I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 242 Ascension Period: 77

Chapter 242 Ascension Period: 77
He Yong's words turned to these people.

Zhou Yun followed beside him, overwhelmed by the compliments, his cheeks flushed slightly.

After a while, someone from the production company really had a suitable project in preparation and talked to her.

At this time, Zhou Lan appeared again, reporting his family name, exchanging contact information, talking and laughing at Yanyan, and making the atmosphere happy with a few words.

Out of the corner of Zhou Yun's eye, he caught a glimpse of Xu Siyao, and Xu Siyao happened to look over.

The eyes of the two people nodded at each other, and there was a silent restraint in the sharpness.Even Xu Siyao knew that tonight was not a good time to play on Zhou Yun.

Xu Siyao was like a beautiful butterfly, fluttering among the crowd.Her posture is more generous, more active, and much warmer than Zhou Yun, so she is naturally more attractive.

Unlike Zhou Yun who needed He Yong's introduction one by one, Xu Siyao didn't need anyone's matchmaking.There was a warmth and generosity that was inherent in her.

But this highlights the role of a broker.

Where Zhou Yun is not good at, there is an agent who is good at helping you make up for it.

Of course Zhou Lan would not let go of such an opportunity.

Zhou Yun took a break to find something to eat, and got himself a plate of salad.

Li Ci suddenly came over and stood beside her.

Covered by a figure, Zhou Yun was taken aback. Seeing that it was Li Ci, he came to his senses.

"what happened?"

Li Ci looked at the salad on Zhou Yun's plate, clicked his tongue twice, and said, "Just eat some of this?"

"What's wrong with eating this?"

"It's nothing, I think it's not easy for you." Li Ci smiled suddenly, "When Mr. He took you to greet those people, Xu Siyao looked at you as if he wanted to eat you. It's really not easy."

Zhou Yun thought to himself, what kind of joke are you watching here, you big scumbag?
She retorted: "It's not easy for you and Xu Siyao to pretend that nothing happened when you and Xu Siyao were beaten together."

Li Ci laughed twice.

"You're really interesting, what do you mean by beating a mandarin duck with a stick?" Li Ci showed an exaggerated expression, and looked at Zhou Yun in surprise, "You don't think Xu Siyao and I are serious, do you?"

Zhou Yun just looked at him.

"The two of us are just playing with each other, can you stop looking at me with an expression of two feet on two boats?" Li Ci plausibly said, "It's like I'm a big scumbag."

"Huh? Don't you think you are? You have a girlfriend and you sleep with someone else. Isn't that a scumbag?"

"My girlfriend didn't ask me to treat her like a jade." Li Ci continued to speak boldly.

"You can say whatever you like, there is no need to explain to me." Zhou Yun was speechless, "Anyway, it's your business."

Li Ci shrugged.

He asked, "Could it be that you and Song Chida haven't broken through that relationship yet?"

Zhou Yun rolled the whites of his eyes, and said in a bad tone, "What's none of your business?"

Li Ci laughed loudly, put his hands on his hips, and said, "Aren't you? Forget it, it's up to you to say it or not, anyway, it's about the two of you."

Zhou Yun didn't understand whether Li Ci was really stupid or intentionally mean, so he ran over to make a fuss and said such a thing, just to make her angry for no reason?
Li Ci added: "Do you know what Xu Siyao told me in bed that night?"

Zhou Yun's face turned cold, and his tone was also cold. He said, "What you said to you on the bed, you also tell others as a joke? You still say you are not a scumbag?"

Li Ci: "I didn't tell anyone else, I only told you."

"I am not interested."

"It's about you."

"Then I don't want to hear it from your mouth." Zhou Yun hated Li Ci to the extreme, and he had never hated Li Ci so much before.After filming together for so long with the crew of "Ding Feng Bo", Zhou Yun didn't realize that Li Ci was so hateful.She glared at Li Ci almost in extreme disgust, and shook her head to leave.

Li Ci stared in surprise, as if he hadn't thought that Zhou Yun's appearance was not made, and he really didn't intend to listen.He was so surprised that he even fed him twice.Zhou Yun ignored him, he was in a hurry, stepped forward two steps, and stretched out his hand to grab Zhou Yun's wrist.

Zhou Yun seemed to have been scalded by the tongs, he quickly shook off Li Ci's hand, and scolded, "What are you doing?"

There was a lot of noise.

The people around looked at the two young men in amazement with expressions of "what happened".

Their eyes seemed to have a mind of their own, and in just a few seconds, the content went from "what happened?" to "what".

A woman who was chatting with He Yong just now had an ambiguous look on her face, and asked, "Mr. He? Are the golden couple in your company having a relationship?"

Zhou Lan came to Zhou Yun before He Yong, and stood between her and Li Ci with a subtle gesture.She asked Zhou Yun what happened with her eyes.

Zhou Yun realized that too many people around were watching here, waiting for a reaction.

She was upset with Li Ci, but she didn't want to be used as a talking point, and she didn't want to spread some scandals with Li Ci, causing a commotion. In a hurry, she blurted out, and her voice was deliberately amplified, so that people around could hear Clearly, he said, "Li Ci insists on me admitting that I am in a relationship with Song Chi. Sister Lan, take care of him, he is drunk."

When the words came out, of course Zhou Lan didn't care whether they were true or not, and just followed Zhou Yun's words.

"Li Ci, you are really serious. You clearly know that Xiaoyun dislikes others talking about her and Song Chi's scandal. You are not someone who doesn't know the truth. Have you been drinking too much?" Zhou Lan walked to Li Ci's body. Before him, he grabbed Li Ci's arm without any explanation, and squeezed his arm, reminding him to go down the steps at this time and round up the scene.Li Ci shook off Zhou Lan's hand, shrugged his shoulders, and said impatiently, "If you don't want to say it, then you don't want to say it. You have a big temper. Who cares if you and Song Chi are real or fake?"

Li Ci turned and left.

Leave a mess behind.

There are not many words in a few sentences, but the space for people's reverie has been expanded.

What is a real couple or a fake couple?

Zhou Lan's heart sank when he heard these words.She could only hope that the people who came today would keep their mouths tight so that it would not spread to public places.

As far as this sentence is concerned, if it is hyped up a little by someone with a heart, it will be another ups and downs.

He Yong came over and asked Zhou Yun what happened.

Zhou Yun's expression turned pale, and he said, "Ask him."

He Yong saw that this little aunt was offended by Li Ci, and immediately comforted him, "Calm down, don't be as knowledgeable as Li Ci."

Zhou Yun did not speak.

"I will teach Li Ci a lesson when I get back, and I will definitely let him teach him a lesson." He Yong sighed, "It's really too pampering him usually, and I spoil him."

Zhou Yun squinted at him, and said in a strange way: "Yes, Mr. He, you are used to everyone, and you just treat me with business. You have never asked me not to be as knowledgeable as others, and I have never seen you let anyone not be as knowledgeable as me. See Babies who will still cry have milk to drink.”

(End of this chapter)

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