I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 243 Ascension Period: 78

Chapter 243 Ascension Period: 78
Zhou Yun's words choked He Yong so much that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Zhou Lan held back a smile to smooth things over, and said, "Mr. He, Xiaoyun is also tired, so I'll take her back first."

He Yong wiped his sweat and said, "Okay."

After leaving, Zhou Lan whispered, "You didn't give him too much face just now, there are so many people around."

Zhou Yun said, "Just now there was no one else around."

Zhou Lan asked: "What did Li Ci do just now? It made you so angry."

Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan about it.

"Are you saying he's out of his mind?"

Zhou Lan looked very surprised, as if he felt a little unbelievable, and said, "Li Ci has never been so outrageous before, and I have never heard of it."

Zhou Yun curled his lips, with a hint of mockery in his expression.

"There are a lot of people tonight, and the scene just now might be interpreted into other meanings. I still want to make a public relations plan for you. If there are rumors about your affair with Li Ci, the disturbance will not be small. "Zhou Lan was worried, "Oh, I hope my worries are unnecessary. Li Ci's fans are even crazier than Song Chi's fans. Every female star who has been rumored to have an affair with Li Ci has been chased and killed by his fans. Tu Ban, Xu Siyao's super chat is still occupied by Li Ci's fans, scolding Xu Siyao every day."

"Mad dog."

"Be careful, this kind of words must not be heard by others." Zhou Lan reminded, sighed again, and frowned, "Li Ci's mouth is really stinky, what are you talking about? Real couples, fake couples, Now I am even more afraid that someone will make a fuss about his words, saying that you and Song Chi are hyped couple CPs."

Zhou Yun: "You let them talk."

"No, you have to know that the reason why the scandal between you and Song Chi didn't cause backlash against you is that the two of you have a very large number of CP fans, and they believe that there is a real spark between you and Song Chi. Those of you who like you, if someone tells you that you and him are just a hype, it will have a negative impact on your image. The more you are a fan, the more you hate cheating."

Zhou Lan's worries were not superfluous.In fact, such news slowly spread on the Internet.

In the beginning, such news did not really make waves, but spread and grew in every corner of the Internet.

After a few days, the news slowly fermented, like a snowball, and more and more people came to talk about it.

The so-called three become tigers.

By the time this momentum gathers, there is already a posture that cannot be discussed.

"It must be fake!" Zhou Yun's number one black fan spared no effort to fan the fire, "If you think about it, you know how Zhou Yun became popular in the first place? She is a newcomer, has never acted in a movie, does not have any masterpieces, Don't you think it's unbelievable to have an affair with Song Chi just because he and Song Chi stayed in the same hotel without any reason? It's all clues of self-directed and self-acted!"

"Then how does this explain Song Chi's actions in cooperating with Zhou Yun several times later? I believe Zhou Yun's popularity, and Song Chi fired CP with Zhou Yun because of Hong. Are you kidding me?"

"It must be that the companies behind the two parties have reached an agreement. Besides, although Song Chi is popular, there are many people competing with him. How can you guarantee that he will not fire CP just to maintain his popularity? How good is Zhou Yun?" The target of CP speculation is not famous, they are newcomers, they are completely a tool, and they are obedient, do you think how many times they have been on the hot search in the past two years?"

"I scolded Zhou Yun for this and that before, but now I praise her for being a good tool, right? Ha ha."

"Loyal dog protector, don't come here to scold us."

"Which dog keeps barking? Eat shit every day, brush your teeth."


The abuse and scolding became more and more full of hostility.

Things turned out a little unexpectedly.

The focus on the Internet mainly includes two aspects, one is whether something happened between Zhou Yun and Li Ci, and the other is whether Zhou Yun and Song Chi are deliberately hyping up.

The uproarious discussions have completely occupied the entertainment section these days, and the news of other celebrities and entertainers can't stir up splashes at all.

One day, a netizen put forward a conjecture, which won the approval and support of many people.

The conjecture is that Zhou Yun and Song Chi had always had a hyped CP relationship and even signed an agreement, but Zhou Yun and Li Ci from his own company fell in love with each other, so in order to be with Li Ci, Zhou Yun Yun wanted to tear up the agreement with Song Chi.


"How is it possible? Xiao Yun and Li Ci are both artists of the company. If they really wanted to fire CP, why didn't the company just let Xiao Yun and Li Ci fire them? Why did the company go far away to find Song Chi? What is our company like? Can Song Chi be dealt with, and let him fire CP with an unknown newcomer from our company? Do you think Song Chi is crazy, or Song Chi's manager is crazy, or Song Chi's agency is crazy?"

Zhou Lan had no choice but to call a reporter friend who he knew well, and his words were so exhausted these days that they almost burst into flames.

"It's even more impossible for Zhou Yun and Li Ci. The two of them just filmed a movie, and there is no problem at all." Zhou Lan swore, "I guarantee you that if there is something wrong with the two of them, I will not even have any problems with my friends." No need to do it with you."

Speaking of this, people believe it.

"Then how did you come up with so much news? It's wind and rain."

"What's more, it's really annoying to say that it was a private party. Li Ci made a few jokes with Zhou Yun, but some people on the spot made some bad things out of it. They just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. , it’s not that you don’t know, some people just talk about it.”

After finally entrusting people, they used their influence to twist public opinion.After hanging up the phone, Zhou Lan put away the phone exhaustedly.

Turning around, I saw Zhou Yun sitting on the back seat, wearing earphones, and I don't know if I heard the phone call she just made.

No matter how this matter is discussed, it is impossible for them to talk about it.

I heard that He Yongzhen called Li Ci to his office and scolded him bloody.The rumors spread like this, but no one knows what the real situation is except for these two parties.But Zhou Lan didn't believe it, how dare He Yong scold Li Ci to the point of blood, at most he complained earnestly, which is not bad.

The company's public relations department is busy deleting black comments on the Internet and controlling public opinion, but it can't stop the surging river from bursting its banks, and it's just struggling.

Zhou Lan was very confused, thinking about what to do in such a situation to break the situation.

The phone suddenly vibrated.

The producer of "Questioning the Heart" sent a message to confirm with her when Zhou Yun will be dubbing.

(End of this chapter)

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