I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 222 Ascension Period: 57

Chapter 222 Ascension Period: 57
"I can't act like this, how can I act like this, am I acting as a fashion model?"

Half an hour later, the on-site executive producer came here, and the costumers, makeup artists and other staff were all together.

"Xiaoyun, the TV station also has requirements. If the look is not good, they will not buy it." The executive producer persuaded, "If it is too documentary, the show will not look good."

Zhou Yun said: "Then it's not ridiculous for me to show up at the scene of a murder in high heels and a fringed skirt?"

The executive producer was a little helpless.

"I don't agree to dress like this for this play." Zhou Yun shook his head, "I'm sorry."

There was a moment of stalemate.

The executive producer had no choice but to call He Yong.

"Zhou Yun's attitude is very persistent, but these clothes are provided by the sponsors. If she refuses to wear them, the sponsors will not be able to explain it."

He Yong asked: "Why didn't you show these clothes to her for confirmation before?"

The executive producer said: "Our general practice is to wait for the actors to enter the group, and confirm the makeup of the actors when taking photos. No actor has such a big opinion on the costumes before."

Somewhat dissatisfied inside and outside the words.

He Yong said, "Then what are you going to do now?"

The executive producer said: "Mr. He, why don't you call Zhou Yun and talk about it? To be honest, it's not up to me. I can say that she doesn't agree to wear it."

"Then the sponsor doesn't have any other clothes for her to choose?" He Yong said angrily.

"These clothes are all new styles promoted by the brand," said the executive producer.

"Fuck the new style." He Yong was grumpy, "Who is this sponsor with, please send me the contact information."


Of course Zhou Yun knew how much trouble her non-cooperation would cause to the crew.

But she has her own persistence.

She's an actress, and she wants to protect her character.

A media reporter who runs a crime line shouldn't dress like a dollop of fashionista.She can be stunning and good-looking at certain times, but most of the time, especially at crime scenes, she can't be a catwalk model.

Zheng Xiaoju whispered all kinds of gossip to Zhou Yun.

"Everyone says you are difficult to deal with, and that you are too demanding."

Zhou Yun sat on the chair with a completely indifferent look on his face.

"Then let them talk."

Zheng Xiaoju showed embarrassment and said, "Sister Xiaoyun, you can't let them slander you like this, it's obviously because they didn't do a good job."

"Little sentence, I can't say that they didn't do a good job. If they have the right to make decisions, they also know what is appropriate."

"You understand them so well, but they don't understand you."

"They don't need to understand me, Xiaoju, you have to remember that between me and them, they are the weaker side. I can stick to my attitude, but I can't ask the weaker side to understand me." Zhou Yun said , "You will definitely encounter many such situations in the future. You must remember not to really blame a person who has no power and ability to make decisions."

Zheng Xiaoju nodded and said, "I understand."
In the afternoon, the brand sponsor sent someone over, holding several brochures, and delivered them to Zhou Yun with a smile on his face.

"Miss Zhou, take a look, these are all the main ready-made clothes of our brand." The person in charge of the brand said, "Our boss said that everything depends on your opinion, and you can wear whatever you want."

Zhou Yun is the brand ambassador of VX. Strictly speaking, he is not allowed to wear clothes of other sponsored brands.

But this is filming, not a commercial activity. According to the contract, the costumes for filming are not included in the restrictions.Even so, Zhou Yun still called Zheng Xiaowen and communicated with her about the situation in advance.He Yong also communicated with Zheng Xiaowen. He didn't know what he said, but Zheng Xiaowen finally nodded with satisfaction.

Zhou Yun flipped through the album, and ordered more than twenty types, basically four colors of black, white, gray, and brown.

"Send these as soon as possible." Zhou Yun said, "I will start shooting tomorrow."

The person in charge of the sponsored brand put away the album, with a very attentive and respectful attitude, and said: "Okay, we will prepare it and deliver it as soon as possible."

Zhou Yun turned to the dresser and said, "After they deliver it, please make it a little worn, so that it doesn't look like you haven't worn it."

The costumer looked at the executive producer with hesitation.

The executive producer nodded, and the costume designer agreed.

After all this tossing, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Yun finally decided on her character.

Just when she heard the news that Cong Lan was going to eat in the cafeteria, she immediately walked to the crew's cafeteria.

Passing by the filming set on the way, the assistant director was filming other scenes.

Cong Lan sat in the corner of the cafeteria, eating alone.When he was eating, he frowned in thought, as if he was thinking about something.

Zhou Yun walked over and sat down opposite Cong Lan.

Cong Lan came to his senses, saw Zhou Yun, smiled in surprise, and said, "Why are you still here?"

Zhou Yun said: "I just confirmed the makeup, hair and clothing with everyone."

Cong Lan asked: "Is there any problem? The preparation for this scene was too hasty, and I was also arrested by the young man temporarily."

He smiled self-deprecatingly.

"The problem has been solved." Zhou Yun said, "Director Cong, I will trouble you later, give me more advice."

Cong Lan smiled and said, "It's not easy for us to finish filming this movie with both quality and quantity. I heard that you are an actor who is very good at acting. This will save a lot of time."

"Director Cong, I hope you can be strict with me." Zhou Yun said seriously, "You are a very experienced director, and I will definitely learn a lot from filming with you."

"Cooperate with each other." Cong Lan said.

For some reason, Cong Lan didn't answer Zhou Yun's topic.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, doesn't Cong Lan like her?
What Zhou Yun doesn't know is that Cong Lan has been a director for many years and has a lot of experience. However, due to market changes in the past few years, film and television companies like to use traffic and stars. Cong Lan, who has a bigger temper than anyone else, and worse acting skills than anyone else, Cong Lan got angry and cursed at people at the beginning, but was soon warned and taught by the people behind these big stars. situation.

In the past, no matter how big your wrist was, you always had to listen to the director on the set.

Those who dare to challenge the director are all successful.

Where is it like now, everyone is young and thin-skinned, and they can't listen to a word of criticism.

Cong Lan was disheartened, and gradually compromised, and later lowered his standards.

He has lost the passion he once had.For these young actors now, he is too lazy to guide them hand in hand.What should be said is that if the other party doesn't want to listen, don't bother to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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