I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 232 Ascension Period: 67

Chapter 232 Ascension Period: 67
"It's time to show off your acting skills."

"The acting skills are not up to that level." Zhou Yun held up the phone, sat on the bed, and leaned lazily against the head of the bed, "I'm not you."

Song Chi said, "Your words sound like you're insinuating."

"You are too sensitive." Zhou Yun smiled.

After the phone call, the woman was not mentioned.

Zhou Yun had this matter in his heart, but he didn't mention it.Mention it, it seems that she is really concerned about this matter, it seems that she also listens to wind and rain.Of course Zhou Yun didn't want Song Chi to think that she was this kind of person, besides not wanting Song Chi to think that, she didn't want to be such a person herself either.But she hung up the phone, dried her hair, turned off the light, and fell asleep in the darkness, with the dim light swirling in front of her eyes. She quietly listened to her own even breathing, her heart was like ants hovering, and it was faintly itchy.Still can't help but think, who is that woman?
As soon as Zhou Yun covered his head with a quilt, the cool air soaked in through the thin silk.

Things really are not that simple.

Zhou Yun thought to himself, liking someone is really annoying.

Annoy yourself, annoy others.
Within a few days, another scandal quietly spread among the crew.

Zheng Xiaoju took a deep breath and told Zhou Yun in a low voice: "A brother from the lighting team saw Xu Siyao coming out of Li Ci's room the night before yesterday."

Zhou Yun raised his eyes in surprise, and looked at Zheng Xiaoju in disbelief.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "Everyone is talking about the two of them."

Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Don't talk to others about their affairs."

"I know, Sister Lan specifically explained it to me, I just listen to it and don't talk about it." Zheng Xiaoju nodded seriously, with a childish smirk on his face, "It's just... I also heard that Li Ci had already had a private conversation in private." I have a girlfriend."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise, "Who did you hear that from?"


Li Ci is a popular fried chicken. In terms of popularity alone, he is not inferior to Song Chi.

His every move is watched by many pairs of eyes, not to mention his girlfriend.

Zhou Yun was very sure that Li Ci didn't have a girlfriend, at least publicly, and the company didn't know about it.Zhou Yun once heard He Yong mention that Li Ci is single, and the contract signed by the company with him included the clause that he could not fall in love.

If this is true, it means that Li Ci is dating without telling the company.

Then, cheated?
Zhou Yun realized that this matter was extraordinary.Once it gets out, even if the show is filmed, it won't be broadcast in the future.The current policy is like this, if any actor has a problem, the entire crew and the entire play will be affected.He can still be cut for insignificant supporting roles, but if both Li Ci and Xu Siyao's scenes are cut, how can this show be broadcast?
She felt suddenly annoyed.

Li Ci secretly fell in love, this is his own business, Zhou Yun can't control it.But he cheated on Xu Siyao, this matter is not his alone.

So, Zhou Yun went to Zhou Lan to discuss what to do with this matter.

No matter what, this matter cannot be exposed. Once it is exposed, the movie they filmed will be in vain.

Don't even think about it.

"Let's tell He Yong directly about this matter, there is nothing else to say." Zhou Lan said, "He is in charge of the "Ding Fengbo" project. If this kind of thing happens, he must be more anxious than anyone else, so let him to solve."

Zhou Yun asked: "How will it be resolved?"

Zhou Lan said, "Two things need to be resolved."

But the wind in the crew was blowing so fast that before Zhou Lan could tell He Yong, He Yong had already heard about it from others.

The next day, Zhou Yun had just finished filming when he saw Zheng Xiaoju sneaking up to her side mysteriously, and whispered, "Mr. He is here."

Zhou Yun looked at Zheng Xiaoju in surprise, and asked, "Mr. He?"

"I saw him just now." Zheng Xiaoju said.

"Where did he go?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zheng Xiaoju said: "I saw him go to the lounge."

Zhou Yun didn't know what He Yong was here for.However, it is not surprising that He Yong will appear on the crew from time to time.She didn't take it to heart, and continued to wait for the next scene to be filmed.

Suddenly, He Yong's assistant came over and called Xu Siyao away who was also waiting for the next scene.

It was as if the frying pan had been lifted, and the scene immediately became noisy.Everyone whispered to each other, discussing in low voices, and pointing fingers, as if the protagonist of their topic was still there.

Zhou Yun sat in it, feeling vaguely impatient.

Zheng Xiaoju wondered: "Mr. He came here today, is it because of the two of them?"

Zheng Xiaoju's words reminded Zhou Yun.That's right, if it wasn't like this, why did He Yong's assistant call Xu Siyao away again?Obviously the next scene will be filming her.

Zhou Yun waited at the scene for half an hour, but Xu Siyao did not come back.

The noise on the set got louder.

But no one asked her what she was doing, and no one asked when she would be back.

Zhou Yun didn't want to continue to be surrounded by the noise of the studio, so he told Zheng Xiaoju that she would go back to the rest room for a while, and come back when Xu Siyao came back.

Zheng Xiaoju immediately went to explain to the coordinator, and accompanied Zhou Yun to the rest room.

The two met Yu Jiangxing on the road.

Yu Jiangxing's face was completely dark, and his brows were also tightly drawn, as if they were tied tightly with copper wires.

When he saw the two of them, his complexion was even worse, and he didn't give him a good look.

He left in a hurry, not knowing what to do.

Zheng Xiaoju muttered in a low voice: "The face is so dark."

Zhou Yun went back to the lounge thoughtfully.

It wasn't until an hour later that someone called her and said it was time to shoot.

Zhou Yun returned to the set and saw Xu Siyao doing a light test under the guidance of the camera assistant.

The expression on her face looked a little ferocious, but upon closer inspection, it was not ferocious, but she was completely immersed in a gloomy mood, as if she was covered with a layer of cold fog in winter, and there were ice flowers in the fog.

During the test shoot, Zhou Yun felt for the first time that Xu Siyao was a little absent-minded.

To be precise, it was too perfunctory.

Although Xu Siyao is annoying, she is very good at acting.She has the kind of courage to go all out, and it is more than enough to play TV drama characters with very few complex aspects. The state and emotions of the characters in the show are highly contagious.

But now she seems to have lost this advantage.Usually, as long as Zhou Yun is around, he will show his full energy like a contest, but today his energy is completely slackened.

Cong Lan yelled "click" and started all over again.

One more thing, Xu Siyao is still out of shape, she is acting, but she doesn't have that spirit, she is shriveled, and Zhou Yun's state is also affected.

Cong Lan said: "Stop, Siyao, come here."

The director is very dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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