I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 229 Ascension Period: 64

Chapter 229 Ascension Period: 64
"Director, I have an idea for the shooting later." Zhou Yun took the initiative to put forward his own opinion, "Since Zhang Hua and Wen Yu are competitors, the spark between the two should be bigger. It’s still relatively hot, but there is no one else next to the scene to be filmed, only the two of them, I think the rivalry between the two can be changed to be more intense and sharp, do you think it’s okay?”

She took out two pieces of paper and handed them to Director Cong Lan.

"These are some lines and dialogues that I modified myself. Please take a look, if they are not suitable, then forget it." Zhou Yun said, "I have a whim, and I will ask you for advice."

After reading these two pages, Cong Lan looked at Zhou Yun with a slight change in his eyes.

It seems to be a little more complicated.

"It's pretty good. Did you change it yourself?"

Hearing what Cong Lan meant, it seemed that he didn't quite believe that Zhou Yun could change it by himself.

Zhou Yun said, "I changed it myself."

Cong Lan handed the two pages of paper to the assistant director beside him, and said, "Go and make a few copies, and send one to Xu Siyao."

After a while, before Xu Siyao appeared, her manager Yu Jiangping rushed over.

"Director Cong, I just received a new script, why did the scene I'm about to film suddenly change?" Yu Jiangping said, "I've finished memorizing Siyao's lyrics."

Zhou Yun raised the corners of his lips with a smile, and asked: "Mr. Yu, as a professional actor, Xu Siyao, could it be that she can't act with a little modification of the script?"

Right now, Yu Jiangxing hates Zhou Yun so much.

Xu Siyao was still angry half an hour ago in the break room, and finally calmed down, but just now he received a revised version of the script.

Yu Jiangxing said: "Although Siyao is a professional actor, his filming experience is not as rich as yours. As a senior, please be more tolerant."

"I'm not in this mood. I'm crazy to tolerate a back who ran up to me and told me that he would step on me in the future." Zhou Yun sarcastically returned, "Mr. Yu cares about Xu Siyao so much, why not give him She's looking for a psychologist."

Yu Jiangxing had something else to say.

"Mr. Yu, why hasn't Xu Siyao come out yet? Is she going to let so many of us wait for her alone?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Yu Jiangxing was irritated by Zhou Yun's sarcasm, and said with a straight face: "I don't accept the revised script, and I will shoot according to the previous script."

Zhou Yun sneered, and said, "I don't know which aspect of this modification is not as Mr. Yu wanted. Is it because Xu Siyao has fewer lines or fewer roles? The director agrees that this modified version is better, but you disagree. , on the set, do you listen to the director or do you listen to it?"

Yu Jiangxing was so stunned by Zhou Yun that he couldn't say a word.

Two people are at war.

"I'll shoot." Xu Siyao's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Zhou Yun and Yu Jiangxing looked at her at the same time.

Xu Siyao's face seemed to be covered with frost, and the cold air came directly from the cracks in his bones.

"Sister Xiaoyun personally revised the script, of course I have to shoot it." When she spoke, there was a little chill in her voice, "Otherwise others will accuse me of disrespecting my seniors and the director."
"Three, two, one, start shooting!"

Cong Basket shouted.

Fire exits.

Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao stood facing each other.

The expressions on the faces of the two people were very dignified and serious.

"Where did you get Sanyuanhe's manuscript?" Zhou Yun asked Xu Siyao with a straight face.

Xu Siyao lowered his head and smiled bitterly, "What's none of your business?"

"You steal other people's manuscripts, this is a moral issue!" Zhou Yun suppressed the anger in his throat, clenched his fists, and complained.

A look of surprise flashed across Xu Siyao's face, but she put it away immediately.

"Who stole other people's manuscripts? Do you have any evidence to just spout people?!" Xu Siyao's aura became more aggressive, and he stared at Zhou Yun fiercely, "I said, Zhang Hua, are you jealous? Jealous of me this time Winning you, crushing you, you who are usually praised by the editor-in-chief, but this time I robbed you of attention, are you jealous?"

Zhou Yun gritted his teeth tightly.


The background of this plot is that Wen Yu, played by Xu Siyao, has come up with a report on the Sanyuanhe murder, which has received unanimous praise from the review committee and will be published as the headline of the next issue, and has given the green light to follow-up reports.

But in fact this manuscript was written by Zhang Hua, and it is unknown who stole it.When Zhang Hua found out that Wen Yu had produced this manuscript and received unanimous praise, she was furious, and the above scene happened.

But this manuscript was not actually stolen by Wen Yu.

Anyway, Wen Yu is also the second female lead in this play, not the female villain.How could Xu Siyao play a villain with a bad image?This manuscript was deliberately stolen and sent to Wen Yu anonymously, claiming to be the manuscript written by himself, willing to let Wen Yu sign the manuscript, and only wanted to expose more inside information about the Sanyuanhe murder case. In fact, he wanted to frame Wen Yu.

Zhou Yun didn't know all this, and Xu Siyao certainly wouldn't admit that he didn't write this manuscript.


"Zhang Hua, I'm not used to seeing you for a long time. You usually keep a dark face, as if everyone in the world owes you money, and you act like the illegitimate daughter of the Jade Emperor. You have evidence to say this Did I steal the manuscript? Let me tell you, don’t think that you are the only one who can write manuscripts!” Wen Yu’s character is originally a girl who is prone to intense emotions.

Zhang Hua's eyes gradually turned red, her body trembled with anger, and she didn't say a word.

Xu Siyao suddenly froze at this moment.

That's right, it was Xu Siyao, not Wen Yu.

The grievance, anger, and forbearance that Zhou Yun showed at this moment had a strong tension, and they all firmly grabbed her head.

That's right, after the revision of the script, Xu Siyao's lines did not decrease but increased. From the text, it seems that Xu Siyao has more dramas.

But at this moment, Xu Siyao realized what Zhou Yun was planning.

Although Zhou Yun reduced Zhang Hua's lines, he gave her more space to perform.

Movies and TV dramas cannot attract audiences just by reading lines.

If that's the case, go listen to the radio drama.

To perform this knowledge, the sound stage is shaped and expressed.

Zhou Yun found a bigger performance space for himself in this scene, reduced his lines to zero, and spoke with his face and eyes.
"Ah—" As soon as he returned to the lounge, Xu Siyao was so angry that he threw the water glass in his hand to the ground. The plastic water glass was broken into pieces, Xu Siyao's cheeks were flushed, "Go to hell!"

Yu Jiangxing has black lines all over his head.

"Keep your voice down, if someone else hears this, you will be scolded on the trending list again!" He signaled his assistant to guard the door with his eyes.

The assistant went.

Xu Siyao glared at Yu Jiangxing angrily, and said, "Zhou Yun, that bitch, has bullied me!"

(End of this chapter)

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