I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 264 Ascension Period: 99

Chapter 264 Ascension Period: 99
After the recording of "Geological Tan" is finished, Wang Jing will fly back to Shanghai.

Zhou Yun will continue to stay here to shoot the cover of the October issue of "Victor".

After shooting the cover, Zhou Yun will go directly to Italy.

Zhou Lan and Zheng Xiaoju will accompany Zhou Yun to Italy.They'll join Wenbing and New Shields in Venice.He Yong will also pass by then.

"There are ten dresses in total." Zhou Lan took out the tablet and showed Zhou Yun the renderings.

They found a female model who was about the same size as Zhou Yun, tried on the dress, and took photos so that Zhou Yun could see the upper body effect intuitively.

"Do you want so many pieces?" Zhou Yun asked in shock after hearing the words.

Zhou Lan said: "The red carpet for the opening ceremony and the premiere of our film, these two are the most important occasions, and secondly, Xindun will hold a Chinese movie night there, and invite those who participated in this film festival Chinese filmmakers will participate together, and you must also participate. In addition to these, I asked Shi Luoqi to help me and got invitation tickets for the premieres of the two films participating in the main competition. When the time comes, you will also have to walk on the red carpet. You need to wear a dress , In addition, there are other activities, we can't wear repeated clothes. Fortunately, Zheng Xiaowen has her own contacts and company in Italy, which saves us a lot of effort. Oh, by the way, Zheng Xiaowen is also with Italy I contacted several fashion magazines, and I will arrange two of them to do exclusive interviews and take some photos."

Zhou Yun's eyes dimmed after hearing so much from Zhou Lan.She didn't think there would be so many things to do before, and it didn't feel like going to the film festival at all.

Zhou Lan could see what Zhou Yun was thinking at a glance.

"Don't be too tired, this opportunity is too important, Xiaoyun, many actors may not be able to get such an opportunity after ten years of hard work." Zhou Lan said, "The time, place and people are right."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't run away halfway."

Zhou Lan laughed and said, "Of course I know you won't run away halfway, but you have to cheer up and take the initiative. This kind of big film festival attracts the attention of the global media. You are going to bring your work Yes, journalists from all over the world will see your film and performance, and the top film companies in the world will also send people to watch it. This is your first appearance, and we want everyone to remember you."

Zhou Yun suddenly laughed.

"why are you laughing?"

"I was wondering if the managers of all the actors who made it to this kind of film festival for the first time would tell their actors something like this - let everyone remember you." Zhou Yun oops, "Let's Don't put such high demands on yourself, okay?"


Zhou Yun laughed out loud.

At the same time, shooting the cover of "Victor" was not an easy job. From morning to night, I did styling, shooting, changing styling, shooting, and changing scenes. From nine o'clock in the morning to night, the night fell.

The big photographer invited by the magazine suddenly had an idea, and wanted Zhou Yun to hold up a torch on the dark beach and walk along the beach in a white gauze.

Dark night, salty sea breeze.

The staff temporarily made a torch and handed it to Zhou Yun.

Empty around.

The photographer pointed the camera at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun rests his right elbow on his left hand and holds a torch in his right hand.

It was pitch black, only the light of the torches.

Zhou Yun stood quietly on the beach, looking into the depths of the ocean.

All around was quiet, and the cameraman didn't allow anyone to make a sound.

Zhou Yun never heard the photographer's voice.In normal shooting, the photographer will continue to give instructions.She looked back at the photographer and the camera with some doubts and bewilderment.At this moment, a sea breeze suddenly blew over.

The sea breeze wrapped around Zhou Yun's long hair and gauze, flying gently.

The photographer presses the shutter at this moment.

"Perfect!" The photographer shouted excitedly.

Zhou Yun smiled.

She guessed that the shooting should be over.

But her work isn't over yet.

While I was packing my hair and makeup, there was another interview that had been going on all day.This interview will be compiled into an interview draft and published in the magazine.

The person in charge of the interview is the text director of "Victor".

The other party has been following for a whole day, and there are nearly ten pages of notes in the notebook.

"There is one more thing, our readers, including all our editors, are actually very curious." The other party said, "You have debuted for more than two years, and you have had several scandals, but you seem to seldom respond. We I really want to know, how do you view love?"

"Love?" Zhou Yun thought the other party was going to ask about the scandal.

"Yes, to be precise, what is your view of love?"

"I don't know what to say when you suddenly ask."

"Then let me give you an example. If there is a conflict between love and career, and you can only choose one of the two, what choice will you make?" the other party asked.

Zhou Yun opened his mouth in surprise.

This problem is actually commonplace.There are too many discussions on this issue, do you want love or career?But this problem still appears in front of all kinds of people at various times for a long time.

This is enough to show that no matter what kind of answer this question is, it covers a huge crowd.

Zhou Yun thought for a while, and said: "Actually, I can't answer now. I have never faced this kind of conflict dilemma, and I don't know what choice I will make when I get into that kind of dilemma. However, I suddenly It reminds me of an American drama I like very much, "Friends."

"There are two characters in it, Ross and Rachel. They are a couple and love each other very much. When Rachel changes jobs and gets a job related to fashion that she loves, the busy work makes them We spent less and less time together, and then on the anniversary of their relationship, Rachel had to work overtime to fix an order because of a problem.”

"Ross went to Rachel's office to find her with food and wine. One was very busy, and the other wanted to let the other party take some time and have more company. The conflict between the two was very serious. That night, Rachel finished her work. After returning home, there was a very heated argument with Ross. Ross said, this is just a job, because of this job we haven’t talked properly for a week. Rachel said something, and I was very impressed. She said , it’s just a job? It’s a job that I’ve managed to find that I love and I’m good at, it’s not just a job. That’s the gist of it.”

Zhou Yun suddenly smiled and said, "In fact, everyone's answer is different. Some people get a sense of security from love, and some people get a sense of security from work."

"What about you?" the other party asked, "Which one gives you more security, love or work?"

(End of this chapter)

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