I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 250 Ascension Period: 85

Chapter 250 Ascension Period: 85
Zhou Yun patted his forehead with one hand and said, "Sister Lan, you are thinking too far."

Zhou Lan said: "I'm not joking with you. I don't care if you young men and women shoot their guns, but safety measures must be taken well. You don't want to be pregnant at a young age, right?"

Zhou Yun didn't want to continue discussing this topic with Zhou Lan, so he stopped quickly and said, "Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm hanging up."

Pressing the phone as if it was hot.

The aunt of Song Chi's family is already busy.

Song Chi opened the door for them and said, "You guys are also pretty fast, I just arrived."

Zhou Yun asked, "Where are your friends?"

"Hi!" A tall man with friendly features came from the living room, and smiled at them, "We finally meet, Song Chi, a bitch, has been dragging us to get to know you."

He proactively and enthusiastically came to Zhou Yun, stretched out his hand, and said, "I am Ma Chunlin."

"Hi, I'm Zhou Yun." Zhou Yun smiled.

"Oh, is Zhou Yun here? Are you here?" Suddenly, someone ran down from upstairs, shouting while running.

Zhou Yun was startled, and looked towards the person who came.

This man was shorter, wearing a plaid shirt and a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

His eyes fell on Zhou Yun's face, he stopped in his tracks, let out an exaggerated "Wow", and then said: "The real person is so beautiful!"

Zhou Yun was a little overwhelmed by the praise.

"Hello, hello, I'm Li Ge." The man in black-rimmed glasses had the same enthusiasm as Ma Chunlin, and took the initiative to shake hands with Zhou Yun.

"You, hello."

Zhou Yun looked awkwardly at Song Chi for help.

Song Chi rapped on the heads of Li Ge and Ma Chunlin, "Both of you restrain yourself."

Ma Chunlin put his arms around Song Chi's neck and said to Zhou Yun, "Come in."

Bi Song Chi still has the attitude of a master.
"You guys talk first, I'll get the wine," Song Chi said.

"Go, go, we will entertain your girlfriend well." Ma Chunlin said.

Song Chi, Ma Chunlin, and Li Ge are high school classmates, and they have been good friends since high school until now.

"Chunlin is working as a lawyer, specializing in divorce cases." Li Ge introduced to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun looked at Ma Chunlin in surprise, "Lawyer? Wow."

Yu Chu was also surprised.

"What's wrong?" Ma Chunlin stopped the kitchen knife in his hand, and frowned in doubt, "Why wow? Is there anything surprising about this?"

"I thought lawyers were very serious." Zhou Yun said honestly, "I didn't expect there to be such a lively lawyer like you, well, you know, lawyers are generally very serious, in suits and ties, you look more Charity is lovely, not as vicious as a lawyer."

Li Ge laughed until his shoulders were shaking.

Ma Chunlin rolled his eyes and said, "You're laughing."

Li Ge said to Zhou Yun: "Your reaction is exactly the same as our original reaction. When he told us that he majored in law, our first reaction was also the same as yours. It's unbelievable."

"Then how did you become friends?" Zhou Yun asked curiously.

She had her own selfishness, and wanted to learn more about Song Chi's past from Ma Chunlin and Li Ge.

Li Ge said with a smile: "Song Chi was very handsome when he was in high school, Ma Chunlin was not convinced, especially the girl he likes likes Song Chi, so Ma Chunlin started fighting with Song Chi, that's how we met."

"Hey, can you save me some face?" Ma Chunlin protested loudly.

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up, he fiddled with his hair casually, and asked, "When Song Chi was in high school, there must have been many girls who liked him, right?"

The movements of Ma Chunlin and Li Ge stopped at the same time.

Ma Chunlin said: "Li Ge is Song Chi's classmate, he knows better."

Li Ge immediately put down the plate in his hand and said, "You are the one who wanted to fight Song Chi, of course you know better."

"No, I didn't mean that." Zhou Yun said hastily, "I'm just asking casually, if you don't feel comfortable saying it, let it go, I—I—Okay, I admit, I just want to ask, before Song Chi Did you ever fall in love when you were in high school?"

"Wow." Ma Chunlin and Li Ge shouted exaggeratedly at the same time.

Li Ge swallowed his throat and said, "You should ask him this question yourself."

At this time, Song Chi walked over with two bottles of champagne.

He heard Li Ge's last sentence and asked, "What's the problem?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Seeing this, Song Chi frowned, "What's wrong? Can't you tell me?"

Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "I asked them if you were in a relationship when you were in high school, and they refused to say, it's really your good friend."

Song Chi raised the corner of his mouth.

"You want to know if I've ever been in a relationship?" He walked up to Zhou Yun, put down the bottle, and said, "Do you want me to or have I not?"

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, and said: "I really hope you haven't talked about it, but if you haven't talked about it, I will wonder if there is something wrong with you."

"Wow!" Ma Chunlin's eyes widened.

"Is this a conversation we can listen to?" Li Ge said with wide eyes.

Two treasures.

As Zhou Yun's friend, Yu Chu had no choice but to help her remove these obstacles.

"Okay, two, why don't you come and help me find out how to turn on the TV." Yu Chu said, "Your guests are not just Zhou Yun tonight, okay? There is another person here."

"I'm sorry, we were rude." Ma Chunlin bowed pretentiously.

Li Ge slapped Ma Chunlin on the back of the head, "Yu Chu, are you still single? Ma Chunlin was just dumped by his girlfriend and is single now."

Yu Chu: "...I'd better study how to turn on the TV by myself."

Ma Chunlin gave Li Ge a disgusted look, and chased after him, "Let me take a look for you."

Li Ge looked at these two people, then at those two people, and followed Ma Chunlin.

Only Zhou Yun and Song Chi were left here.

"You two friends have very different personalities from yours." Zhou Yun said, "You are so lively."

"They used to be like this, just get used to it." Song Chi said, "They are all very nice."

"Well, I know, your friend." Zhou Yun turned his head and looked around, "Then what should we do now? What else do we need to prepare for vegetable soup?"

Song Chi suddenly hugged Zhou Yun from behind.

"Already prepared."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zhou Yun patted the back of Song Chi's hand lightly.

Her cheeks flushed slightly.

Song Chi said: "I thought you didn't care about my past at all. If you want to know anything, you can ask me directly. I will be [-]% honest with you."

"I'm sorry to ask you, but your friends are really strict." Zhou Yun laughed.

"My friends." Song Chi said, "But they also like you very much, and you will become friends in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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