I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 248 Ascension Period: 83

Chapter 248 Ascension Period: 83
"Why are you asking this?" Zhou Yun asked back.

Wei Heyun said: "You should have heard that I like Yu Sitian."

"Well, I heard that, what does this have to do with me?"

"Sitian likes Song Chi." Wei Heyun said, "If you and Song Chi are together, Sitian can also give up."

Zhou Yun was astonished.

"Are you and Song Chi boyfriend and girlfriend?" Wei Heyun asked for the second time.

"Wait, wait." Zhou Yun raised his hands, paused like a robot, and said, "Wei, Mr. Wei, it's up to you whether you like Yu Sitian, whether Yu Sitian likes Song Chi or not is up to you." About Sitian, whether Song Chi and I are boyfriend or girlfriend is our business, don’t get confused, it’s impossible for me and Song Chi to be together, Yu Sitian really gave up, it’s not that easy to like someone Stop, just like you said that Yu Sitian likes Song Chi, you won't just give up on Sitian."

Wei Heyun had a surprised expression on his face.

Zhou Yun suddenly felt guilty.

"No... No one has ever said these things to you, right?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun actually shook his head.

Zhou Yun covered his face with one hand, "It's so embarrassing."

Wei Heyun asked: "Then, if you women fall in love with a man, will you never change?"

"No." Zhou Yun wanted to cry, but Wei Heyun didn't play cards according to common sense, she didn't know how to respond, "No, Mr. Wei, I don't know Sitian either, I don't know her well, If you don't know what kind of person she is, you may have to ask someone who is familiar with her."

"People who are familiar with her say that her whole heart is planted on Song Chi." Wei Heyun's eyeballs revealed a touch of sadness and confusion, "I, I always feel that sincerity is sincere, and gold and stone can be separated."

At this moment, Zhou Yun completely overturned his initial impression of Wei Heyun.Hearing Wen Xi's description before, seeing Wei Heyun's demeanor, he only thought of him as a spoiled young master with a good family background, who fell in love with a female celebrity, even if the female celebrity didn't like him, he would persist in Pursue.Who knew that Wei Heyun was actually an idiot?
When these three words emerged from Zhou Yun's mind, his mind was stunned.

too disgusting.This is her problem.Zhou Yun was not used to seeing someone with such deep affection——she thought of herself again.Is it possible to risk everything for love?Of course not, stop talking.Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said to Wei Heyun: "Mr. Wei, what if Yu Sitian never likes you?"

Wei Heyun's face was a little dazed, a little helpless, and he hesitated for a long while and said: "I, I haven't thought about it."

Zhou Yun said, "Maybe you should think about it."

After speaking, she fled in despair.
Looking back afterwards, Zhou Yun felt that he shouldn't have said so much to Wei Heyun.Wei Heyun and her have never met before, and they don't know each other, so why did they say so much when they met for the first time.

She was aware of a certain loss in herself.

"Xiaoyun, what's the matter with you?" Yu Chu found her, saw her hesitant eyes and absent-minded expression, and asked.

Zhou Yun grabbed Yu Chu's hand and said, "I'm fine, I... Where's Song Chi?"

"He's over there, talking to Chen Wenjun," Yu Chu said.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath and said, "I need to go to the bathroom."

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Yu Chu asked.

"It's okay, no need, I can do it by myself." Zhou Yun let go of Yu Chu's hand, smiled gratefully at her, and went to the bathroom.

The corridors are very quiet.

As soon as she came out of the infield, the bustle of countless human voices went away from her.

It's like being locked in another world by a door.

Zhou Yun walked to the sink and looked at himself in the mirror.Suddenly there were footsteps coming from inside, it was the other side, the male side.

Zhou Yun quickly put away the bewildered look on his face and turned on the faucet.

The person who walked out turned out to be Li Ci.

He obviously hesitated because of Zhou Yun's appearance.

The sound of water rushing.

There was a strange silence between the two.

Zhou Yun thought, let's get out of this embarrassing situation as soon as possible.She turned off the tap and was about to turn around and leave.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Li Ci asked.

Oh shit.

Zhou Yun cursed a dirty word in his heart.

Either hide the embarrassment from the start, she thought, or stop trying to alleviate it after it happened.

Embarrassment has always been something that the more I want to solve it, the more I can't solve it. All the efforts are the more painful the more I work hard.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yun turned around and looked at Li Ci.

"I'm sorry," he said, shrugging.

Zhou Yun snorted lightly, "I really can't see any sincerity in your apology."

Li Ci said: "Just accept it when it's good, don't get cheap and act like a good boy, at least you can hear my apology."

Zhou Yun: "I didn't ask for that. Don't apologize and feel wronged at the same time, okay?"

Li Ci: "You are really unreasonable, I have never seen a woman who is more preoccupied than you."

"Then you really should reflect on it. If it weren't for your face, you would find that the world is full of women who care about every detail, and you are the one who can't take advantage of it and act good." Zhou Yun accused with anger.

Li Ci's eyes widened in surprise, and he spread his hands, wanting to say something, but he didn't say a word for a long time, as if someone stuck his throat with transparent glue, and the movement of opening his mouth seemed futile.

"Scumbag." Zhou Yun finally ended the topic with two words, and walked away.

Her mood was miraculously restored again.

"What makes you so happy?" Song Chi walked over from the crowd and asked.

Zhou Yun raised his chin proudly, and said, "I just realized one thing, no matter how awkward I am with myself, at least I never hurt others, and I am much better than some people."

Song Chi didn't understand, so, "I don't understand."

"It's okay, you don't need to understand." Zhou Yun seemed to be in a great mood. After drinking two sips of whiskey, his smile became brighter, with a drunken brilliance, she leaned close to Song Chi's ear, and whispered: " I don't feel sorry at all, I just like you, who told you to like me too, if you don't like me, my like is just like me."

Song Chi was even more confused.

But Zhou Yun's words made a gentle and joyful moon rise in his heart.

Song Chi also leaned into Zhou Yun's ear and whispered, "Yes, I like you."

Two people openly whispered in public.

Chen Wenjun took a look at him from a distance, and said to Wei Heyun: "Young Master Wei, look, there must be something wrong with these two people, and they still refuse to admit it, they are stubborn."

Wei Heyun glanced at Chen Wenjun, picked up his wine glass, took a sip of the wine, did not speak, and a trace of loneliness flashed across his expression.

Only then did Chen Wenjun realize that he accidentally said the wrong thing.

(End of this chapter)

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