I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 233 Ascension Period: 68

Chapter 233 Ascension Period: 68
Xu Siyao's heart was in a panic.

That night, if she hadn't drunk a little wine, she wouldn't have walked into Li Ci's room easily.

She didn't want to say that she followed Li Ci's way.That made her look silly and heartless.In fact, she has never been the kind of woman who is easily fooled by men.When she was in school, all kinds of boys followed her, courteous but troublesome.She knew what she wanted was not a man, a love.

But this period of time has not been smooth.The overwhelming insults and attacks on the Internet have crushed her inner world, and she still has to hold on on the surface, so that no one can see the clues.

A strong person can go through difficulties and obstacles by herself, but she can't let others see her distress.

Use wine to drown your sorrows.

On a summer night, as soon as I came out of the air-conditioned room, the heat wave hit my body.

When she and Li Ci met, they hugged each other by accident.Xu Siyao never thought about what would really happen to Li Ci.Of course, there may be such an idea in the subconscious mind.Just like her attitude towards Zhou Yun all the time—isn't Zhou Yun just based on his relationship with Song Chi?

But no matter what, no matter what, after Xu Siyao sobered up, she found herself lying on the same bed as Li Ci. At that moment, her brain was poked with a needle, and she quickly woke up from nerves to limbs.

The story that happened that night quickly turned over and blocked.

It is impossible for the company to allow her to fall in love with Li Ci. Once the news of Li Ci's girlfriend gets out and his fans know, the company's stock price will plummet.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening, she will be sacrificed nine times out of ten.

Even He Yong could not protect her.Above He Yong is the headquarters.

But contrary to expectations, this matter was discovered after all.The wind in the crew found a gap and drilled in, this time Xu Siyao experienced it personally.

He Yong scolded her.

He had never scolded her so directly.

Xu Siyao's face was pale, but he was scolded honestly and did not refute a single word.

"Keep a distance from him in the future, and never get close to him again." He Yong said, "If it happens again, I won't be able to keep you."

Xu Siyao nodded and said, "There won't be a second time."

She was not the focus of He Yong's conversation, and we talked for a long time.

And she didn't know until the evening that she not only slept in Li Ci's bed this time, but also became a "little three".

Xu Siyao didn't know that Li Ci had a girlfriend in private, and few people knew about it.

After knowing the news, Xu Siyao's heart and body were soaked like frost.

This is something that scares her more than being warned by He Yong.

Xu Siyao sat in her room with a pale face, staring blankly for a long time.Yu Jiangxing knocked on the door several times, but she didn't hear it, she really didn't hear it, as if her whole body was immersed in dark water.All surrounding sounds were cut off.Yu Jiangxing was worried that something might happen to her, so he knocked on the door persistently for a long time, and finally some voice came through.Xu Siyao woke up suddenly and went to open the door.

It was such a face that caught Yu Jiangxing's eyes.

Plain white, without any makeup.I'm used to her usual exquisite makeup, but at first glance at her plain makeup without makeup, there is a strange feeling of desertedness.I also felt a little bit distracted, not as aggressive as usual, there was uneasy confusion in my eyes, and a trace of bewilderment, like lingering smoke floating in my eyes.

Seeing her like this, Yu Jiangxing couldn't say what he had prepared.

"You...forget it, don't think too much, go to bed early, and continue filming tomorrow." Yu Jiangxing reassured, "Don't worry, my cousin has already issued a gag order to the whole crew on this matter, and this matter is not It will get out."

Xu Siyao's eyes suddenly turned red.

She lowered her head, turned her face away, and said, "I didn't know he had a girlfriend."

Yu Jiangxing: "We don't know."

"Bastard." Xu Siyao scolded in a low voice.

Yu Jiangxing sighed, "You don't have to worry about Zhou Yun. I have communicated with her and they won't tell the outside world. Fortunately, you are both acting in the same play. No one wants to see this drama. The show died halfway."

When Xu Siyao heard Zhou Yun's name, it was as if a pair of ironic eyes suddenly came over from a fog.

It looked at her mockingly.

Zhou Yun saw this as a joke.

A burst of embarrassment rose from Xu Siyao's heart.

"Did she say anything?" Xu Siyao asked.

Yu Jiangxing didn't realize who Xu Siyao was asking, and asked, "Who?"

Xu Siyao said to him: "Forget it, I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

Yu Jiangxing fixed his eyes on her and said, "Don't do such stupid things again in the future."

Xu Siyao didn't say anything more, and closed the door again in front of Yu Jiangxing.
This matter was strictly suppressed by He Yong, without revealing a single word.It's just that there are so many eyes and mouths in the crew, when Li Ci and Xu Siyao appear, they will always be accompanied by some tacit tacit understanding.

When such a thing happened, Li Ci looked calm, as if nothing had happened.When filming, he was still dedicated to his work, obeying the director's command and adjustment, and the treatment he deserved was not lost at all.He was still the last one to put on makeup on the set, and the first one to call it a day and return to the hotel.This is the priority that is clearly written on the notice.

The best treatment is for Li Ci.

On June [-]th, Li Ci took leave of absence from the film crew to attend a private banquet hosted by Ren Su Min, the new editor-in-chief of "Victor".

Before leaving, he asked Zhou Yun: "Would you like to take a leave of absence to go with me? Editor-in-Chief Ren asked me about me and asked me to invite you to go with me."

Zhou Yun politely declined: "You have already asked for leave, if I ask for leave again, it's time for the coordinator to lose his hair."

Li Ci laughed, showing his white teeth.

In all fairness, Li Ci's performance was not considered "troublesome" in the crew.In terms of trouble, Xu Siyao caused more trouble to the staff at the beginning.Now it doesn't cause much trouble, Xu Siyao shows a "reclusive" state in the busy crew, filming when there is a scene, and staying in a corner alone when there is no film, far less presence than before.

In this way of filming, basically there will be no more forgetting words or being unable to enter the state.

Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao's rivalry scenes are getting more and more exciting. Even if there is no confrontation scene, the magnetic field between the two people also collides with vague confrontation and discord.These are all the details of raising the eyes and curling the lips. It is true that the two people have this kind of reality, but they can be seamlessly incorporated into the performance and into the camera. This is the result of the right time, place and people.

He Yong watched some of the edited shots and was so satisfied that he took a copy of the edited version and sent it to the purchasing directors of various platforms.

He realized one thing, although Zhou Yun and Xu Siyao may not want to admit it, their existence has created a steady stream of motivation for each other.

He Yong felt that if one of them was missing in this film, the tension between the two characters Zhang Hua and Wen Yu would not be as great as it is now filmed.

(End of this chapter)

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