I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 244 Ascension Period: 79

Chapter 244 Ascension Period: 79
The car drove around all the way and came to the dubbing studio.

After several days, Zhou Yun finally saw Song Chi again.

Song Chi was wearing a peaked cap, a simple white T-shirt and black shorts, revealing a long calf.

The dubbing took several days, and I stayed in the dubbing room every day, of course it was as comfortable as possible.

The two met and exchanged pleasantries, and when the people around them dispersed and only the two of them were left, Song Chi bent his eyes, smiled at the corners of his mouth, looked at Zhou Yun, and said, "Thanks to you, my recent The cooperative brands are all very satisfied with me, and the enthusiasm is surprisingly high."

Zhou Yun rolled her eyes angrily, and said, "You're enough, don't run on me here, okay? These days are bad enough."

As she spoke, she gave him a suspicious look.

"Is this a good thing for you? Don't you all say that the two of us are hype and deceive fans?"

The smile on Song Chi's face was always teasing. He said, "Then you may not know it yet. Once many of my fans know that I am just hyping you up, they will be so happy that they will applaud."

Zhou Yun came to his senses.

She remembered that Song Chi was different from her.Before he was rumored to have an affair with her, he was already a superstar with a terrifying number of fans.She is different. The first time she gained fans in a real sense was because of the variety show "After We Had a Gossip" filmed with Song Chi. Her first fans were aimed at her and Song Chi's CP feelings. to go.

Song Chi noticed a look of bewilderment suddenly flashing across Zhou Yun's face.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Zhou Yun came back to his senses, shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's nothing, I suddenly thought of something just now."

"Just wait for these turmoil to pass quietly. It's fine." Song Chi said, "Such things are very common. Don't pay special attention to it. The more you care about it, the more you will be affected."

Zhou Yun recalled that not long ago, Song Chi fell into a crisis of public opinion because of his friendship with a cheating senior.

She curled her mouth.

"However, Li Ci doesn't really like you, does he?" Song Chi asked suddenly.

Zhou Yun's smile froze on his face.

Song Chi's gaze carried a hint of scrutiny.

Zhou Yun: "Are you serious?"

A certain threat was palpable.

Song Chi immediately spread his hands in embarrassment, and smiled a little, "Just to be cautious, let me ask."

Zhou Yun raised his hand and punched Song Chi on the chest.

"Oh!" Song Chi exaggeratedly covered his chest, bent down and shouted.

At the same time, a staff member opened the door and came in, "Zhou Yun, come—"

Her eyes stopped on the two people in the room.

Undoubtedly, her eyes are interpreting her inner lines: Am I disturbing these two people?
At noon, eat together.

Zhou Yun gave Song Chi a white look, and said, "If any gossip about the two of us spreads outside, it's all your fault."

Song Chi raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and said, "I was wrong."

Zhou Lan looked at the two men with great interest, and asked, "Can I ask, what happened to you two this morning?"

Zhou Yun said: "This idiot insisted on yelling exaggeratedly in pain, but was bumped into by a staff member, as if I had punched him."

Song Chi emphasized solemnly: "You did punch me."

Zhou Yun: "I didn't use any force at all, okay?"

Song Chi laughed and said, "Then who told you to punch me?"

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes, "That's all right now, if this matter gets out, maybe it will turn out that I'm messing with Song Chi in the lounge, Song Chi doesn't want to, and then I use violence."

She covered her face with one hand.

"That's it!" Zhou Lan suddenly yelled in surprise.

Zhou Yun was taken aback, and looked at Zhou Lan in surprise.She didn't know what Zhou Lan meant by "just this".

Zhou Lan said: "Use this incident to change public opinion."

"Now everyone is saying that the two of you are speculating on CP and deceiving fans' feelings? Let's disclose this matter and let everyone know that you two are not hyping at all." Zhou Lan clenched his fists, " I'll go find the staff member right away, what does he look like?"

"Wait, wait." Zhou Yun quickly grabbed Zhou Lan and said, "Sister Lan, don't worry, you plan to let that little girl go online to break the news?"

Zhou Lan nodded and said, "Yes."

"This is really hype." Zhou Yun grabbed Zhou Lan's hand and said, "Farewell, that's it, let those people on the Internet say what they like, and we just ignore them."

Zhou Lan said: "It's not a matter of ignoring them. Now there are many black people who are holding on to this matter, scolding you and tarnishing your image."

"But it's too deliberate." Zhou Yun covered his forehead and said, "It's as if... I punched Song Chi deliberately for those people on the Internet to see."

Song Chi made a joke and said, "Look, you admit that you punched me."

Zhou Yun immediately flung the knife over.

Zhou Lan: "My dear, we must have public relations. We can't just sit and wait for death. In ancient times, three people became tigers. What's more, once you have a bad impression in the hearts of the public, it is difficult to reverse it."

Zhou Yun looked at Song Chi helplessly, trying to win his support.

What else could Song Chi do?

"She doesn't want to expose the things in her life to the public opinion field. Let's understand her." Song Chi said to Zhou Lan.

Zhou Lan: "..."

Song Chi said with a serious expression, "Otherwise, be careful that she punches you."

Zhou Lan burst out laughing.

Zhou Yun gritted his teeth, "You're never finished."

Song Chi laughed.

"If it doesn't work, we'll just be the same as before. In fact, no matter what others say, the important thing is whether those fans who like us will feel hurt because of what others say. We just need to tell them that we are not hype. Lie, we are not the so-called agreement CP, this is enough." Song Chi took out his mobile phone and said, "Let's take a photo together and post it on Weibo together at that time, interact with each other, and give fans who like us an attitude. Others No matter how many people go on and on, we don’t have to deal with it.”

Zhou Lan looked at Zhou Yun.

"I think it's good." Zhou Yun said.

Zhou Lan picked up the plate and was about to leave. If she didn't leave, she would appear in the middle of the group photo.

Song Chi said, "It's okay, just sit there, Sister Lan, the three of us will take pictures together."

Zhou Lan: "Is it okay if I show up?"

"It would have been better to be real."

The group photo was posted on Weibo of the two.

The smiles of the three people were natural and warm, and they gathered around a small round table with half-eaten boxed lunches on the table.

As Song Chi said, sometimes, it is not necessary to change everyone's opinion, it is only necessary to let those who really care about them know their true appearance, and it doesn't matter what other people think.

A photo reassured fans of the duo.The public opinion passed suddenly and strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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