I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 263 Ascension Period: 98

Chapter 263 Ascension Period: 98
Wang Jing has advantages that Zhou Yun does not possess.

She has an innate affinity and can mingle with those around her.

Zhou Yun knew that there was actually a little distance in him.It's not that she looks down on anyone or doesn't want to see anyone, it's because of her character that she can't talk and laugh naturally with unfamiliar people.

Once, Zhou Yun also thought about why he developed such a character?She thinks that personality is not [-]% innate, and there are always some parts influenced by the external environment outside of genes.

It took several years for her to realize one thing. To dig out the historical causes of her own personality can't really eradicate the disease except for asking for troubles.

What if I found it?It has already been imprinted in the body, spirit, and subconscious mind, and can it be eradicated by searching for the root?

Zhou Yun realized that for some things that have grown into the flesh and blood, it is not good, and he can only accept it. If he can't change it, he can only learn to get along with it peacefully.

Everyone is different. Instead of imitating others, it is better to be yourself indifferently.

Zhou Yun has already accepted his personality that is not easy to get close to others, but seeing someone with Wang Jing's personality, he still feels unconfidently envious of her.

Ninety-nine percent of people in this world want to be welcomed.

After dinner, Zhou Yun got up and went to the drink area, ready to make a glass of sour plum juice.

She ate bullfrog just now, it was a bit spicy.

She walked over and picked up a glass.

Su Yan suddenly came to her side and said: "You are really a brave person with high skills. Liu Qingqing and I dare not train newcomers at this time, but you dare to train newcomers when you are still in the rising stage. I asked You, aren't you afraid that one day this little girl will be more popular and popular than you?"

Zhou Yun gave her a surprised look.

Su Yan: "Don't look at me like that, haven't you ever been worried?"

"Could it be that this industry can only accommodate one actress?" Zhou Yun asked.

Su Yan sneered, "Of course a newcomer like her has a lot of capacity, but an actress who can reach our position, how much do you think this industry can accommodate? There are only so many scenes to be filmed every year, There are only a few S+ productions, and everyone wants to grab them, are you afraid that one day in the future, she will become your competitor, and the producers want to use her more than you?"

"If you are here to sow discord, I advise you that there is no need."

Zhou Yun made sour plum juice and wanted to leave.

"You stole my endorsement, and your tone has become louder. I'll just wait to see you reap the consequences." Su Yan smiled contemptuously.

Zhou Yun gave her a sympathetic look.

This look infuriated Su Yan.

"Don't you dislike her? Why do you still take the initiative to talk to her?" Wei Chen walked over and asked.

Su Yan said: "I just want to see if she is fake and innocent or really stupid."

"Your mouth, if you can be gentle and gentle, your popularity will be better." Wei Chen said, "You and her insist on making it look like an enemy, why bother?"

"She stole my endorsement, so I still have to swallow it?" Su Yan said angrily, "What did those advertisers say? She is a star of tomorrow? Then what am I, a daylily that is going to be cold soon? These see me Capitalists who are driven by the wind, just wait and see, I won’t lose my temper so easily! Wei Ruxue can rely on "Cold Spring" to make a good turnaround, what is wrong with me?"

Wei Chen didn't speak.

Because anyone who knows the inside story knows that Su Yan and Liu Qingqing, a group of thriving first-line actresses, are all facing a crisis that cannot be ignored.

They are products of the traffic era. They are popular, have many fans, and the ratings and broadcast volume of their films are high. However, corresponding to this, the reputation of their acting skills and the reputation of their works are very controversial. They have been popular for many years. Speaking of winning a prestigious award, nominations are rarely won.

Su Yan compares herself to Wei Ruxue, but Wei Ruxue is different from her.

In terms of traffic, in terms of statistics, Wei Ruxue can't even compare to her.But in terms of performance in the drama, in terms of word of mouth, Wei Ruxue is much better than her.Wei Ruxue has never won any awards, but she has been nominated several times, and has a good reputation in the industry and popularity among the audience.

This time in "Cold Cold", she has a lot of calls for an award, and she is likely to win a trophy for best actress.

Su Yan was still far away.

Therefore, Su Yan and her group of actresses are actually facing a huge crisis, the crisis of being eliminated.

Flowers are not a hundred days of red.

Popularity cannot last forever.

Since when did the attitude of advertisers towards Zhou Yun change?

In fact, it started to change when the film "Days" was shortlisted for the Venice International Film Festival.

An actress is popular, popular, has fans, and has a popular physique. Then, now, she still has a bright future in her career.

Advertisers will of course be optimistic about such an actress and invest in advance.In particular, this actress is still very beautiful and has a face that the audience is very fond of.

Jin Ling Jewelry chooses Zhou Yun instead of renewing the contract with Su Yan, is it because Zhou Yun is more popular than Su Yan now?Is it because the purchasing power of Zhou Yun's fans is stronger than that of Su Yan's?Of course it's not that simple.Nowadays, many fans like to use these so-called purchasing power to compete, but they all ignore one thing. For any brand, the passerby market is always the largest market group. No brand can survive on the fans of a star. .Therefore, Zhou Yun and Su Yan, whose image is better and whose future development is better, this is what a brand considers more when making a decision.The image of the spokesperson is closely related to the image of the brand. When an actor whose acting skills are controversial in the eyes of the public, when her image appears on the associated words of the brand, is the impact good or bad?
Su Yan complained endlessly, Wei Chen hummed and smiled, but didn't answer.

Needless to say, why offend people.

If you want to be dissatisfied and complain, I will agree with you, but you must not expect me to be sincere, we are just doing the same job, we can see each other when we look up and down, as long as we can live with face.

Su Yan noticed the perfunctory in Wei Chen's attitude.But she wouldn't think about it on a deeper level, she would only get angry in her heart, and treat Wei Chen as the kind of superficial man who likes young girls.It's all about Zhou Yun's problem, isn't she just younger?You men can't walk when you see her?No, not only you men, but others, producers, advertisers, you're all new and old things!How long has she been out?I have worked so hard in this industry for so many years, why don't you have more confidence in me?Why don't you value me more?I have more qualifications than her!I'm the actress who has stood the test of time!
(End of this chapter)

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