I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 251 Ascension Period: 86

Chapter 251 Ascension Period: 86
Ma Chunlin and Li Ge are really good.

Song Chi was in Shanghai during this time, so Zhou Yun and Song Chi made several appointments later, and met Ma Chunlin and Li Ge several times.

After getting acquainted with each other slowly, Zhou Yun discovered that Ma Chunlin and Li Ge's real appearance is not as warm as when they first met.Not that the enthusiasm the two of them had when they first met was feigned, but it was clear that the enthusiasm they showed when they first met was specially prepared for Zhou Yun.

Think about it too, how can anyone really be so lively all the time.

In order to make Zhou Yun dare not feel unfamiliar and indifferent, and to let her get rid of the embarrassment of just getting acquainted faster, they created an atmosphere like a pair of living treasures.

Song Chi told Zhou Yun that Ma Chunlin was indeed single and had a good impression of Yu Chu, so he helped to find out if Yu Chu was single.

Zhou Yun nodded, smiled, and said, "Single is single, but Yu Chu doesn't seem to be in love at all. I rarely hear her mention these things, and she rarely goes out on dates."

Song Chi: "As long as you know she's single, I'll let Chunlin work hard on the rest."

There is a smile on the corner of his mouth.

On Friday, Zhou Lan flew back from Hong Kong and met Zhou Yun. He stared at Zhou Yun several times in surprise, and made Zhou Yun feel strange. Zhou Yun touched his face and asked, "How can I gone?"

"You have a face full of spring breeze, what good thing happened?"

"What good thing? Nothing." Zhou Yun denied.

Zhou Lan: "I see that you have been very diligent in seeing Song Chi recently. You meet every now and then for a meal. Are you making progress?"

Zhou Yun clicked his tongue, "Why are you always staring at me and Song Chi? Are you always staring at me because you haven't been in a relationship for too long?"

"You started to attack me?" Zhou Lan said, "If I go into a relationship, who will take care of these things for you? This time I went to Hong Kong, and I negotiated an endorsement for you, a very good endorsement."

"Couldn't it be another endorsement that snatched food from other people?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Hehe, big sister, what kind of endorsement is waiting for you with a clean body these days?" Zhou Lan rolled his eyelids, "Don't worry about the endorsement this time, break up normally, the brand wants a little freshness , The former spokesperson has a good reputation in the circle, and he is not as small as Su Yan. This kind of endorsement that the normal contract expires and does not renew, everyone understands the principle of amicable breakup, so Su Yan also called you , according to me, it is mainly caused by your personal grievances."

Zhou Yun asked, "What endorsement?"

"A brand specializing in high-heeled shoes is a brand from Hong Kong. It has also been in the mainland for many years. The shoes you wear in their house are called seven o'clock."

"Ah, I know this." Zhou Yun said, "I really like their shoes."

"I know, that's why I flew to Hong Kong to discuss this endorsement with them." Zhou Lan said, "Two years of endorsement."

"It was settled so soon?" Zhou Yun asked.

"I have approached you before. They want you to wear their high heels on the red carpet in Venice. I agreed."

Zhou Yun said: "I didn't expect everyone to stare at me as I walked the red carpet in Venice."

"What do you think, of course, you have to know, how much exposure is there on the Venice red carpet?" Zhou Lan said, "How did a certain super-a-list female star stand out and become popular? Isn't it the red carpet at the International Film Festival?" A bloody path on the carpet?"

Zhou Yun raised his hands, "I thought I didn't have that ability."

"If you don't have that ability, brands will help you build that ability." Zhou Lan said, "Actually, the more people or partners you work with, the easier it will be for you, because you are all a community of interests. If you get [-] points, everyone will help you to promote [-] points, so that they can also get [-] points.”

Zhou Yun stretched his waist.

"Speaking of which, what's the situation between you and Song Chi?" Zhou Lan asked.

Zhou Yun stared, "Why are you talking about him again? Sister Lan, can you stop holding him?"

Zhou Lan: "You always have to satisfy my curiosity."

"The two of us are not together because of your curiosity." Zhou Yun retorted.

Zhou Lan let out a scream.

"You finally admit that the two of you are together?" She pointed at Zhou Yun, with an excited expression of "I caught you."

Zhou Yun realized that he had slipped his mouth just now.


Zhou Lan: "Be honest, when did you guys get together?"

Zhou Yun: "...Actually, we are not really together, but I don't want to deceive myself and say that we are just friends."

Zhou Lan: "Haha, you also know that you were deceiving yourself before."

Zhou Lan's laughter didn't hold back at all, so Zhou Yun could only give her a blank look.

At the end of July, the already high temperature climbed up again, with heat waves one after another, and the air seemed to be baked and distorted, completely entering the midsummer, which is hard to dispel the heat.

The sound of cicadas was boiling.

Yu Chu suddenly came to Zhou Yun.

"I have encountered a very serious problem." Yu Chu said.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.Because Yu Chu had never told her that.

As I said earlier, Yu Chu lived a relatively simple life.Although she is also an actress and a filmmaker, she is not the same type as Zhou Yun.Yu Chu was not so eager and urgent about Hong.What I have to admit is that sometimes, the troubles a person encounters are actually directly proportional to the person's desires and ambitions.Desire and ambition mean competing with others for the track, competition also means competition, and competition means friction and conflict.

Yu Chu had never encountered many things that Zhou Yun encountered.

Therefore, Zhou Yun couldn't guess what Yu Chu meant by "very serious problem".

Yu Chu said, "Xiaoyun, Ma Chunlin confessed to me."

Zhou Yun thought in surprise, this turned out to be the very serious problem Yu Chu said.

"He confessed to you... What's the matter? Why is it a serious problem?"

"I don't like him." Yu Chu said, "But I don't know how to reject him."

I didn't like it.

Zhou Yun felt a little disappointed for Ma Chunlin for a while, but Yu Chu was her friend, and after a moment, she took Yu Chu's position again and said, "If you don't like him, just tell him that you don't like him. "

"I...he just broke up with his girlfriend. Will I hurt him too much by rejecting him like this?" Yu Chu asked.

Zhou Yun: "Men are not as fragile as you think."

"It's so annoying. Why did he confess to me? I quite like being friends with him." Yu Chu said, "He's quite interesting."

"Do you find him interesting?"

"That's right," Yu Chu said.

Zhou Yun asked puzzledly: "But you don't like him?"

(End of this chapter)

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