I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 223 Ascension Period: 58

Chapter 223 Ascension Period: 58
Cong Lan didn't take Zhou Yun's words to heart.

Over the years, he has seen many actors with better attitudes than anyone else, but whoever has worked with him knows what they actually look like.

Zhou Yun realized that Cong Lan's attitude towards her was a little perfunctory, but he didn't know the reason. After thinking about it, he didn't rush to get to the bottom of it.

She said with a smile: "This is the first time for me to play the role of a reporter. In fact, if time permits, I really want to experience this profession, but I just finished filming a movie and it was finished yesterday. The time is too short." That's too late."

Cong Lan smiled and said, "Filming more scenes on the set, actual combat experience is also very important."

Zhou Yun said: "Director Cong, I have made a little understanding and interpretation of the character I want to play, Zhang Hua. I don't know if it is right, please give me some pointers."

Cong Lan's chopsticks paused, and for the first time after Zhou Yun sat down for so long, he showed a serious expression.


Zhou Yun said: "Zhang Hua was stimulated by the death of her parents when she was a child, and because she lived in other people's homes, she has a particularly sensitive and sharp personality. At work, she is vigorous and resolute. Not only is she serious, she has a tendency to let others recognize her. Obsession, which also stems from her long-term uneasiness when she was a child. In addition, because the crime news line often has to see particularly tragic facts and pictures, her character on the outside is actually harder than ordinary people. For It's not that she doesn't understand a lot of people's sophistication, but she doesn't take it seriously, and even has a contemptuous attitude. Until because of the arson case, she met Liu Zhixing, a policeman, and was rescued by Liu Zhixing at the risk of life. The heart that has been locked away has finally been touched."

Cong Lan said: "It's not just that, Zhang Hua has an obsession with getting others to recognize her in the workplace, and there is another very important reason, because of her female identity. Why does she want to be recognized by others? There is a point Very important, there are very few female journalists involved in the crime news line. If you study the script carefully, especially the part about Zhang Hua’s workplace, you will find that many of her colleagues question her work and don’t believe that she can handle it. The crime news got run down thinking she was going to get hit soon and get off the line."

Zhou Yun nodded, took out his mobile phone, and wrote it down in the memo.

"I'll go back and read the script carefully."

"If you want to play Zhang Hua, it is likely to be a masked role." Cong Lan said, "Let me give you a suggestion, you can read more biographies of media reporters, especially news records, and then do it. A short biography. Your analysis just now is accurate, but it is not deep enough. What kind of impact did her parents’ accident have on her? Sensitivity, these have to be further refined, if you turn them into little by little details, your performance will have more layers and richer, instead of staying on concepts such as sensitivity and childhood shadows, I To use an analogy, why does Zhang Hua live in a rented house by herself, even if she lives farther away, and refuses to share the rent with others.”

"Because she has no space of her own since she was a child, when she is able, she will allow herself to have an independent living space."

"That's right, that's what it means." Cong Lan said, "The screenwriter actually wrote the character of Zhang Hua very well. It should be that he invested a lot of his own emotions in this character. If you want to play well, you can't play her well." It's so vulgar, it's a routine. A sensitive and sharp working woman, such a person is not just sensitive and sharp on the surface."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded seriously, "I'll go back and make preparations."
Back at the hotel, Zhou Yun immediately started reading the script.

What will be filmed tomorrow morning happens to be a scene in which she is fighting for a topic from the editor-in-chief.

Zhou Yun dragged Zheng Xiaoju to rehearse with her and performed it twice.

Zheng Xiaoju said tremblingly, "Sister Xiaoyun, you are so fierce."

Zhou Yun suddenly came back to his senses.

Zhang Hua competed with the editor-in-chief for topic selection, can he be so fierce?

The other party was the editor-in-chief, and Zhang Hua was a small reporter with no background and could only rely on himself. No matter what, he shouldn't be so fierce.

Zhang Hua is stubborn and persistent, but she shouldn't be fierce.

Zhou Yun replayed, adjusted his performance, and started all over again.

Then act in front of the mirror, and act for yourself.


Zhou Yun rehearsed all the scenes to be filmed tomorrow several times, and he turned off the lights and went to sleep when he was finally satisfied.

Early the next morning, she arrived at the set half an hour early, and silently said a word while putting on makeup.

After the makeup was done, Zhou Yun raised his head, looked at himself in the mirror, hesitated for a moment, took out a piece of paper, put it between his lips and pursed it.

The lipstick color is no longer bright.

She took off the headband again, shook her hair, and tied it again.

The whole person finally relaxed a bit.

The makeup artist looked at her in surprise and said, "In this case, the lips are too bloodless."

Zhou Yun said: "I want this kind of effect. Zhang Hua stayed up all night for this scene and only slept for two hours. How could he be so refreshed? But when I shoot later, I can go to see the editor-in-chief. , clean up a little for myself, put on some lipstick, and make me look more energetic."

The makeup artist accepted Zhou Yun's statement.

Zhou Yun put on a jacket and jeans, stepped on a pair of canvas shoes, and walked to the set with the script in his hand.

Cong Lan is making the final adjustments to the layout of the editorial department.

"The place under the window sill is piled with newspapers and books, as well as the inside of the bookcase. It's too tidy and a little messy." Cong Lan explained, "It's better to put it solidly, with the kind that people keep pulling it out and putting it in." look."

The art staff immediately readjusted the set according to Cong Lan's instructions.

Zhou Yun walked up to Cong Lan and called out to the director.

Cong Lan looked up, saw Zhou Yun, was taken aback, and asked, "Have you finished putting on makeup?"

"It's over, do you think it's okay?" Zhou Yun asked.

Cong Lan gave Zhou Yun a complicated look, nodded, and said, "Yes."

Seeing Zhou Yun like this, other people around also showed surprised expressions.

None of them seemed to have thought that Zhou Yun would appear with such a make-up appearance.

"This is the handbag for Zhou Yun's play." A staff member came over with a canvas bag in his hand.

Zhou Yun took a look in his hand, shook his head, and said, "It's too new, let's make it old."

Cong Lan nodded and said, "It's too new, you guys should have some refreshments in your work, why aren't you looking old?"

The staff member looked embarrassed and said, "I'll send someone to deal with it right away."

Zhou Yun asked, "Where is my work station?"

An assistant director immediately led the way.

Zhou Yun came to his station and nodded with satisfaction.

There is no desktop computer, and there are miscellaneous things on the table, such as pens, documents, and notebooks.

Exactly what she expected from a news reporter's job.

(End of this chapter)

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