I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 228 Ascension Period: 63

Chapter 228 Ascension Period: 63
——Zhou Yun must have done it on purpose, right? There are still celebrity hands slippery these days?

——If you ask me, Zhou Yun's move came too late. If I met someone like Xu Siyao in my life, I would have been unable to hold back my [-]-meter-long sword.

——Xu Siyao will also be able to snatch the role of a newcomer. I have hated her since I watched "The Eighth Heartbeat".

——The entertainment industry is always prey to the weak. Xu Siyao is more popular and able to handle dramas. Compared with newcomers, the film crew wants to use her more. Is there any problem with this?If you want to blame, blame yourself for not being popular. Also, compared to Xu Siyao grabbing the role, shouldn't it be Zhou Yun's eccentric behavior that is more disgusting?It's obviously disgusting to step on Xu Siyao's foot when they're filming the same drama and it's from the same company.

— Please someone figure it out, okay?Why didn't you come out and accuse her of being disgusting when Xu Siyao talked about Zhou Yun a few times ago?

There was a quarrel on the Internet.

Zhou Yun's fans naturally want to protect Zhou Yun.

And Xu Siyao's fans naturally wanted to defend Xu Siyao.

The two sides fought hard.

This incident became more and more troublesome, and the result of the more trouble was that more people knew about Xu Siyao's grabbing the role of a newcomer.

The power of fans of any star can't compare to a thing called passerby.

No matter what, everyone on the Internet still has basic values ​​of right and wrong.Regardless of the so-called law of the jungle, in a modern civilized society, in the mainstream values, do not follow the law of the jungle.Therefore, what Xu Siyao did was problematic, it was wrong, and he should be blamed and criticized.Therefore, Xu Siyao suffered an unprecedented crisis of public opinion.

The people who went on and on went to Xu Siyao's Weibo to scold her.

Chengqian Entertainment's entire company, from top to bottom, was all stunned.

Because of this, they don't know how to act.

It was clear that Zhou Yun was responsible for this matter.Zhou Yun's manager, Zhou Lan, didn't mean to shirk.

Zhou Yun suppressed Xu Siyao, this is indeed nothing new in the entertainment industry.

Everyone is used to it.

When Wei Ruxue and Ning Yao were still in the company, the two of them were fighting like hell.

But now everyone needs an attitude.They need to know, if Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao have such a big fight, which side will the company take?
If it wasn't for the fact that the two protagonists in this matter were Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao, everyone knew without thinking that the company would have chosen the more popular one.Any company wants to keep its own cash cow.

But Xu Siyao has something special about her.

It has been rumored in the company that Xu Siyao and He Yong have an unclear and ambiguous relationship.
The sudden incident left He Yong in a state of desperation.

He Yong had to deal with inquiries from the headquarters, and also had to deal with the media and partners, and his mouth was burning.

When Zhou Yun said before that he would do something to Xu Siyao, he didn't take it seriously.He thought he knew Zhou Yun clearly, Zhou Yun would not do such a thing.After making his debut for so long, he hadn't seen anything wrong with Zhou Yun.He Yong also felt that Zhou Yun is really the least troublesome popular female star under his command.

But Zhou Yun did what he said.

If you don't do it, it's enough, once you do it, you will do a big one, and it will be so vigorous that everyone will be shocked.

He Yong wanted to make a call to Zhou Yun, but he paused as soon as he reached out to the phone.

A question popped into his mind.

He called Zhou Yun, what did he say?

Scold her, or what?He Yong bit his tongue and wouldn't let his broken mouth swear.Not to mention those who have nothing, is Zhou Yun the one he can scold now?

He Yongyong said that if he really dared to make such a phone call to scold Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun would not talk to him for the next month.

He made a phone call and said, "No matter what method you use, quickly reduce the popularity of this matter, and the trending search will also be removed!"

He Yong will not sit back and watch Xu Siyao's reputation further stink, after all she is now the most popular actress in the company besides Zhou Yun.

Apart from this point, He Yong also likes Xu Siyao's sense of wit.

No matter what kind of virtue Xu Siyao is outside, what is too right for Zhou Yun, in front of He Yong, Xu Siyao is always obedient and well-behaved.

Who knows, five minutes later, someone from the public relations department called him.

"Mr. He, Zhou Yun posted a Weibo just now."

He Yong said angrily, "Does she need you to make a special call to remind me when she posted on Weibo?"

A person from the public relations department said: "Zhou Yun posted a photo with Wang Jing, and now the Internet is going crazy."

He Yong only felt that his eyes were dark.
"Fixed Storm" crew.

Everyone can feel that there is an undercurrent of tense atmosphere in the air.

Li Ci and his assistant stayed in the rest room.

His assistant has been with him for a long time, and the two of them are very familiar with each other, so they can say as much as they want.

His assistant said in a low voice: "I really didn't see it, Zhou Yun is also very ruthless, it's fine if he doesn't do anything, but if he does, he will simply drive Xu Siyao to death."

Li Ci sat on a chair and played with his mobile phone. Hearing what the assistant said, he twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled, with some unclear meaning.

"You have been with me for so many years, why, did you still get fooled by Zhou Yun's face before? Do you think she is a kind person?"

His assistant said: "She signed a contract with the company before, and she has been there for two years. Many things about her are being circulated in the company. She has never done this before, even Xu Siyao connoted her during the live broadcast at the beginning of this year. , she never took revenge on Xu Siyao."

"This can only show that she can bear it."

"Xu Siyao is too ostentatious. Anyway, I don't like her very much." The assistant said.

Li Ci smiled lightly and said, "You're not her assistant, it doesn't matter if you like her or not, it's the same."

"Brother Ci, what if Xu Siyao is pestering you?" the assistant asked, "She is very capable. She used to play big and refused to walk on the red carpet. She was so angry that Ren Su Min, the new editor-in-chief of "Victor", ignored her. Dare to forcefully go up and hug Ren Sumin directly, it's too scary."

Li Ci: "There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm just playing around. Anyway, I'm not the one who suffers."

He shrugged and said, "Go and see, isn't the next scene a rival scene between the two of them? See if the two of them fight on the set."

The assistant probably wanted to go for a long time, and when he heard Li Ci's words, he immediately jumped up and said, "Then I'll go."

"Just take a look, don't get into trouble by speaking out, I don't want to get involved in their struggle." Li Ci confessed.

"Don't worry, Brother Ci, I promise I'm just watching the fire from the other side."

(End of this chapter)

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