she refuses to cooperate in many things later, it will be a bit embarrassing for me.”

"If you ask me, Zhou Yun is relying on Song Chi behind him, so he doesn't pay attention to the company and you at all. Except for her, which artist would dare to throw face at his boss like this." Yu Jiangxing said, " It's Li Ci, he has never shaken such a face before."

"Li Ci is different after all." He Yong said, "If Zhou Yun was brought up by me, I don't care how much she slaps me today."

"Cousin, if you want me to say that she is just an artist anyway, who knows how long she will be popular." Yu Jiangxing said nonchalantly, "As long as you get through this difficult time first, it's up to you With vision and ability, will it be difficult to win a few popular stars in the future? Let Zhou Yun regret it when the time comes."

He Yong didn't speak.

He was thinking in his heart, if Zhou Yun was really that kind of vain celebrity, no matter how popular she was, he wouldn't take it to heart.

But he knew that Zhou Yun was different.She is so good at acting, he has seen the clips of "Questioning the Heart", and he is even thinking about how to help Zhou Yun publicize a best supporting actress.Zhou Yun's luck is also good. Many actors who have become popular in TV dramas have to spend a lot of effort to move to the big screen, and even they are not acclimatized.However, Zhou Yun's movie journey has been smoother than many Xiaohua from movie backgrounds. First, he won the supporting actress in "Warm Little Pony", and then went against the crowd to shoot a literary film "Days", and now there is another one. "Words of Fallen Leaves" with Shi Luoqi as the producer took a fancy to Zhou Yun and asked Zhou Yun to be the heroine.

No matter what the final results of these movies are, these resources are all exposed to Zhou Yun when there is only one big bad movie "The Eighth Heartbeat" currently on the air.

Every year in the entertainment industry, there are many actresses who are as popular as Zhou Yun, but it seems that no one has better luck than her.

Luck is a kind of metaphysics, and people in the circle believe it to a certain extent.

He Yong had a premonition in his heart that as long as Zhou Yun didn't commit suicide, she would have a very, very long way to go in the future.

So, give up Zhou Yun?Hiding Zhou Yun in the snow?He Yong never made such a plan.He has only one way to go, and that is to get better and better with Zhou Yun.
"Setting the Storm" is a big crew.

Zhou Yun had just finished filming "Days" and returned to a large crew with a full range of jobs, a little uncomfortable.

The director of "Setting the Storm" is Cong Lan, a well-known director in the industry.It's just that TV dramas generally don't praise directors very much, so although he has filmed many works, his reputation is not very loud in the hearts of the public.

When Zhou Yun joined the group, "Ding Feng Bo" had already been on for a few days.

Naturally, the first thing she did was to meet the director.

Cong Lan is filming Li Ci's scene.

Li Ci's acting skills are actually very average, and he is not very good at filming.But his popularity is too high, even if his acting skills are not very good, there are still a lot of producers and bosses looking for him to make movies, as long as he is willing to act, they are all the best treatment.

To put it simply, Zhou Yun's salary is not low now, but Li Ci's salary is still several times that of hers.

Zhou Yun didn't have much to say about this, he got what he paid for.The commercial value of Li Ci refers to this price. With him, the platform is willing to spend several times the money to buy "Ding Feng Bo".

Therefore, although Li Ci frequently NGs, Cong Lan has no dissatisfaction at all. On the contrary, he is still very worried that Li Ci is in a bad mood because of frequent NGs, and says some soothing words from time to time.

After finally waiting for Cong Lan to be free, Zhou Yun walked up and introduced himself.

"Director Cong, hello, I'm Zhou Yun."

Cong Lan naturally shook hands with Zhou Yun.

"I've been waiting for you, and it's finally here." Cong Lan said with a smile, "Is everything settled?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "It's almost there, I'm here to report to you."

"Your play is not scheduled today, you should take a good rest, and we will talk about it tomorrow." Cong Lan said.

Zhou Yun said: "If you have time today, we can chat today, I am convenient anytime."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see how the shooting goes." Cong Lan said, "If I have time, I'll go find you."

Because "Fixing the Storm" is a crime-themed criminal investigation drama, a studio was specially set up for shooting.

Zhou Yun had never set makeup before, nor tried styling.Time is too tight.Zhou Yun went to try on makeup and styles with ease.She is going to play a journalist who specializes in crimes, so she has many opportunities to deal with the policeman played by Li Ci.

When the makeup artist put on her makeup, Zhou Yun looked left and right, shook his head, and said, "I usually don't need to be so delicate when I go to work. My profession requires me to be so delicate all the time. It's better to be casual."

The makeup artist said: "But it won't look good when you shoot it this way."

"When I appear on camera like this, it's like taking a photo with me, it's too unreal." Zhou Yun said.

The two sides negotiated for a while, and the makeup artist said, "I can't directly decide on this, I have to ask for instructions."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Then you go, let me look at the clothes first."

Looking at the clothes again, Zhou Yun's eyes turned dark.

It's not that it's ugly, but the clothes prepared for her by the crew are very beautiful, so beautiful, like a fashion blogger's wardrobe.

"No, these clothes are too fashionable." Zhou Yun said.

The costumer looked embarrassed and said, "But these clothes are provided by sponsoring brands."

Zhou Yun said, "Is it all here?"

"That's all for now."

"It doesn't look like the clothes worn by a reporter who runs a social news line." Zhou Yun said, "And none of them are old."

Everyone didn't expect Zhou Yun's opinion to be so big.

(End of this chapter)

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