I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 249 Ascension Period: 84

Chapter 249 Ascension Period: 84
"I don't like Zhou Yun? Who said that? Nonsense."

In the arena, an invited reporter was chatting with Liu Qingqing. She curiously asked Liu Qingqing to verify the news she had heard.

Liu Qingqing justly and sternly denied the rumors that she and Zhou Yun were at odds.

"If I didn't like Zhou Yun, why would I take a photo with her on the red carpet just now? She is a very good actress, and I admire her very much."

The reporter was surprised, "Really?"

Liu Qingqing touched the reporter's cheek and said, "Of course it's true."

After she finished speaking, she showed a typical female star smile, raised her head, waved to the other person, and walked over, "Honey, long time no see."

"Qingqing, you are too beautiful today."

"No, it's just so-so." Liu Qingqing said, calling for a photo together.

Just at this time, Zhou Yun walked by.

"Zhou Yun, let's take a photo together." Someone greeted.

Zhou Yun walked over.

Liu Qingqing took Zhou Yun's hand and said in a low voice: "Someone said, you and Wei Heyun have an eye? The speed is fast enough."

"What nonsense, nonsense." Zhou Yun denied.

"Who knows if it's true or not, anyway, there are always so many scandals about you, and all the men who get closer to you will have scandals with you." Liu Qingqing said.

"It can only be blamed that people nowadays can't see a normal woman talking to a normal man. As long as two people stand together, huh, these two people must be related." Zhou Yun sarcastically.

Liu Qingqing: "Nothing is the best. Don't waste your efforts on Wei Heyun's idea. Everyone knows that the person he likes is Yu Sitian."

"You keep it to remind yourself, next time you quarrel, don't hurt Chi Yu, whether you and Chen Wenjun are fighting or scolding is your own business."

"You said it yourself, if I need it, you have to be a shield for me." Liu Qingqing put her arms around Zhou Yun's waist, smiling brightly and charmingly, "Don't forget who took the initiative to hug me on the red carpet just now of."

"That can't help at the expense of eight hundred."

The photoshoot is over.

It was a noisy activity that lasted until midnight, and Zhou Yun wanted to leave.

"Let's go together." Song Chi said.

"Leave together? There should be many reporters waiting outside, right?" Zhou Yun said, "It's not good to be photographed."

"I'll be in Shanghai tonight, do you want to have a drink together?" Song Chi said, "Do you have work tomorrow morning?"

"No, but I drank a lot in the evening." Zhou Yun said, "It's true that I didn't eat enough."

"eat supper?"

"Supper, no, Miss Lan has banned things like supper, and I'm absolutely not allowed to eat it." Zhou Yun sighed, "This kind of activity is always flashy."

"Would you like to meet me at my place?" Song Chi said, "I'll make you some vegetable soup."

"Uh, Song Chi, are you inviting me to spend the night at your place?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi put his hands in his trouser pockets and smiled guiltyly.

"If you don't mind just the two of us, I, I can invite a few more friends." Song Chi said, "My house has quite a lot of rooms, and each of you can live in one room."

Zhou Yun asked with a strange look: "Which friends do you plan to invite?"

"Hmm..." Song Chi said, "I have to call and ask first."

Zhou Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, then you can call and ask, and I will also ask to see if there are any friends who are willing to accompany me in the second round." Zhou Yun said, "I hope your vegetable soup can conquer me and my friends." My friends."
Yu Chu asked in surprise, "Is it really okay for me to go?"

Facing Zhou Yun's invitation, Yu Chu was surprised.

Zhou Yun said: "Help me, it's too obvious for me to go alone."

Yu Chu said, "But... I'm too much like a light bulb, right?"

There was concern on her face.

"No, he will also invite a few of his friends to play together." Zhou Yun said, "We can still sleep together at night."

Yu Chu didn't know what he thought of, so he laughed and said, "We haven't slept together for a long time."

When the two of them were filming that movie together, they slept together in the same bed.

Unlike Zhou Yun, Yu Chu grew up in a much happier environment.Life is carefree, beautiful, very popular with everyone.Because she likes Song Chi and regards Song Chi as an idol, she tried to become an actor. Although she didn't achieve much, compared to most actors who have always been depressed, she didn't encounter any failure to make a movie. situation.Girls who grow up in this environment are always a little more cute than uncute.Sometimes Zhou Yun longed for the vulgar cuteness of Yu Chu, so she liked Yu Chu and became friends with her.

"Okay, Xiaoyun, I'll accompany you, but I can't stay with you until too late, I can't stay up late now." Yu Chu said.

Zhou Yun hugged Yu Chu and said, "Thank you!"

This is actually a date.Since that hand in hand, there has been substantial progress.Although this appointment is under the guise of a group gathering.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Yun and Song Chi met again.

"How's it going, have you found any friends?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi nodded with a smile, and said, "I called two friends, and I will introduce you to each other later."

"Aren't you a friend in the circle?" Zhou Yun asked in surprise.

"No, it's a friend I've known since high school." Song Chi said, "I've been telling them to officially introduce you to them, but it's been delayed until now."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Yun asked.

Song Chi said, "I told them a long time ago that I like you."

Zhou Yun's eyes widened in shock.

Song Chi lowered his head and smiled, and said, "To be honest, they helped me a lot in chasing you."

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, "So those two friends of yours have known me for a long time, but I just met them for the first time today."

"Don't be nervous, they are very nice people, we have known each other for a long time."

Zhou Yun felt that she was at a disadvantage. She didn't even have a friend who had known her for so long, and could share her and Song Chi's story privately for more than a year.

"Let's go."


Zhou Yun took Yu Chu into his own car, while Song Chi got into his own car.

"Xiao Cao, you can go back to rest after you send us there later, don't wait for me, just pick me up tomorrow." Zhou Yun explained.

Xiao Cao hesitated for a moment, and said, "Can I report this to Sister Lan? Sister Lan said, if you don't come back at night, I have to report it."

Xiao Cao's tone was cautious.

The people around her were all under strict control by Zhou Lan. Zhou Lan would receive the news immediately if there was any situation on her side.

Zhou Yun sighed and said, "You report it."

As a result, when Zhou Yun and Yu Chu got out of the car and hadn't reached the door of Song Chi's house, Zhou Lan called Zhou Yun and reminded him, "Remember to let him wear a condom."

(End of this chapter)

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