I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 224 Ascension Period: 59

Chapter 224 Ascension Period: 59
"Miss Zhou, do you think this station needs to be adjusted?" the artist asked.

Zhou Yun has been making all sorts of criticisms since he appeared yesterday, and the artist responsible for the set design didn't dare to take chances.

But Zhou Yun said, "It's pretty good."

This surprised the art staff.

Cong Lan said to Zhou Yun, "Let's have a show."


In this scene, the confrontation between her and the editor-in-chief is the focus, but the camera will be brought to other colleagues in the editorial department, so there are many actors who will come to shoot.

For example, her rival in the play, Wen Yu played by Xu Siyao.

In this scene, Wen Yu didn't have many scenes, and the yin and yang satirized Zhou Yun in a few words and it was over.

The actors arrived one after another, but Xu Siyao didn't show up for a long time.

Cong Lan asked the assistant director to urge him.

Zhou Yun greeted the other actors one by one.

Among them, the editor-in-chief is an old actor, Lei Zheng.

Lei Zheng is a big star, he has won Best Actor for acting in movies, and he has also won Shidi for acting in TV dramas, he is truly capable.

In private, Lei Zheng himself was very kind. He greeted Zhou Yun and said, "Let's work hard together."

Zhou Yun was flattered.

"Mr. Lei, please give me some pointers." Zhou Yun said.

"It's not about advice, let's communicate more." Lei Zheng said.

After waiting for another ten minutes, Xu Siyao still didn't come.

Went to urge Xu Siyao's assistant director to come back, and said embarrassedly: "Xu Siyao hasn't put on her makeup yet."

Cong Lan frowned and said, "She didn't say a few words, she just took a few shots. How long will this makeup take?"

Zhou Yun said: "Director, Mr. Lei and I try the play first?"

"Teacher Lei, is it okay?" Cong Lan looked at Lei Zheng.

Lei Zheng nodded: "Okay."

He handed the script to his assistant and looked at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun also handed over the script to Zheng Xiaoju.

"Why did you come to me again? Didn't you have a meeting? You can't choose this topic." Lei Zheng said slowly.

Zhou Yun looked at Lei Zheng firmly, and said, "Editor-in-Chief, this is really a valuable topic."

Lei Zheng said calmly, "There is no topic that is worthless, but it is not suitable for doing now."

"Why isn't it suitable?" Zhou Yun asked, looking directly at Lei Zheng without avoiding his eyes.


A scene went smoothly.

The audience applauded.

Zhou Yun was surprised.

Cong Lan said: "The acting is really good, let's act like this later."

Lei Zheng asked Zhou Yun: "Have you practiced this scene yourself?"

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I tried several times in the hotel yesterday."

"No wonder, your acting is very smooth." Lei Zheng said, "I heard people say that you are good at acting, and seeing you today, your reputation is well-deserved."

Zhou Yun's cheeks were red.

"No, no, Teacher Lei, don't praise me like that."

"Of course we should praise you for a good performance, not bad." Lei Zheng said.

"Is Xu Siyao alright?" Cong Lan asked.

The assistant director hurried to look for Xu Siyao again, until this time, Xu Siyao was long overdue.

She was wearing a pink jacket and a pair of knee-high leather boots on her feet. She had exquisite makeup and was not easy to mess with at first glance. She was very energetic.

There are completely two styles with Zhou Yun.

If it is said that Zhou Yun is following a realistic and real-life workplace sophistication, Xu Siyao is following a very delicate and well-dressed workplace sophistication.

Xu Siyao showed her signature sweet smile, and said, "Director, I'm sorry, the makeup time is a bit long, it's delayed a little, and I kept you waiting."

Cong Lan stared at Xu Siyao for a few seconds before saying, "It's okay, since you're here, let's all walk through."

Xu Siyao nodded, and her eyes fell on Zhou Yun, but when she saw Zhou Yun's dress and clothes, she was stunned for several seconds before she came to her senses.

She didn't expect that Zhou Yun dressed herself so casually.

It feels like... a completely ordinary person.

Xu Siyao came here early this morning and spent so long putting on makeup and choosing clothes because she was going to shoot the same scene with Zhou Yun today, and she didn't want to lose herself.

Who knew, Zhou Yun had no intention of competing with her at all!
Xu Siyao suddenly felt a sense of humiliation at this moment.

"Xu Siyao, what are you still doing in a daze? Go to your station." Cong Lan shouted with a loudspeaker.

Xu Siyao woke up suddenly and found that everyone around her was looking at her.

Everyone else is ready, only her.

She was still poking in place like a fool, motionless.

Xu Siyao bit her lip in embarrassment, and walked to her station.
Noon, rest time.

Zhou Yun and Zheng Xiaoju walked towards the cafeteria.

Zheng Xiaoju asked: "Sister Xiaoyun, do you want me to order food from the cafeteria and send it to the lounge? There are too many people in the cafeteria."

Zhou Yun said: "Let's go and have a look first. If there is no seat, I will go back to the lounge to eat."

In the end, I ran into Xu Siyao on the road.

Zhou Yun didn't want to have contact with her, so he pretended not to see her.

But Xu Siyao didn't think so.She walked up to Zhou Yun, pushed Zheng Xiaoju aside, and said to Zhou Yun, "Miss Xiaoyun didn't expect that I would come to film "Ding Feng Bo", did she?"

"Is it important whether I want to or not? Anyway, if you can do what you want to do, isn't that enough?" Zhou Yun said, "I will shoot my movie, and you will shoot your movie. The two have nothing to do with each other."

"The two are irrelevant? How could the two be irrelevant? Sister Xiaoyun, you are too naive. Now everyone on the Internet says that I am not worthy to carry your shoes. Have you ever thought about the humiliation I suffered?" Xu Siyao's face was full of tears. Showing jealousy, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been attacked by so many people."

Zhou Yun looked at her in disbelief, and said, "Why don't you think about it, if you didn't do those shitty things yourself, how could you have been attacked like that? You're so good at playing backwards."

Xu Siyao didn't intend to find the reason from himself at all.

"I will not let you go." She said, "Just wait and see, one day, I will trample you under my feet, so that you can no longer look at me with that contemptuous look."

No matter how good Zhou Yun's temper was, he was provoked by Xu Siyao at this moment and burned into anger.

"Crazy you, what you want to do is none of my business, you insist on messing with me, that's fine, just wait and see."

Xu Siyao suddenly smiled.

"It's finally revealed. It's really disgusting to pretend to be so innocent."

Xu Siyao turned her head triumphantly, and walked away with her head held high like a peacock.

Zhou Yun had nothing to say, feeling sullen.

Zheng Xiaoju defended Zhou Yun, saying: "Xu Siyao is too hateful, I must tell Sister Lan!"

"Xiaoju, do something for me." Zhou Yun looked at Xu Siyao's back expressionlessly, and said, "Didn't she get a lot of praise when she walked the red carpet with Li Ci last time? If so, then Just add some firewood to her to make the fire more vigorous."

(End of this chapter)

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