I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 252 Ascension Period: 87

Chapter 252 Ascension Period: 87
"I don't like it." Yu Chu's answer was very positive.

Zhou Yun was actually a little curious.

"Why are you so sure that you don't like him?" Zhou Yun said, "I usually think that a person is interesting, isn't it the first step to like this person?"

"That's not true." Yu Chu said, "The feeling of liking someone is not at all thinking that this person is interesting."

"What does that feel like?" Zhou Yun asked.

Yu Chu said, "Think about what it's like for you to like Song Chi, do you think he's interesting?"

Zhou Yun was stopped by the question.After recalling it for a while, Zhou Yun thought to himself, really not.

"Then what kind of boy do you like?" Zhou Yun asked.

"In terms of appearance, he must be like Song Chi, but in terms of personality, he should be cooler." Yu Chu said, "I went to Song Chi's house last time and found that although Song Chi is handsome, he is very handsome. It's not my style, he's a little gentler than I imagined, I don't like this kind of big warm guy, I like cooler ones."


Yu Chu said, "When you were in high school, were there any boys who were tall and thin and didn't talk much?"

Zhou Yun recalled it carefully, and it seems that there really is.

"That's what I like," Yu Chu said.

Zhou Yun didn't expect that Yu Chu already had a definite type that he liked.

"In this way, Ma Chunlin really doesn't fit your type."

"That's right." Yu Chu's voice was full of distress, "But once I reject him, I can't be friends with him. I quite like being friends with him."

Zhou Yun: "Tell him well that if you can't be a lover, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't be a friend."

"I still don't hold out that hope."

Zhou Yun couldn't help but sigh at Yu Chu's words.

Pessimism will spread.

But what Zhou Yun didn't expect was that something even more nonsense happened to her.

Wei Heyun found her suddenly, wanting to hear her opinion.

This opinion refers to Wei Heyun's plan to make a huge screen confession in Shanghai Wanda Building on Yu Sitian's birthday.

Zhou Yun's first reaction when he heard about this plan was "If anyone dares to confess to her like this, she will put this person on the permanent blacklist", which is too shameful, and also, too speechless.

Zhou Yun didn't understand the romance of confessing in public at all.

It was all excitement, and the embarrassment of no way out.

"Mr. Wei, you'd better not do this. I think Yu Sitian is weak and weak. She may not like this way, and she might be frightened." Zhou Yun chose his own words, trying not to let his words It sounded sharp, piercing the heart of this infatuated son, "This way of confessing will be troublesome, especially... doesn't she still like you now?"

Wei Heyun covered his heart with one hand.

"Why are you so direct? Can't you be more tactful?"

His tone was a little irritated.

Zhou Yun unexpectedly felt that Wei Heyun's appearance was not so unapproachable, like a normal human being, and when he laughed, his sense of caution gradually loosened a bit.

"Actually, I think you should recognize the reality earlier."

"I'm here to ask you for help." Wei Heyun emphasized.

Zhou Yun said: "I'm not a god, and Yuelao can't mess up the mandarin ducks. A twisted melon is not sweet."

Wei Heyun waved his hand irritably, frowned and said, "Why do you have this attitude?"

"Mr. Wei, have you ever liked other girls before?" Zhou Yun asked.

Wei Heyun: "Why do you always call me Mr. Wei? Am I very old?"

"Then I don't know what to call you, this is the second time we meet." Zhou Yun pointed out.

"You can just call me by my name, sir, what kind of gentleman am I?" Wei Heyun curled his lips, "Is this the second time we have met? It is indeed a bit strange, I look at you and feel that I have known you for a long time Same."

Zhou Yun stared in surprise.

"Your words...why do you sound like you're expressing your affection for me?" Zhou Yun said.

"What are you thinking?" Wei Heyun's eyes were filled with clear dislike, and when he raised his eyes, it was bright and inconceivable, "How could I like you, the person I like is Yu Sitian."

"Then I'm relieved." Zhou Yun said, "You haven't answered me yet, have you ever liked other girls?"

Wei Heyun shook his head.


Zhou Yun: "First love, then this is troublesome."

"What's the trouble?" Wei Heyun asked with a confused look on his face.

"First love is the hardest thing to let go of." Zhou Yun said, "It's the first time in life."

"Then what about your first love?" Wei Heyun asked, "Have you let go of it?"

"What does my first love have to do with you? Now you are asking for my opinion, not me, okay?" Zhou Yun said with a straight face.

"Why are you getting angry from embarrassment? Isn't Song Chi your first love?"

"It's none of your business, take care of yourself."

Wei Heyun smiled extraordinarily brightly, "Then it seems I'm right, who else have you liked before?"

Zhou Yun threatened: "If you pester me any more, I will leave."

"Then tell me, what can I do to impress Yu Sitian's heart? You are also a girl, about the same age as her, please tell me the way."

Wei Heyun's tone was upright and confident, but it didn't have the domineering meaning at the beginning.

Zhou Yun sighed, and seriously emphasized: "Did you not listen to what I said before?"

"Those words are not what I want to hear." Wei Heyun's tone became more righteous.

Zhou Yun let out a helpless sigh.

"Wei Heyun, since you asked me to call you by your name, I'll just call you directly, don't say I'm rude." Zhou Yun put one hand on his hip, "Girls, it's not that the harder you work, the better you will be." Being caught is not the same thing at all, you have to be prepared for not being able to catch up, so that you can correctly look at the relationship between you and Yu Sitian."

Wei Heyun stared at Zhou Yun with contempt, and said: "Which man would be prepared to miss someone when chasing someone? He is crazy to make such preparations."

Zhou Yun was unexpectedly convinced by Wei Heyun's words.

Really... there is no such man.

"Okay, okay, but you have to admit that you can't succeed in anything you want to do." Zhou Yun said.

Wei Heyun thought for a while, and said seriously and innocently: "But I haven't failed yet."

"...That's because you have a capable family background." Zhou Yun said, "There are no failures in the lives of ordinary people."

Wei Heyun: "Why do you have the same logic, I'm asking you how I can catch up with Yu Sitian."

"Then go and ask Yu Sitian, why are you asking me?" Zhou Yun said, "I'm not Yu Sitian."

Wei Heyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You mean, I'll ask Yu Sitian directly?" Wei Heyun suddenly realized, "That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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