I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 262 Ascension Period: 97

Chapter 262 Ascension Period: 97
Zhou Yun thought of what he had experienced last year.

In the middle of the night, she heard someone swiping the door of her room with a room card. Because the card could not be opened, the card reader repeatedly issued the sound of recognition failure.

That time, she also went to the hotel in a panic, but there was no result, so nothing happened.

Zhou Yun did not expect that Wang Jing would encounter such a thing.

"Fortunately, she happened to be going to the bathroom this time. It's a blessing in misfortune. Otherwise, she would have been entered into the room while she was asleep, and she couldn't even imagine what would happen." Zhou Lan's brows were furrowed fiercely, and the brows froze With a burst of hostility, "But it's strange to say that Wang Jing hasn't appeared on camera many times so far. He's basically a newcomer. No matter what, he won't have such stalkers and bastards."

Zhou Yun said: "Anyway, the man has been caught. What purpose did he break in? There will be an answer."

She said: "This matter must not be private. If the person's room card was really given out by someone from this hotel, they should bear the responsibility and not less."

Zhou Lan nodded.

Zhou Yun said: "Wang Jing is in this state, can he still record "Geological Tan"?"

"I'll ask her later. If she doesn't want to record, I'll go talk to the program team." Zhou Lan said.

Zhou Yun nodded.

The little girl Wang Jing was obviously stronger than they thought.She didn't intend to give up the recording, and turned around to Zhou Lan and said, "Sister Lan, I'm fine, I can record it."

Zhou Lan touched her face and said, "Don't be brave. There will be many opportunities to record shows in the future. If you really feel that you are not in good shape, it's okay if you don't do it this time."

Wang Jing shook his head, but instead smiled and said, "I can do it."

The guests of "Geological Tan" all lived in the same hotel, and when the news reached their ears, they were quite sympathetic.

Even when Su Yan saw Wang Jing, she patted her on the shoulder and gave her a hug to show her comfort.

Wang Jing's performance also surprised Zhou Yun a lot.In private, Wang Jing looked like a very quiet girl, but when she was in front of the camera, she immediately became lively and cheerful.Whether it's acting stupid according to the script of the program group, or doing physical games, I agree without any opinions.

Zhou Yun watched from the side, admiring the quality of Wang Jing.

After recording the show, both of them were actually tired, but Wang Jing went to thank the director and staff.

Is this behavior deliberate?

More or less deliberately.

But no one would think too much of such deliberateness.

Attitude is what people see.

Zhou Yun muttered and drank half a bottle of water, and waited for Wang Jing to thank her when he came back, handed her a bottle of water, and boarded the car with her back to the hotel.

Wang Jing was flattered.

Back at the hotel, Zhou Yun met Zhou Lan with a stern expression in the lobby.

Looking at Zhou Lan's face, she knew that something serious had happened, but she didn't know whether it was related to Wang Jing or her.

Seeing Zhou Lan waiting for them in the hotel lobby, Wang Jing showed a surprised expression and shouted, "Sister Lan!"

Zhou Lan smiled at her and said, "Xiaojing, you go to dinner first, I'll talk to your sister Xiaoyun, and I'll be here later."

Wang Jing obediently let out an ooh and nodded.

Zhou Yun said to Zheng Xiaoju and Xiao Cao: "You guys go too, don't wait for me."

After everyone left, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun walked to the corner.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Yun asked.

Zhou Lan said: "There is news from the police that the man who broke into Wang Jing's room last night was not targeting Wang Jing, but you."

In a word, Zhou Yunche felt cold all over his body.

"Me?" She widened her eyes in astonishment.

A coolness rushed from the soles of the feet to the forehead.

Zhou Lan said: "He wanted to go to your room, but Wang Jing came with me, and the registration at the front desk was also registered with me. Both of you are my artists, and that person only knows Wang Jing's room The artist I brought here lives here, so I thought it was you."

Zhou Yun was speechless for a long while.

Throat is dry.

"The police investigated. This person came to Hainan on the same flight as me, and followed me all the way." Zhou Lan's expression was serious, "He didn't check in at this hotel, how did he get the room card in his hand? , I haven’t explained yet, the hotel has checked all the spare room cards, and they are not lost, the police suspect that the card in his hand is somehow sneaked into the hotel’s intranet, and copied a copy.”

Zhou Yun hugged his chest with both hands, and locked his brows together.

"Sister Lan, why did that person want to sneak into my room?"

Zhou Lan said: "He told the police himself that he is your movie fan and has admired you for a long time, so he wants to see how you sleep."

Zhou Yun's face was cold, and he didn't speak after listening.

But her face showed disbelief.

Zhou Lan said, "I thought of what you went through last year."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Me too."

"I don't know now, is that person last year also he." Zhou Lan said, "I have already told the police what happened last year and asked them to investigate. Don't worry, I will keep an eye on this matter. Figured it out."

Zhou Yun bit his lip, "He hasn't appeared for a long time, and he hasn't sent me a message again. I've already seen him disappear, and he won't appear again."

"Fortunately, this time the person was caught. If it is this person, we will find out who it is, and we will feel more at ease in the future. Otherwise, it will always be a ticking time bomb in my heart, and I will not be at peace." Zhou Lan said, "Tonight I will Sleep with you."

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Yun's mouth.

"It's not safe to stay in a hotel."

Zhou Lan said: "In the future, we still need to book a higher-end hotel. The next time the program team will book this kind of hotel, we will go out and find a place to live by ourselves."

Zhou Yun sighed.

Zhou Lan touched Zhou Yun's head and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't let you get hurt."

"Thank you Miss Lan."

"I won't tell Wang Jing about this matter, lest she think too much." Zhou Lan added, "This child also suffered an unreasonable disaster."

"I still implicated her." Zhou Yun said, "I'm very sorry for her."

"It's not that you're sorry for her, it's the infiltrator." Zhou Lan said, "But if you feel guilty in your heart, you can give her a hand and record a show with her for a day. What do you think of her?"

"I like her very much, she has a very good personality."

Zhou Lan laughed, "I also think her personality will become the most useful talisman for her to walk in the entertainment circle in the future."

When the two came to the restaurant, they saw that Wang Jing was sitting at the same table with the staff of "Geological Tan", talking and laughing, and completely integrated into it. This scene reminded the two of them of the evaluation of Wang Jing just now, and they looked at each other with a smile .

(End of this chapter)

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